This sketch is created with an older version of Processing,
and doesn't work on browsers anymore.
class Key{
// The position of the Key is stored and managed using polar geometry.
// This will allow the keboard to be draw rotated and continue to be funtional.
// In order to do that first we need the center o polar center position
PVector center; // this is the x and y position of the center of the keyboard
float rad = 0; // radio from the center of the keyboard
float ang = 0; // angle from the center of the keyboard
// Then this class can convert from polar (rad, ang) to cartesian (x, y) geometry
PVector pos; // This is the position of the key in x and y coordinates
float north = 0; // This is seams useles now but when the keyboard start rotation this will give
// the correct angle of how to be draw
String s; // the sting of the KEY
int w = 53; // width
int h = 53; // height
PFont font;
color fg = color(255);
color bg = color(0);
// -------------------------------------------------------- Constructors
Key(PVector _center, String _s){
s = _s;
font = createFont("Arial",(h/10)*3);
Key(PVector _center, String _s,float _rad, float _ang, int _w, int _h){
rad = _rad;
ang = _ang;
s = _s;
w = _w;
h = _h;
font = createFont("Arial",(h/10)*3);
// -------------------------------------------------------- Location Funtion
// The next 3 funtion give the cartesian (x and y) coodinates from the
// global variables rad and ang (polar coordinates)
void calcPos(PVector _center,float _north){
north = _north;
center = _center;
pos = new PVector(calcX(),calcY());
float calcX(){
float posX = rad * cos(ang + north);
return posX;
float calcY(){
float posY = rad * sin(ang + north);
return posY;
// This next 3 funtion make exactly the oposite. Set the rad and ang from
// a given x and y position.
void moveTo(int _x, int _y){
PVector place = new PVector(_x,_y);
rad = calcRad(place);
ang = calcAng(place);
float calcRad(PVector _pos){
float distance = _pos.dist(center);
return distance;
float calcAng(PVector _pos){
return _pos.heading2D();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------- Draw and Check
void render(){
translate(pos.x, pos.y);
boolean isOver(PVector _loc){
if (pos.dist(_loc) <= w/2) return true;
else return false;
boolean isOver(int _x, int _y){
PVector _loc = new PVector(_x,_y);
if (pos.dist(_loc) <= h/2) return true;
else return false;