This sketch is created with an older version of Processing,
and doesn't work on browsers anymore.
Australia Short Term Visitor Arrival by Origin
By Carmel McGinley for part assessment in Data Visualisation and Design, University of Canberra 2010.
World Map source
By Dmthoth (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or GFDL (],
via Wikimedia Commons
Possible Improvements
- Hover over to display at least country name
- Better placement of country centroids
- Colour bubble according to percentage change on previous years
- "Ghost" previous bubbles
//Create some hashmaps so relationships between map and metric can be established
HashMap hm_mapX = new HashMap(); //stores the 2-letter country code and x location of the centre of shape
HashMap hm_mapY = new HashMap(); //stores the 2-letter country code and y location of the centre of shape
HashMap hm_metric = new HashMap(); //stores the 2-letter country code and the scaled metric for bubble size
//declare some variables
//first up the metric information (in this case short term visitor arrivals)
String[] data_in; //the file containing the metrics
String[][] dataMatrix; //a matrix containing the metrics
String[] ctryName; //the country name stored in the metric file (for labels)
String[] rowLabel; //the 2-letter country code
float[][] metric; //the metric in the file
float[] metricScale; //a scaled metric for the bubble size
float[] metricTotal;
int selYear = 1;
int numCols = 21;
//variables for the map
PShape map_in; //the map svg file
int numctries; //number of countries in the map file
PShape[] ctryShape; //each country outline
String[] ctryCode; //2-letter country code
float[] centroidX;
float[] centroidY;
//some display variables
int marginX = 50;
int firstYear = 1991;
PFont font;
void setup(){
font = createFont("Arial",36);
//load the data
data_in = loadStrings("originData.csv");
//load the map
map_in = loadShape("WorldMapWithLayerNames.svg");
//instantiate some variables once the size of the arrays is known
metricScale = new float[data_in.length];
metricTotal = new float[numCols];
void draw(){
//put the metrics for the selected year into the hashmap
for (int r=0; r<data_in.length; r++){
metricScale[r] = (metric[r][selYear]/10000);
hm_metric.put(rowLabel[r], metricScale[r]);
for (int c=1; c < numCols-1; c++) {
metricTotal[c] = float(dataMatrix[data_in.length-1][c])/100000;
void drawMap() {
for (int c=0; c<numctries; c++){
//disable the svg style to allow one to be creating in processing
//create a new 'style'
//draw each country
//use a separate for loop for the bubbles to ensure they are drawn in front of map
for (int c=0; c<numctries; c++){
//set the style for the bubbles
//get the data for the position and size of bubbles from the hashmaps
float x = (Float)hm_mapX.get(ctryCode[c]);
float y = (Float)hm_mapY.get(ctryCode[c]);
//set bubble size to 0
float m = (Float) 0.0;
if (hm_metric.containsKey(ctryCode[c]) == true) { //if the country exists, set bubble size to metric
m = (Float)hm_metric.get(ctryCode[c]);
//draw each bubble
ellipse(x, y, m, m);
//parse the matrix of arrivals by year by country
void parseData(){
dataMatrix = new String[data_in.length][numCols];
rowLabel = new String[data_in.length];
metric = new float[data_in.length][numCols];
for (int r=0; r<data_in.length; r++){
String[] row = split(data_in[r],',');
dataMatrix[r] = row;
rowLabel[r] = dataMatrix[r][0];
for (int c = 1; c < numCols-1; c++) {
metric[r][c] = float(dataMatrix[r][c]);
//parse the svg map. labels have been assigned to countries in illustrator.
//some modifications were made to the XML before import
void parseMap(){
//Declare some variables for this function
numctries = map_in.getChildCount();
ctryShape = new PShape[numctries];
ctryCode = new String[numctries];
centroidX = new float[numctries];
centroidY = new float[numctries];
float[] shapePointX;
float[] shapePointY;
float[] tempX;
float[] tempY;
int numPoints = 0;
for (int c=0; c<numctries; c++){ //step through all layers (countries/shapes) in the SVG file
ctryShape[c] = map_in.getChild(c); //get each shape layer (country)
ctryCode[c] = ctryShape[c].getName(); //get the 2-letter country code (the layer name)
numPoints = ctryShape[c].getVertexCount(); //determine the number of points in each country
shapePointX = new float[numPoints]; //instantiate a matrix equal to number of points
shapePointY = new float[numPoints];
tempX = new float [numctries]; //a temp iterator - not sure this is needed
tempY = new float [numctries];
for (int i=0; i<ctryShape[c].getVertexCount(); i++){ //step through all the points in the country
shapePointX[i] = ctryShape[c].getVertexX(i); //get the X point
shapePointY[i] = ctryShape[c].getVertexY(i); //get the Y point
tempX[c] = tempX[c] + shapePointX[i]; //add the current point to all preceeding points
tempY[c] = tempY[c] + shapePointY[i];
centroidX[c] = tempX[c]/(numPoints+1); // get the average X point
centroidY[c] = tempY[c]/(numPoints+1); // get the average Y point
hm_mapX.put(ctryCode[c], centroidX[c]); //put x in a hashmap with 2-letter code
hm_mapY.put(ctryCode[c], centroidY[c]); //put y in a hashmap with 2-letter code
void drawYears(){
//draw a marker line and name and value labels
float yearX = marginX+(((width-2*marginX)*selYear)/(numCols-1));
text(nfc((metricTotal[selYear])/10,3)+" million visitors",yearX,560);
//draw the line chart of total visitors
for (int c=1; c<numCols-1; c++){
void drawRef(){
//write the references information
text("Short Term Vistor Arrivals to Australia", 20, height-35);
text("Data source: ABS Publication 3401.0", 20, height-20);
void keyPressed(){
int displayYear = selYear + firstYear;
if (key =='s') // if the s key is pressed
save("TourismArrivalsYear" + displayYear + ".jpg");
if (keyCode == RIGHT){
if (selYear == numCols-2) selYear = 1;
else if (selYear < numCols-2) selYear = selYear+1; //when moving right don't go further than num years
else if (keyCode == LEFT){ //when moving left don't go further than first year
if (selYear == 1) selYear = numCols-2;
else if (selYear > 1) selYear = selYear -1;