/* **INSTRUCTIONS** Start with a black plane and a 2500 dots.
Make the points bounce realistically off the walls in avoidance of
your mouse. When the points reach the edge, they will change color. */
Ball[] ball;
int objectnumber = 2500;
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
void setup () {
size (500, 500);
ball = new Ball[objectnumber];
for (int i= 0; i < objectnumber; i++) {
ball[i] = new Ball(#940B35, random(50, 500), random(10, 400), random(1, 7), random(1, 5), 10, 20);
void draw () {
for (int i = 0; i < objectnumber; i++) {
ball[i].display ();
ball[i].move ();
class Ball {
float size= 10;
float xpos;
float ypos;
float xspeed;
float yspeed;
float radius;
float radius2;
color c;
int xdirection = 1;
int ydirection = 1;
Ball (color c_, float xp, float yp, float xs, float ys, float r, float r2) {
c = c_;
xpos = xp;
ypos = yp;
xspeed = xs;
yspeed = ys;
radius = r;
radius2 = r2;
void display() {
//avoid cursor
double distance = dist(mouseX,mouseY,xpos,ypos); //distance btwn cursor and ball
double xdistance = abs(mouseX-xpos); //xdist + ydist between cursor and ball
double ydistance = abs(mouseY-ypos);
boolean isxTowards = abs((xpos + (xspeed*xdirection)) -xpos) < xdistance; //is ball traveling toward x direction or y direction
boolean isyTowards = abs((ypos + (yspeed*ydirection)) -ypos) < ydistance;
boolean hitwall = false;
if (isxTowards && distance < 50) { //move ball opposite direction of forbidden zone
xdirection *= -1;
xpos = xpos + 70*xdirection;
if(xpos < 0){
xpos = 0;
xdirection = 1;
hitwall = true;
if(xpos > width){
xpos = width;
xdirection = -1;
hitwall = true;
if (isyTowards && distance < 50) { //repeat for y direction
ydirection *= -1;
ypos = ypos + 70*ydirection;
if(ypos < 0){
ypos = 0;
ydirection = 1;
hitwall = true;
if(ypos > height){
ypos = height;
ydirection = -1;
hitwall = true;
//color change
fill (c);
ellipse(xpos, ypos, 10, 10);
if (radius > 10) {
void move() { //moves balls w/out mouse interference
xpos = xpos +(xspeed * xdirection);
ypos = ypos +(yspeed * ydirection);
if (xpos > width-10 || xpos < 10) {
xdirection *=-1;
radius = radius2;
float dice = random(0,4); //random color change RGBY
int oldC = c; // if if old color repeats, goes to grey
if (dice >= 0 && dice < 1){
c = #FFFF00;
if (dice >= 1 && dice < 2){
c = #FF0000;
if (dice >= 2 && dice < 3){
c = #00FF00;
if (dice >= 3 && dice < 4){
c = #0000FF;
if (ypos > height-10 || ypos < 10) { //for y direction
ydirection *=-1;
radius = radius2;
int oldC = c;
float dice = random(0,4);
if (dice >= 0 && dice < 1){
c = #FFFF00;
if (dice >= 1 && dice < 2){
c = #FF0000;
if (dice >= 2 && dice < 3){
c = #00FF00;
if (dice >= 3 && dice < 4){
c = #0000FF;
if(c == oldC){
c = (int)random(0,255);