This sketch is created with an older version of Processing,
and doesn't work on browsers anymore.
///Polar graph tool///2010//Ale González//
//An interactive application for the visualization of connection graphs///
This is a generic tool for the generation of connection polar graphs.
Graphs show the relationship between elements throught the drawing
of connection lines linking them, in this particular case, in a polar/circular display.
Each line is scaled according to a value that reflects the strength
of the connection, and the amplitude of each element is scaled according to the total strenghth
of all its relationships. There's also the chance to group elements, what´ll be reflected in the hue of
them automathically.
This graph takes its data from a .csv file. I didn't find any information on how to store the data
of a connection graph, so I invented my own way of doing it (better ideas welcome!!).
In order to do that you can find a LibreOffice template in the folder:
use it, export it as .csv and voilá. It's pretty straightforward and I really like it cause the data
is coherent by nature stored this way.
This sketch is intended to be a generic html5/canvas tool, and it works perfectly this way, but it's not
possible as far as I know to upload external files to openp5 processinjs plugin so I uploaded as an
applet. In order to use it in processingjs you have to be specially careful with method overloading (look at
Tabla class) cause it may crush the display with what I call blank-window-crisis, that anxiety crisis that
overcomes when you have to debug a quite big code in order to find what the f* isn't going on with the f* canvas.
PolarGraph graph; //Main object
int w=8, //Width of the elements
R=250, //radius of the graph
orX, //x del centro ""
orY, //y del centro ""
curv_fact=5, //curve tightness of the connections
cR=360; //colormode range
float sep=25e-4, //sector separation
cR25=cR*.25, //generic value one for alpha
cR75=cR*.75, //generic value two for alpha
fSw=2.5f; //connections strokeWeight scaling factor
color bg=#eeeeee; //background color
void commonSettings (PGraphics pg){ //basic settings
void setup(){
orX=width/2+30; orY=height/2; //Center of the graph
graph=new PolarGraph("tabla.csv",orX,orY,R,w,curv_fact,sep);
void draw(){
graph.displayBase(); //shows the polar display of elements
graph.creaConnect(); //check selected connections and show them
if (graph.hover(dist(mouseX,mouseY,orX,orY))){ //show hovered connections
void mousePressed(){
if (mouseButton==LEFT){
if (graph.hover(dist(mouseX,mouseY,orX,orY))) { //check if mouse is inside an element,(mouseX-orX))); //if so, toggle its display
graph.all(false); //if you click outside erase everything
graph.all(true); //right-click shows everything
//POLARGRAPH class/////Main class here///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class PolarGraph {
Tabla t; //This is the object for storing the external data
PolarElement[] P; //Array of elements to be connected
PGraphics b; //PGraphics for storing these last. This way we calculate once, and we save resources
int num,R,R1,w,pesoT_T=0,posX,posY,f,rh1,rh2,nG; //see below
float offs; //idem
int[] groupN,groupC; //idem
PolarGraph(String data,int posX,int posY,int R,int w,int f,float offs){
t=new Tabla(data); //url of the location of the data
this.posX=posX;this.posY=posY; //center of the graph
this.R=R; //radius
this.w=w; //width of the elements
this.f=f; //bezier tightness
this.offs=offs; //separation between elements
num=t.getNumFilas()-1; //number of elements (considering first row is the legend of the table)
pesoT_T=t.getTodo(1,num,1,num); //total number of connections (with this number we'll scale the lenght of the elements)
R1=R+(w*2); //text radius
rh1=R-(w/2); rh2=R+(w/2); //min and max to check the hover
nG=t.getMaxCol(num+1); //higher value of group (thus, number of groups-1)
groupN=new int[nG+1]; //number of elements in each group
for(int i=0;i<groupN.length;i++){
for(int i=1;i<num+1;i++){ //iterate over the group column, each time you find a value add one to its counter
groupC=new int[nG+1];
arrayCopy(groupN,groupC); //lets keep intact that info and create a mirror to use it as a counter afterwards (see createBase method)
P=new PolarElement[num]; //instantiate group of elements
for (int i=0;i<P.length;i++){ //calculate the start angle of the element
P[i]=new PolarElement(i,num);
if (i>0){
int a=0;
while (a<i){
P[i].addAng(P[a++].getAmp()); //iterate over the elements adding the amplitude of the arcs till we reach current element
P[i].setCoordinates(); //calculate coordinates of the center of the element and the correspondent control point for the bezier
} //
createBase(); //just draw the base
void createBase(){
for (int i=0;i<P.length;i++){ //Now we'll assignate hue depending on group
int eHue=getElement(i).getGroup(); //this the group value
--groupC[eHue]; //substract one to its counter
//this may seem tricky or complex,but it's easy:
//divide the spectre of hue by number of groups,divide the 75% of spectre of brightness by number of group elements and it the other 25%
color strokeColor=color(cR/(nG+1)*eHue,cR75,(cR75/groupN[eHue]*groupC[eHue])+cR25);
float n=i<P.length-1?getElement(i+1).getAng():2*PI; //jumping over an exception
b.arc(b.width/2,b.height/2,R,R,getElement(i).getAng()+offs,n-offs); //drawing arcs
for (int i=0;i<P.length;i++){ //draw the names
int getElement(float mouseAngle){ //This method is the responsible of detecting the element hovered
float teta=(mouseAngle>0)?mouseAngle:map(mouseAngle,-PI,0,PI,2*PI); //Atan2 can be hateful, I do this trick to handle the angles in a more intuitive way
int element=0;
while (element<P.length){
if (P[element].getAng()>teta){
return element-1;
void creaConnect(float beta){ //display hovered connections
int i=getElement(beta);
text(P[i].getElemName(),50,65); //take name
text(P[i].getElemInfo(),50,80); //take info
translate (posX,posY);
fill(#000000,cR75); //overwrite the text of the base, I dont like this much but I was lazy to change it
doConnections(i,color(cR25,cR75)); //draw connections
void creaConnect () { //display selected connections
for (int i=0; i<P.length; i++){
if (P[i].getOn()){ //if element is selected
doConnections(i,#cdc6b3); //do the job
void doConnections(int e,color connection_color){ //element to connect and colour of connections
ellipse(P[e].getXc(),P[e].getYc(),w*.5,w*.5); //this little ellipse clarifies elements selected
for (int j=0; j<num;j++){
strokeWeight(P[e].getRel(j)/fSw); //do thicker lines as connection goes stronger
bezier(P[e].getXc(),P[e].getYc(),P[e].getCx1(),P[e].getCy1(),P[j].getCx1(),P[j].getCy1(),P[j].getXc(),P[j].getYc()); //make connections
void click(float beta){ //Select elements clicked
void all (boolean onOff){ //Clean all selected connections
for (int i=0;i<P.length;i++){
boolean hover (float d){ //Is the mouse inside an element (anyone)?
return (d>=rh1 && d<=rh2)?true:false;
void displayBase(){ //show the base
PolarElement getElement(int n_ord){ //a method for getting the elements inside the graph
return P[n_ord];
//PolarElement class//(!)Internal to PolarGraph////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
class PolarElement{
int[] rels; //relationship values array
int ord,nElem,group; //position, number of elements linked to this and group of the element
float amp,ang, //element amplitude, beginning angle
xc,yc,cx1,cy1; //extreme point and control point of a bezier going to this element
String name,info; //information about the element
boolean on=false; //boolean to check whether an element is selected or not
PolarElement(int ord,int nElem){
this.ord=ord; this.nElem=nElem;
rels= new int[nElem];
int pesoT=0; //total strength of relationships
for (int i=0;i<=ord;i++){
for (int i=ord+1;i<nElem;i++){
amp =(PI*pesoT/pesoT_T); //make amplitude proportional to total weight of relationships
group=t.getInt(ord+1,nElem+1); //get rest of info from the table directly
name =t.getString(ord+1,nElem+2);
info =t.getString(ord+1,nElem+3);
//Rest of methods, quite straightforward
//GET methods
float getAmp(){return amp;}
float getAng(){return ang;}
int getGroup(){return group;}
String getElemName(){return name;}
String getElemInfo(){return info;}
float getXc(){return xc;}
float getYc(){return yc;}
float getCx1(){return cx1;}
float getCy1(){return cy1;}
boolean getOn(){return on;}
int getRel(int position){return rels[position];}
//SET methods
void addAng(float numberToAdd){
void setCoordinates(){
xc = posX + (R-w/2) * cos (ang+(amp/2));
yc = posY + (R-w/2) * sin (ang+(amp/2));
cx1= posX + (R/f) * cos (ang+(amp/2));
cy1= posY + (R/f) * sin (ang+(amp/2));
void toggleOn(){
void setOn(boolean toSet){
}//Fin clase PolarElement
//TABLA class//(!) Internal to PolarGraph//Based on Ben Fry's "Visualizing Data"
class Tabla {
String[][] data; //data of the table
int numFilas,numColumnas; //number of rows and columns
Tabla(String source) {
String[] filas = loadStrings(source);
data = new String[numFilas][];
for (int i = 0; i < filas.length; i++) {
//jump over empty rows
if (trim(filas[i]).length() == 0) {
//jump over commentaries, startsWith doesn't works on processingjs, you could fix this with substring... I was lazy again here :-)
//if (filas[i].startsWith("#")) {
data[i] = split(filas[i],",");
//Get number of rows
int getNumFilas() {
return numFilas;
//Get number of columns
int getNumColumnas() {
return numColumnas;
//Get name of a row specified by its order
String getNombreFila(int filas) {
return getString(filas,0);
//Get value as a string // Be careful with method overloading in processingjs // avoid blank window panic crisis!!
String getString(int indiceFilas, int columna) {
return data[indiceFilas][columna];
String getString(String nombreFila, int columna) {
return getString(getIndiceFila(nombreFila),columna);
//Get value as an int // Be careful with method overloading in processingjs
int getInt(String nombreFila, int columna) {
return parseInt(getString(nombreFila,columna));
int getInt(int indiceFilas, int columna) {
return parseInt(getString(indiceFilas,columna));
//Get value as a float // ""
float getFloat(String nombreFila, int columna) {
return parseFloat(getString(nombreFila, columna));
float getFloat(int indiceFilas, int columna) {
return parseFloat(getString(indiceFilas, columna));
//finds file by its name and returns -1 if doesn't get it
int getIndiceFila(String name) {
for (int i = 0; i < numFilas; i++) {
if (data[i][0].equals(name)) {
return i;
println("No se encontro la fila llamada '"+ name+"'");
return -1;
//returns total value in a row
int totalFila (int indiceFilas) {
int total=0;
for (int i=1;i<numColumnas;i++) {
return total;
//returns total value of an area
int getTodo(int f0,int f1,int c0,int c1){
int todo=0;
for (int i=1;i<=f1;i++){
for (int j=1;j<=c1;j++){
return todo;
//returns maximum value in a column
int getMaxCol(int c0){
int vmax=0;
for(int i=1;i<getNumFilas();i++){
int cval=getInt(i,c0);
return vmax;
//returns maximum value of row sums
int maximoTotalesFilas() {
int total=0;
for (int i=1; i<getNumFilas(); i++) {
if (totalFila(i)>=total) {
return total;
//returns the sum of every value
int sumaTotal() {
int suma=0;
for (int i=1; i<getNumFilas(); i++) {
return suma;
} //end | tabla class
}//end | PolarGraph class