This sketch is created with an older version of Processing,
and doesn't work on browsers anymore.
* Nils Seifert & Michael Muehlhaus
* you can select & move the Vectors and Polygons
* for drawing a new polygon, hold 'n'
ArrayList<Polygon> polygons;
ArrayList<Object> selected;
Polygon newPolygon;
boolean beginNewPolygon = false;
boolean redraw = true;
int[] colors = {color(0, 0, 255), color(255, 0, 255), color(255, 0, 0), color(255, 255, 0), color(0, 255, 0)};
ArrayList<Agent> a;
float minutesPerFrame = 1f;
int intermediate = 1;
void setup() {
size(800, 600, JAVA2D); smooth();
polygons = new ArrayList<Polygon>();
selected = new ArrayList<Object>();
polygons.add(new Polygon(new Vector(0, 0),
new Vector(0, height),
new Vector(width, height),
new Vector(width, 0)));
polygons.get(0).visible = false;
polygons.get(0).selectable = false;
polygons.get(0).closed = true;
polygons.add(new Polygon(new Vector(160, 0),
new Vector(160, 220),
new Vector(320, 380)));
polygons.add(new Polygon(new Vector(460, 600),
new Vector(460, 450),
new Vector(640, 450),
new Vector(640, 320)));
a = new ArrayList<Agent>();
for (int i = 0; i < 600; i++) a.add(new Agent());
void draw() {
//background(60, 80, 120);
if (!keyPressed || (keyPressed && key != 'n')) {
if (beginNewPolygon = true) {
if (newPolygon != null) if (newPolygon.vertices.size() > 2) {polygons.add(newPolygon);}
beginNewPolygon = false; newPolygon = null;
} else redraw = true;
if (redraw) {
//for (Polygon poly : polygons) {poly.display();}
redraw = false;
a = new ArrayList<Agent>();
for (int i = 0; i < 600; i++) a.add(new Agent());
for (Polygon poly : polygons) {poly.display();}
textAlign(LEFT, TOP);
if (beginNewPolygon) {
//fill(0); text("draw polygon by clicking left mouse button", 4, 4);
if (newPolygon != null) if (newPolygon.vertices.size() > 0) {
noFill(); stroke(0, 125);
for (Vector vec : newPolygon.vertices) vertex(vec.x, vec.y);
vertex(mouseX, mouseY);
//vertex(newPolygon.vertices.get(0).x, newPolygon.vertices.get(0).y);
} //else {fill(0); text("hold 'n' for drawing new polygon", 4, 4);}
for (int i = 0; i < intermediate; i++) for (Agent aa : a) aa.update();
for (Agent aa : a) aa.display();