This sketch is created with an older version of Processing,
and doesn't work on browsers anymore.
/* Circle class */
class Circle implements GridObject {
/* Which PointMass is the circle attached to? */
boolean attachedToPointMass = false;
int attachedPointMass;
float radius;
float radiusSquared;
float damping = 0.95;
/* Constructor */
Circle (float r) {
//position = pos.get();
radius = r;
radiusSquared = r*r;
/* Constraint solving algorithm */
// Here we find out if the circle is overlapping the surfacem, and act accordingly.
void solveConstraints (boolean preserveImpulse) {
// set the wheel's position to it's attached PointMass's position
float x = xPos[attachedPointMass];
float y = yPos[attachedPointMass];
float prevX = lastX[attachedPointMass];
float prevY = lastY[attachedPointMass];
// Make sure it isn't outside of the screen
float vx = 0, vy = 0;
if (preserveImpulse) {
vx = (prevX - x) * damping;
vy = (prevY - y) * damping;
if (x - radius < 0) {
x = radius;
if (preserveImpulse)
prevX = x - vx;
if (x + radius > width) {
x = 2 * (width - radius) - x;
if (preserveImpulse)
prevX = x - vx;
if (y - radius < 0) {
y = 2*(radius) - y;
if (preserveImpulse)
prevY = y - vy;
if (y + radius > height) {
y = 2 * (height - radius) - y;
if (preserveImpulse)
prevY = y - vy;
xPos[attachedPointMass] = x;
yPos[attachedPointMass] = y;
lastX[attachedPointMass] = prevX;
lastY[attachedPointMass] = prevY;
List nearBy = grid.nearByObjects(x,y);
for (int i = 0; i < nearBy.size(); i++) {
Circle nextPM = (Circle) nearBy.get(i);
avoid(nextPM, preserveImpulse);
// Checks for a collision between two circles, and solves for it
// Also creates a link if their velocities are similar.
void avoid (Circle what, boolean preserveImpulse) {
if (what != this) {
float x = xPos[attachedPointMass];
float y = yPos[attachedPointMass];
float otherX = xPos[what.attachedPointMass];
float otherY = yPos[what.attachedPointMass];
float diffX = x - otherX;
float diffY = y - otherY;
float diffSquared = diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY;
if (diffSquared <= sq(radius + what.radius)) { // first make sure they're intersecting
// Previous velocity
float v1x = x - lastX[attachedPointMass];
float v1y = y - lastY[attachedPointMass];
float v2x = otherX - lastX[what.attachedPointMass];
float v2y = otherY - lastY[what.attachedPointMass];
// distance between centers
float d = sqrt(diffSquared);
// minimum translation distance to push balls apart after intersecting
float mtdX;
float mtdY;
if (d == 0) {
d = radius + what.radius - 1;
diffX = radius + what.radius;
diffY = 0;
float difference = ((radius + what.radius) - d) / d;
mtdX = diffX * difference;
mtdY = diffY * difference;
// resolve intersection
float im1 = 1f / 2f; // inverse mass quantities
float im2 = 1f / 2f;
// push-pull them based on mass
xPos[attachedPointMass] += mtdX * (im1 / (im1 + im2));
yPos[attachedPointMass] += mtdY * (im1 / (im1 + im2));
xPos[what.attachedPointMass] -= mtdX * (im1 / (im1 + im2));
yPos[what.attachedPointMass] -= mtdY * (im1 / (im1 + im2));
if (preserveImpulse) { // preserve velocities/impulse based on
float f1 = (damping * (diffX * v1x + diffY * v1y)) / diffSquared;
float f2 = (damping * (diffX * v2x + diffY * v2y)) / diffSquared;
v1x += f2 * diffX - f1 * diffX;
v2x += f1 * diffX - f2 * diffX;
v1y += f2 * diffY - f1 * diffY;
v2y += f1 * diffY - f2 * diffY;
lastX[attachedPointMass] = xPos[attachedPointMass] - v1x;
lastY[attachedPointMass] = yPos[attachedPointMass] - v1y;
lastX[what.attachedPointMass] = xPos[what.attachedPointMass] - v2x;
lastY[what.attachedPointMass] = yPos[what.attachedPointMass] - v2y;
// Now we see if they're moving at similar speeds
float vX = xPos[attachedPointMass] - lastX[attachedPointMass];
float vY = yPos[attachedPointMass] - lastY[attachedPointMass];
float otherVX = xPos[what.attachedPointMass] - lastX[what.attachedPointMass];
float otherVY = yPos[what.attachedPointMass] - lastY[what.attachedPointMass];
float diffVX = vX - otherVX;
float diffVY = vY - otherVY;
if (diffVX * diffVX + diffVY * diffVY < 1) {
// make sure we're not already attached
if (linked(attachedPointMass, what.attachedPointMass))
// find empty link
int linkIndex = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < links[attachedPointMass].length; i++) {
if (linkStiff[attachedPointMass][i] == 0) {
linkIndex = i;
if (linkIndex == -1)
// create link at linkIndex
if (linkIndex >= linkCount[attachedPointMass])
links[attachedPointMass][linkIndex] = what.attachedPointMass;
linkDist[attachedPointMass][linkIndex] = radius + what.radius + 1;
linkStiff[attachedPointMass][linkIndex] = stiffness;
/* The circle's draw function */
void draw () {
ellipse(xPos[attachedPointMass], yPos[attachedPointMass], radius*2, radius*2);
/* Set the attached PointMass */
void attachToPointMass (int p) {
attachedPointMass = p;
float getX() {
return xPos[attachedPointMass];
float getY() {
return yPos[attachedPointMass];
float getLastX() {
return lastX[attachedPointMass];
float getLastY() {
return lastY[attachedPointMass];