This sketch is created with an older version of Processing,
and doesn't work on browsers anymore.
//establish distance for start button and mouse click
float startX;
float startY;
//establish half width and height for male torso area
int radMtorsoX;
int radMtorsoY;
//establish height and width of groin region
int radGroinX;
int radGroinY;
//establish width and height of male torso area
float distanceMX;
float distanceMY;
//establish counters to 'count' mouse clicks (with particular brushes) and program an event after a certain counter amount
int counterKiss;
int counterCream;
int counterBlood;
int counterBruise;
int counterBite;
int counterWhip;
//boolean to switch between different brushes
boolean brushKiss;
boolean brushCream;
boolean brushBlood;
boolean brushBruise;
boolean brushBite;
boolean brushWhip;
void setup() {
//background homepage image
size(500, 500);
PImage homeImage = loadImage("fthome.png");
image(homeImage, width/2, height/2);
//assign integers to half of width and height of male torso area (invisible bounding box)
radMtorsoX = 175;
radMtorsoY = height/2;
//assign values to half width and height of male groin
radGroinX = 60;
radGroinY = 45;
//start counters at 0
counterKiss = 0;
counterCream = 0;
//establish boolean states as false to start with
brushKiss = false;
brushCream = false;
brushBlood = false;
brushBruise = false;
brushBite = false;
brushWhip = false;
//button over "start"
fill(0, 0, 0, 50);
rect(168, 180, 110, 40);
//"radius" of start button to enable it in void draw with mouse
startX = 55;
startY = 20;
void draw() {
// fill(255, 255, 255, 50);
// ellipse(width/3, 450, 90, 120);
//enable start button to transition to next window of drawing tool
float distanceSX = dist(168, mouseY, mouseX, mouseY);
float distanceSY = dist(mouseX, 180, mouseX, mouseY);
if (mousePressed == true && (distanceSX < startX) && (distanceSY < startY) && (counterKiss == 0)
&& (counterCream == 0) && (counterBlood == 0) && (counterBruise == 0) && (counterBite == 0) && (counterWhip == 0)) {
PImage maleImage = loadImage("man.png");
image(maleImage, width/2, height/2);
//create boolean conditions to be able to swith between brushes
if (keyPressed) {
if (key == 'k') {
brushKiss = true;
brushCream = false;
brushBlood = false;
brushBruise = false;
brushBite = false;
brushWhip = false;
if (keyPressed) {
if (key == 'c') {
brushCream = true;
brushKiss = false;
brushBlood = false;
brushBruise = false;
brushBite = false;
brushWhip = false;
if (keyPressed) {
if (key == 'd') {
brushBlood = true;
brushKiss = false;
brushCream = false;
brushBruise = false;
brushBite = false;
brushWhip = false;
if (keyPressed) {
if (key == 'g') {
brushBruise = true;
brushKiss = false;
brushCream = false;
brushBlood = false;
brushBite = false;
brushWhip = false;
if (keyPressed) {
if (key == 't') {
brushBite = true;
brushKiss = false;
brushCream = false;
brushBlood = false;
brushBruise = false;
brushWhip = false;
if (keyPressed) {
if (key == 'w') {
brushWhip = true;
brushKiss = false;
brushCream = false;
brushBlood = false;
brushBruise = false;
brushBite = false;
//state distance between mouses position and centre of torsp
distanceMX = dist(width/3, mouseY, mouseX, mouseY);
distanceMY = dist(mouseX, height/2, mouseX, mouseY);
//state limit on each counter to set up different resulting events later
// if (counterKiss >= 30) {
// rectMode(CORNER);
// fill(255, 0, 0);
//rect(0, 0, width, height);
//if (counterCream >= 7) {
//PImage imageTC = loadImage("whipped.png");
//image(imageTC, 0, 0);
//enable start button to transition to next window of drawing tool
float distanceGX = dist(width/3, mouseY, mouseX, mouseY);
float distanceGY = dist(mouseX, 450, mouseX, mouseY);
if (mousePressed == true && brushKiss == true && (distanceGX < radGroinX) && (distanceGY < radGroinY)) {
PImage easyImage = loadImage("easytiger.png");
image(easyImage, width/2, height/2);
//functions for different brushes
void kiss() {
PImage imageKiss = loadImage("kiss.png");
image(imageKiss, mouseX, mouseY);
void cream() {
PImage imageCream = loadImage("cream.png");
image(imageCream, mouseX, mouseY);
void blood() {
PImage imageBlood = loadImage("blood.png");
image(imageBlood, mouseX, mouseY);
void bruise() {
PImage imageBruise = loadImage("bruise.png");
image(imageBruise, mouseX, mouseY);
void bite() {
PImage imageBite = loadImage("bite.png");
image(imageBite, mouseX, mouseY);
void whip() {
PImage imageWhip = loadImage("whip.png");
image(imageWhip, mouseX, mouseY);
//brushes go you good thing! and increase counters by one for each mouse release
void mouseReleased() {
if (brushKiss == true && (distanceMX < radMtorsoX) && (distanceMY < radMtorsoY) ) {
if (brushCream == true && (distanceMX < radMtorsoX) && (distanceMY < radMtorsoY) ) {
counterCream ++;
if (brushBlood == true && (distanceMX < radMtorsoX) && (distanceMY < radMtorsoY) ) {
counterBlood ++;
if (brushBruise == true && (distanceMX < radMtorsoX) && (distanceMY < radMtorsoY) ) {
counterBruise ++;
if (brushBite == true && (distanceMX < radMtorsoX) && (distanceMY < radMtorsoY) ) {
counterBite ++;
if (brushWhip == true && (distanceMX < radMtorsoX) && (distanceMY < radMtorsoY) ) {
counterWhip ++;