// LUCY BARKER u 3097464
// Introduction to Digital Design, u 8196, Sem 1, Uni of Canberra 2013, MA Digital Design 103JA
// This code has been adapted from a a project in Mitchell Whitelaws class on Swarm properties.
// Swarm project
// Haiku
// PROJECTION FILE - interactive performance model
PVector mouse;
int bg_colour=0;
int motion=1;
int mousemode=0;
int facetcol = 1;
int thresh=210;
int mousethresh=150;
int avoid_distance = 80;
float avoid_strength = 0.6;
int cohere_distance = 130;
float cohere_strength = 0.07;
int align_distance = 60;
float align_strength = 0.03;
float mouse_attract = 0.009;
float maxvel = 1.8;
ArrayList swarm = new ArrayList(); // create a new ArrayList called 'swarm'
// set up poster proportions
void setup() {
size(1200, 800);
//size(displayWidth,displayHeight); // good for time of projection
// begin draw functions
void draw() {
if (bg_colour==0) {
else {
for (int i=0; i<swarm.size(); i++) { // for the entire array this perform the following functions
Dot myDot = (Dot) swarm.get(i); // first remove an object from the list and call it freshDot
if (motion==1) {
if (mousemode==1) {//this function will cause the objects to move towards the mouse. Switched on with TAB key
myDot.bounce();//make my object bounce off the sides if it hits the edges of the page
//mouse activates animation by creatin objects
void mousePressed() {
for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
PVector newpos = new PVector(mouseX, mouseY);
Dot myDot = new Dot( newpos, 1 );
void keyPressed() {
if (key=='5') {// add 5 colour vertex
for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
PVector newpos = new PVector(mouseX, mouseY);
Dot myDot = new Dot( newpos, 1 );
myDot.col=color(random(255), random(180, 230), 255, 90);
if (key == ' ') { //freeze movement
if (motion == 1) {
else if (motion == 0) {
if (keyCode == SHIFT) {//delete objects around mouse within 'mouse thresh'range
for (int i=0; i<swarm.size(); i++) { // loop through the ArrayList created on the setup() tab, to store my Dot objects
Dot removeDot=(Dot)swarm.get(i);
mouse =new PVector (mouseX, mouseY);
float distance = removeDot.pos.dist(mouse);
if (distance < mousethresh) {
if (key == '1') {// these 2 keys will change the area that the SHIFT key effects when deleteing objects
if (key == '2') {
if (key == '3') {
if (key == 'd') {//delete last 5 objects added
// Dot removeDot=(Dot)swarm.get(0);
for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
Dot removeDot=(Dot)swarm.get(swarm.size()-1);
if (key == 'f') {//delete first 5 objects added
for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
Dot removeDot=(Dot)swarm.get(0);
if (key == '>') {//increase thresh hold & therefore size of triangles
if (key == '<') {
if (key == 'm') { // switch to preferred mode
avoid_distance = 80;
avoid_strength = 0.6;
cohere_distance = 130;
cohere_strength = 0.07;
align_distance = 60;
align_strength = 0.03;
mouse_attract = 0.009;
maxvel = 1.8;
if (key == 'n') {// swith to prefferd state
swarm.clear(); // empty the list
makeDots(30); // make 30 new agents
avoid_distance = 80;
avoid_strength = 0.6;
cohere_distance = 130;
cohere_strength = 0.07;
align_distance = 60;
align_strength = 0.03;
mouse_attract = 0.009;
maxvel = 1.8;
if (key == 'c') {//clear the screen
if (key == 'h') {//toggle between coloured vertex and white
if (facetcol == 1) {//if white
for (int i=0; i<swarm.size(); i++) { //run through list
Dot myDot = (Dot) swarm.get(i);
myDot.col=color(random(255), random(180, 210), 255, 90);//make coloured
facetcol = 0;//and then
else if (facetcol == 0) {
for (int i=0; i<swarm.size(); i++) {
Dot myDot = (Dot) swarm.get(i);
myDot.col=color(255, 110);
if (key == 'b') {//change background coloour to white
if (bg_colour == 0) {
else if (bg_colour==1) {
if (key == CODED) {
if (keyCode == UP) {// increase velocity of swarm
if (keyCode == DOWN) { // decrease velocity of swarm
if (keyCode == RIGHT) {// increase avoidance of objects
if (keyCode == LEFT) {// decrease avoidance of objects
if (key == ']') {// increase coherence of objects
cohere_distance += 10;
cohere_strength += 0.01;
if (key == '[') {// decrease coherence of objects
cohere_distance -= 10;
cohere_strength -= 0.01;
if (key=='l') { // increase alignment of objects - infact not very useful
align_distance += 10;
align_strength += 0.01;
if (key=='k') {// decrease alignment of objects - infact not very useful
align_distance -= 10;
align_strength -= 0.01;
if (keyCode == TAB) {// change mode so objects are atttracted to mouse
if (mousemode == 1) {
else if (mousemode == 0) {
if (key=='w') { // strength of attraction to mouse increased
mouse_attract += 0.001;
if (key=='q') { // strength of attraction to mouse decreased
mouse_attract -= 0.001;
void makeDots( int numdots ) {
for (int i=0; i<numdots; i++) {// each time the mouse is pressed it will create 20 iterations or 'instnaces' of our object. For more detailed description of how this works refer to a previous sketch.
//PVector newpos = new PVector(mouseX,mouseY);//this code which is turned off would cause the 20objects to appear at the location the mouse is pressed.
PVector newpos = new PVector(random(width), random(height));// here we declare a new PVector 'newpos' which has it's position anyway on the screen.
Dot myDot = new Dot( newpos, 1 ); // here we refer back to our object 'constructor' on the other tab. With the click of the mouse our new object is assigned a random position and a diamneter of 3. The info is then stored in myDot.
swarm.add(myDot); // here we add the data assigned to 'myDot' to our ArrayList 'swarm'
class Dot { // here I am creating a CUSTOM CLASS, signified with a capital letter.
// a class in composed of both data and functions which is represented as OBJECTS.
// I now go on to create a template for my OBJECT.
//It will describe both the state(data) and the behaviour(function) of the object.
//We can use this model to represent real world objects
float diam; // declare a variable to describe the size of the dot, 'it's diameter'
PVector pos; // declare 'pos'the position of a Dot (as a PVector)
PVector vel; // declare a variable 'vel' the velocity of a Dot (as a PVector)
PVector acc; // declare a variable 'acc' the acceleration of a Dot (as a PVector)
color col;//declare 'col' a variable for the colour of a Dot
Dot( PVector _pos, float _diam ) { // constructor, belongs to the Class structure and functions to make a new object from the class 'Dot'
// this function, with 2 arguments, runs once when the object is made
// this is our personal object setup function
pos = _pos; // assign our internal pos
diam = _diam; // assign our internal diam
vel = new PVector(random(-1, 1), random(-1, 1)); // initial velocity of dot will vary.
col = color(255, 110);
acc = new PVector(0, 0);// starts with no acceleration. If this were to be representative of an object in the real world,
// such as a ball, we would add gravity in here
void render() {
vertex(pos.x, pos.y);
for (int i=0; i<swarm.size(); i++) { // loop through the ArrayList created on the setup() tab, to store my Dot objects
Dot neighbour = (Dot) swarm.get(i);
float distance = pos.dist( neighbour.pos );
if (distance < thresh) {
vertex(neighbour.pos.x, neighbour.pos.y);
vertex(pos.x, pos.y);
void move() { // our 'move' function to animate the object
vel.add(acc); // update velocity vector by adding the current acceleration vector
vel.limit(maxvel); // limit the velocity to a maximum value specified in our variable declared above.
pos.add(vel); // update our position to create movement by adding the current velocity vector
acc.mult(0); // then reset acceleration back to zero
void bounce() { // make a function that makes the Dots bounce back when they hit the edge of the page
if (pos.x < 0) { // left edge
vel.x = vel.x * -1; // reverse the x velocity
if (pos.x > width) { // if our object Dot hits theright edge
vel.x = vel.x * -1; // reverse the x velocity
if (pos.y < 0) { // if our object Dot hits the top edge
vel.y=vel.y * -1; // reverse the y velocity
if (pos.y > height) { // bottom edge
vel.y = vel.y * -1; // reverse the y velocity
void toMouse() {//this function we make causes the lines to 'chase' the mouse
PVector m = new PVector(mouseX, mouseY);// mouse position signified by'm'
PVector mpull = PVector.sub(m, pos);//velocity is the difference between these 2 points over time
mpull.normalize();//make this velocity, mpull, a unit vector by setting it's length to 1
mpull.mult(mouse_attract);// alter the speed the object moves towards the mouse by the variable factor 'mouse_attract' we created earlier
acc.add(mpull);//acceleration, change of velocity over time becomes the same as the mouse_factor.
void avoid() { // this function we are about to create means the Dots or lines will avoid colliding.
for (int i=0; i<swarm.size(); i++) { // loop through the ArrayList created on the setup() tab, to store my Dot objects
Dot neighbour = (Dot) swarm.get(i); // get one out of the ArrayList and declare it 'neighbour'
float distance = pos.dist( neighbour.pos ); // distance
if (distance < avoid_distance) { // if the distance between the concecutive points is less than the avoid distance specfied at the begining then we create a 'push'to move them apart
PVector push = PVector.sub(pos, neighbour.pos); // the 'push' or the velocity with which they move apart in calculated by the diff of the 2 positions
push.normalize(); // scale the velocity to 1
push.mult(avoid_strength); // control this velocity by multiplying it by the 'avoid strength'specified at the beginning.
acc.add(push); // add this push to the global acceleration
void cohere() { // stick together
// find the middle of my neighbour Dots
// and move towards that location
PVector mid_pos = new PVector(); // declare a new variable 'mid_pos' to store the average position of my neighbours
int neighbour_count = 0; // declare a variable 'neighbour count' and set it at zero.
for (int i=0; i<swarm.size(); i++) { // for the entire ArrayList of indefinite size
Dot neighbour = (Dot) swarm.get(i); // get an object out and store it's info in 'neighbour'
float distance = pos.dist( neighbour.pos ); // declare a variable 'distance'and set it as equal to the distance between our object and it's neighbour.
if (distance < cohere_distance) { // if this distance is less than our variable set at the begining or in other words 'they are within a certain dist of each other'
mid_pos.add(neighbour.pos); // then add my neighbours position to the average position of all our neighbours
neighbour_count++; // now we need to add 1 to the neighbour count
mid_pos.div( neighbour_count ); // now we need to divide the new mid_pos by the new neighbour count
PVector pull = PVector.sub(mid_pos, pos); // to make a pull velocity we need to subtract subtract the 2 positions, the mid position of all the neighbours, and the position of our current object.
pull.normalize(); // scale the velocity to 1
pull.mult(cohere_strength); // multiply the pull velocity by our variable 'cohere_strength'
acc.add(pull); // add this pull to the global acceleration
void align() { // fly in the same direction and match speed ie match velocity as this pVector holds speed and direction info
// find the average velocity of my neighbours
// then head in that direction
PVector ave_vel = new PVector(); // to store the average velocity
int neighbour_count = 0; // neighbour count variable set at 0
for (int i=0; i<swarm.size(); i++) { // loop through the list
Dot neighbour = (Dot) swarm.get(i); // get an object out and store it's info in 'neighbour'
float distance = pos.dist( neighbour.pos ); // declare a variable 'distance'and set it as equal to the distance between our object and it's neighbour.
if (distance < align_distance) { // if this distance is less than our variable set at the begining or in other words 'they are within a certain dist of each other'
ave_vel.add(neighbour.vel); // add my neighbours velocity to the average velocity
neighbour_count++; // add 1 to the neighbour count
ave_vel.div( neighbour_count ); // now to establish the new ave velocity divide by the neighbour count
// make a pull by subtracting the positions
ave_vel.normalize(); // first scale the velocity to 1
ave_vel.mult(align_strength); // now multiply it by our variable 'align_strength'
acc.add(ave_vel); // add this pull to the global acceleration