//global variables
int i;
int x=100;
boolean vir = true;
int sx = 300;
int sy = 230;
int ax = 390;
int ay = 230;
int bx = 210;
int by = 230;
int cx = 110;
int cy = 230;
int dx = 50;
int dy = 210;
int ex = 30;
int ey = 150;
int fx = 38;
int fy = 90;
int gx = 90;
int gy = 70;
int hx = 150;
int hy = 70;
int ix = 210;
int iy = 75;
int jx = 270;
int jy = 75;
int kx = 330;
int ky = 70;
int lx = 390;
int ly = 65;
int mx = 450;
int my = 60;
int nx = 520;
int ny = 65;
int ox = 575;
int oy = 100;
int px = 570;
int py = 180;
int qx = 540;
int qy = 220;
int rx = 490;
int ry = 230;
int maxY=200;// the value where each vertex of the curve will reach
int vertx [] = //current vertex curve
int vertxOrig [] = //original vertex curve
{sx,sy, ax,ay,bx,by,cx,cy,dx,dy,ex,ey,fx,fy,gx,gy,hx,hy,
int vertxMax [] = //original vertex curve
int mCx;// variable to store mouseX value when mouse clicked
float easingVirus= 0.3;
float easingUp= 0.01;
float easingDown= 0.05;
float offset;// to store the value of the dist between mCx and the vertexs
void setup()
frameRate(15);// to make it slower
void draw()
background (255); // to have a new draw every frame
noStroke ();
smooth ();
pushMatrix ();
translate (150,85);
scale (0.5);
fill (9,20,40,20);
kurve ();
popMatrix ();
pushMatrix ();
translate (105,60);
scale (0.65);
fill (9,20,40,20);
kurve ();
popMatrix ();
pushMatrix ();
translate (75,45);
scale (0.75);
fill (9,20,40,20);
kurve ();
popMatrix ();
//CURVE thickness
pushMatrix ();
translate (11,8);
scale (0.95);
fill (9,20,40,20);
kurve ();
popMatrix ();
fill (51,102,255,120);
kurve ();// curve shape created as a function to be able to repeat it
star(x-12, 195, 15, 10, 20);
for (i=14; i<=28; i+=2) // it's going out of the chart because of the i+=2
float offset = dist (vertx[i],0,mCx,0);
//distance between the mouse click and the vertex in x
if (offset <=30) // to see which point will move
vertx [i+1] += (vertxMax[i+1] - vertx[i+1])* easingDown;
// to move the vertex in y slowly
x += (vertx[i] -x)*easingVirus;
star(x-12, 195, 15, 10, 20); //virus in star shape
vertx [i+1] -= (vertx [i+1] - vertxOrig [i+1])* easingUp;
void mouseClicked ()
if (mouseX >= 60 && mouseX <= 550 && mouseY>=70 && mouseY <= 230)
mCx =mouseX;
void kurve()// this si the first step but I created a function to write less lines in the code
beginShape ();
curveVertex (vertx[0],vertx[1]);//beginning vertex
// now for loop to get the in between vertex
for (i=0; i< vertx.length; i+=2)
curveVertex (vertx[i],vertx[i+1]);
//ellipse (vertx[i],vertx[i+1],2,2);//to help me visualize
curveVertex (vertx[0],vertx[1]); // end of the shape
curveVertex (vertx[0],vertx[1]); //end vertex
endShape ();
void star(float x, float y, float radius1, float radius2, int npoints)
fill (255,255,255);
float angle = TWO_PI / npoints;
float halfAngle = angle/2.0;
for (float a = 0; a < TWO_PI; a += angle)
float sx = x + cos(a) * radius2;
float sy = y + sin(a) * radius2;
vertex(sx, sy);
sx = x + cos(a+halfAngle) * radius1;
sy = y + sin(a+halfAngle) * radius1;
vertex(sx, sy);