“Particle Canvas” by Dishun
License CreativeCommons Attribution ShareAlike
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{{width}} x {{height}}
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Particle Canvas
let paused = false;
let instruction = true;
let colorB; //color of background
let colorSet = [ '#001121', '#f7f8ff', '#8c44eb'];
let diffusion = [];
let field; //stores vector field
let particles; //particle system object
let poolSize = 3000; //howmany particles are in canvas
let qt; //quadtree object for particle
var GUIToggle = {
ShowControllUI : false
var drawControl = { //control variable for all
clearCanvas : false,
backGroundCol : ["Dark", "Light"],
particleColMode : ["Velocity", "Position", "Black", "White"], //change how color is mapped
drawingMethod : ["Lines", "Rectangle", "Circle", "Point"], //diffent method to draw the particle
lineCap : 2, //how many lines can be drawn per particle
lineCapMin : 1,
lineCapMax : 3,
particleCount : 800,
particleCountMax : 5000,
particleDecay : false,
particleDecayRate : 250,
particleDecayRateMin : 30,
particleDecayRateMax : 800,
particleSpawn : ["Side", "Center", "Cross", "Random"], //set spawn location of new particles
particleSize : 15,
particleSizeMin : 1,
alphaSliderParticle : 200,
alphaSliderParticleMin : 0,
alphaSliderParticleMax : 255,
alphaSliderBackground : 20,
alphaSliderBackgroundMin : 0,
alphaSliderBackgroundMax : 255,
frameRateToggle : false,
showQuadTree : false
var forceControl = {
pullToggle : false, //pulls everything to center
pushToggle : false, //push everything from center
turbulanceToggle : true, //add some random force
fieldToggle : true, //defult field is perlin
fieldType : ['PerlinNoise', 'Swirl', 'Wave1', 'Wave2', 'Wave3', 'Wave4'], //set different type of fields
fieldDynamics : 2,
fieldDynamicsMin : 0,
fieldDynamicsMax : 3,
fieldDynamicsStep : 0.01,
fieldUpdate : 0.01, //how often field change
fieldUpdateMin : 0,
fieldUpdateMax : 0.1,
fieldUpdateStep : 0.0001,
fieldStrengh : 0.02,
fieldStrenghMin : 0,
fieldStrenghMax : 0.1,
fieldStrenghStep : 0.001,
quadTreeCapacity : 10, //capacity of each boundary before splitting
quadTreeCapacityMin : 1,
quadTreeCapacityMax : 50
function createMetaTag() {
let meta = createElement('meta');
meta.attribute('name', 'viewport');
meta.attribute('content', 'user-scalable=no,initial-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,minimum-scale=1,width=device-width,height=device-height');
let head = select('head');
function setup() {
createCanvas(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);
//createCanvas(800, 800);
colorB = color(colorSet[0]);
let boundary = new Rectangle(width / 2, height / 2, width, height);
qt = new QuadTree(boundary, forceControl.quadTreeCapacity);
//parameter: resolution of field
field = new FlowField(20);
//parameters: number of parciels, size of particle, placeholder, field, color, health of particles
particles = new ParticleSystem(poolSize, drawControl.particleSize, 0, field, color(colorSet[0]), 100);
gui1 = createGui('Drawing Control'); //Creat UI
gui1.setPosition(205, 100); //position for UI
gui2 = createGui('Force Control'); //Creat UI
gui2.setPosition(205*2, 100);
guiToggle = createGui('Toggle UI');
guiToggle.setPosition(0, 300);
function draw() {
if (!GUIToggle.ShowControllUI) {
else {
//draw a background with alpha value
if (drawControl.backGroundCol == "Dark") {
colorB = color(colorSet[0]);
} else if (drawControl.backGroundCol == "Light") {
colorB = color(colorSet[1]);
//quadtree setup
qt.capacity = forceControl.quadTreeCapacity; //set how many particles a boundary box can contain before dividing
if (drawControl.showQuadTree) qt.show();
//particle update here
particles.update(diffusion, drawControl);
particles.poolSizeControl(); //methode balances particle count
particles.setPoolSize(drawControl.particleCount); //set particle numbers
//field controls
if (forceControl.fieldToggle) { //field control here
field.update(forceControl.fieldUpdate); //rate of change for field
field.setDyn(forceControl.fieldDynamics); //dynamics of field
field.setMags(forceControl.fieldStrengh); //controls strengh of field
//clear canvas if toggled
if (drawControl.clearCanvas == true) {
if (drawControl.frameRateToggle) showFrameRate();
if (instruction) introduction();
function introduction() {
let cx = width / 2 - 300;
let cy = height / 2 - 20;
let gap = 25;
let title = "Particle Canvas"
let instructions = "Press P to pause, S to save, R to switch color, ArrowKey for wind"
let haveFun = "Combine different settings to create your own painting!!"
let pressToContinue = "Press anywhere to continue"
background(0, 150);
text(title, cx, cy);
text(instructions, cx, cy + gap);
text(haveFun, cx, cy + gap*2);
text(pressToContinue, cx, cy + gap*3);
function keyPressed() {
if (key === 'p') {
paused = !paused;
if (paused == true) noLoop();
else loop();
if (key === 's') save();
if (key === 'r') particles.randomizeCol(); //randomize color gradient
function mousePressed() {
instruction = false;
function showFrameRate() { //shows current frameRate
let fps = frameRate();
text("FPS: " + fps.toFixed(0), 10, height - 10);
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