mousmove, mousedown,} keyboard { 'a': grid randomize , 'z': lens amount randomize, 'x': chars position randomize, 'c': normal chars position & lens amount }
A fork of Spherical Magnification by Manoylov AC
// // //
// -~=Manoylov AC=~- // Spherical text magnification //
// // //
// //
// Inspired by: //
// Jared Tarbell's "Spherical Magnification" Artwork. //
// //
// //
// Controls //
// mouse //
// move: lens effect //
// down: change lens amount //
// //
// keyboard //
// 'a': grid randomize //
// 'z': lens amount randomize //
// 'x': chars position randomize //
// 'c': normal chars position & lens amount //
// //
// Contacts: //
// //
// //
// //
// //
// without additional features this code will be much shorter
var z = 1;
var isRandShiftPos = false;
var isRandLensAmount = false;
var record = false;
var lensParams = {
radius: 80 * z,
magAmount: 2 * z,
magAddition: 2 * z
var baseTextSize = 10 * z;
var border = 80 * z;
var whitecolor = '#FFFFFF';
var blackcolor = '#000000';
var bgcolor = 238;
var fontcolor = blackcolor;
var fontForChar = 'Dengxian';
var fontForSpecialChar = 'Arial Black';
var fontForChi = 'Dengxian ExtraBold';
var chiText = [' 应 物 · 创 见 '];
var textForRandomChars = [
'Alina Carl Cloud Fenny Henry Jerry Jin Judy Kong Andy Lei Lillian Mr.Zhu Rita Stella White Yoyo Rose Peter Echo One Sally Smile Even Karlie Honey Lue Alina Carl Cloud Fenny Henry Jerry Jin Judy Kong Andy Lei Lillian Mr.Zhu Rita Stella White Yoyo Rose Peter Echo One Sally Smile Even Karlie Honey Lue Alina Carl Cloud Fenny Henry Jerry Jin Judy Kong Andy Lei Lillian Mr.Zhu Rita Stella White Yoyo Rose Peter Echo One Sally Smile Even Karlie Honey Lue Alina Carl Cloud Fenny Henry Jerry Jin Judy Kong Andy Lei Lillian Mr.Zhu Rita Stella White Yoyo Rose Peter Echo One Sally Smile Even Karlie Honey Lue Alina Carl Cloud Fenny Henry Jerry Jin Judy Kong Andy Lei Lillian Mr.Zhu Rita Stella White Yoyo Rose Peter Echo One Sally Smile Even Karlie Honey Lue Alina Carl Cloud Fenny Henry Jerry Jin Judy Kong Andy Lei Lillian Mr.Zhu Rita Stella White Yoyo Rose Peter Echo One Sally Smile Even Karlie Honey Lue Alina Carl Cloud Fenny Henry Jerry Jin Judy Kong Andy Lei Lillian Mr.Zhu Rita Stella White Yoyo Rose Peter Echo One Sally Smile Even Karlie Honey Lue Alina Carl Cloud Fenny Henry Jerry Jin Judy Kong Andy Lei Lillian Mr.Zhu Rita Stella White Yoyo Rose Peter Echo One Sally Smile Even Karlie Honey Lue'
// var textForRandomChars = [
// '観自在菩薩行深般若波羅蜜多時照見五蘊皆空度切苦厄舎利子色不異即是受想識亦復如諸法相生滅垢浄増減故中無眼耳鼻舌身意声香味触界乃至明尽老死集道智得以所提埵依罣礙有恐怖遠離顛倒夢究竟涅槃世仏阿耨藐知大神呪上等能除真実虚説羯諦僧婆訶経',
// '()$',
// ];
var charsArr = [];
var gridSurf;
function setup() {
createCanvas(720 * z, 1020 * z);
translate((windowWidth - width) / 2, (windowHeight - height) / 2);
initSetupsForCharsGrid(20, 20, chiText[0], centersText[0], textForRandomChars[0]);
function draw() {
background(bgcolor); // 238
lensParams.magAmount = (lensParams.magAmount + lensParams.magAddition) / 2;
charsArr.forEach(function(charNodeItem){ charNodeItem.calcNewPos().drawLine(); });
charsArr.forEach(function(charNodeItem){ charNodeItem.drawChar(); });
function mousePressed () {
lensParams.magAddition = 4;
function mouseReleased () {
lensParams.magAddition = 2;
function keyPressed () {
switch (key.toLowerCase()) {
case 'a': {
initSetupsForCharsGrid(random(5, 35), random(5, 35), chiText[~~random(chiText.length)], centersText[~~random(centersText.length)], textForRandomChars[~~random(textForRandomChars.length)]);
case 'x': {
isRandShiftPos = true;
gridSurf.traverse(function (x, y, index) {
charsArr[index].setPos(x + random(-5, 5), y + random(-5, 5));
case 'z': {
isRandLensAmount = true;
gridSurf.traverse(function (x, y, index) {
charsArr[index].lensRadius = random(30, 120);
case 'c': {
isRandLensAmount = false;
isRandShiftPos = false;
gridSurf.traverse(function (x, y, index) {
charsArr[index].setPos(x, y);
charsArr[index].lensRadius = lensParams.radius;
case 'b': {
bgcolor = 238;
fontcolor = blackcolor;
initSetupsForCharsGrid(20, 20, chiText[0], centersText[0], textForRandomChars[0]);
case 'w': {
bgcolor = 0;
fontcolor = whitecolor;
initSetupsForCharsGrid(20, 20, chiText[0], centersText[0], textForRandomChars[0]);
case ' ': {
function initSetupsForCharsGrid(rowCount, colCount, chiText, centerText, strForRandomChars) {
rowCount = ~~rowCount;
colCount = ~~colCount;
charsArr.length = 0;
chiText = chiText.split('');
centerText = centerText.split('');
strForRandomChars = strForRandomChars.split('');
// for properly colCount size for centering text in horizontal position
if (colCount != centerText.length && (colCount - centerText.length) % 2 != 0) {
if (colCount < centerText.length) {
colCount = centerText.length;
// for properly rowCount size for centering text in vertical position
if (rowCount % 2 == 0) {
if (!gridSurf) {
gridSurf = new GridCorners(new Point(border - 20 * z, border), new Point(width - border - 30 * z, height - border), colCount, rowCount);
} else {
gridSurf.reset(new Point(border - 20 * z, border), new Point(width - border - 30 * z, height - border), colCount, rowCount);
// for visually centering text in chars rect
var posForChiText = ~~((gridSurf.rowCount - 1) / 2) * gridSurf.colCount - 1 + ~~((gridSurf.colCount -chiText.length) / 2) - 49;
var posForCenterText = ~~((gridSurf.rowCount - 1) / 2) * gridSurf.colCount - 1 + ~~((gridSurf.colCount -centerText.length) / 2) - 1;
gridSurf.traverse(function(x, y, index){
if (index > posForChiText && chiText.length) {
charsArr.push(new CharNode(x + (isRandShiftPos ? random(-5, 5) : 0), y + (isRandShiftPos ? random(-5, 5) : 0), chiText.shift(), baseTextSize + 8 * z, fontForChi));
charsArr[index].clr = fontcolor;
charsArr[index].lensRadius = isRandLensAmount ? random(30, 120) : lensParams.radius;
} else if (index > posForCenterText && centerText.length) {
charsArr.push(new CharNode(x + (isRandShiftPos ? random(-5, 5) : 0), y + (isRandShiftPos ? random(-5, 5) : 0), centerText.shift(), baseTextSize + 4 * z, fontForSpecialChar));
charsArr[index].clr = fontcolor;
charsArr[index].lensRadius = isRandLensAmount ? random(30, 120) : lensParams.radius;
} else {
charsArr.push(new CharNode(x + (isRandShiftPos ? random(-5, 5) : 0), y + (isRandShiftPos ? random(-5, 5) : 0), strForRandomChars.shift(), baseTextSize, fontForChar));
//charsArr.push(new CharNode(x + (isRandShiftPos ? random(-5, 5) : 0), y + (isRandShiftPos ? random(-5, 5) : 0), randomChar(strForRandomChars), baseTextSize, fontForChar));
charsArr[index].lensRadius = isRandLensAmount ? random(20, 80) : lensParams.radius;
// Point Class
function Point(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
Point.prototype.reset = function (x, y) {
this.constructor(x, y);
function randomChar(str) {
var chars = str || "Alina Carl Cloud Fenny Henry Jerry Jin Judy Kong Andy Lei Lillian Mr.Zhu Rita Stella White Yoyo Rose Peter Echo One Sally Smile Even Karlie Honey Lue";
var rnum = Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length);
return chars.substring(rnum, rnum+1);