Drag cards to place it.
Valid movements:
- Aces to empty side savers.
- Consecutive same-suit cards over side savers (ascending stair).
- Any card or consecutive group empty spaces on main triangle.
- Any card or consecutive group to covered cards on main triangle.
- Any card or consecutive group to bigger consecutive, different-color card (descending stair).
Drag cards to place it.
Valid movements:
- Aces to empty side savers.
- Consecutive same-suit cards over side savers (ascending stair).
- Any card or consecutive group empty spaces on main triangle.
- Any card or consecutive group to covered cards on main triangle.
- Any card or consecutive group to bigger consecutive, different-color card (descending stair).
“Cartas” by Jose G Moya Y
License CreativeCommons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike
{{width}} x {{height}}
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Drag cards to place it. Valid movements: - Aces to empty side savers. - Consecutive same-suit cards over side savers (ascending stair). - Any card or consecutive group empty spaces on main triangle. - Any card or consecutive group to covered cards on main triangle. - Any card or consecutive group to bigger consecutive, different-color card (descending stair). -
CC Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike
G Moya Y
2-deck French Solitaire game.
This was THE poker-card solitaire game when I was a child and
no windows-style solitaires had arrived to Spain.
It is played with two decks of "poker" / "french" cards.
You can stack cards following these rules:
- The 10 tableau piles (piles on main triangle) are built down by alternate colors
(i.e you can move 2 of diamonds over 3 of spades).
- You can move a pile of cards from Tableau to tableau, as long as it is built down
by alternate colors.
(i.e. you can move [2 of diamonds + 3 of spades] over [4 of hearts]).
- You can move ANY card to an empty tableau pile.
- You can move ANY card to a tableau pile over a "hidden" (face down) card.
- The 8 foundations ("saving" piles for each suit) are built up by suit from Ace
(i.e. you can move 2 hearts to Ace of hears if it is on the Foundation)
- If you deal cards and have empty spaces, you only deal over the empty spaces.
- NEW: But you should not deal if you have face down cards.
- Otherwise, tableau piles built down from King are skipped when dealing.
This Sketch uses svg-cards by D.Belliot.
Open the content of svg-cards.svg with text editor
to see the license
Everything else is
© Copyright 2021 José Gabriel Moya Yangüela
Permision is granted to copy / share / modify on basis of the
Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike License.
Please contact with author if you want to use it for commercial purposes.
2021-10-17 Fullscreen mode; winning routine. Added losing routine but it is buggy and will be deleted
2021-10-14 added describeElement on the hope it helps people with screenreaders.
I also documented some variables.
- Improve detect lose. Current check only tests lower cards of each pile, so check is disabled.
- Add "UNDO" (or is it cheating?).
(How to do it? Store initial MAZO and movements, or store each state?).
- Beautify and comment code.
- Translate all comments to english (and variable names, too).
- Add menu? Instructions?
/* This is not used for ALL debugging, just for the most intrusive debug messages: */
var debugging=true;
/* Status variables */
var cardsCreated = false; /* Card images have been created */
var cardsShuffled = false; /* Cards have been shuffled */
var repartido = false; /* TRUE after initial deal / initial board setup */
/* x and y for making the 10 piles at first deal */
/* xreparto is used on each deal after that */
var xreparto = 0;
var yreparto = 0;
/* Triangle columns */
/* Columns 10 to 18 contain "saved" cards (foundations) */
var columnas = [
/* Card Height and Width */
var cH, cW;
/* Temporary DIV asking for patience -- DOES NOT DISPLAY!!! */
var myDiv;
// Suit codes ("palo" means suit in Spanish).
// On SVG file, suits are ordered clover/diamond/heart/spade
// I need to get them in heart/spade/diamond/clover order
// (that would allow comparing palo % 2 to get suit color).
var paloCodigo = [2, 3, 1, 0];
// imgFondo: temporary image for back of cards (fondo means background in Spanish).
// imgCarta: temporary image for card.
var imgFondo, imgCarta;
var imagenCarta = []; // Stores card faces.
var imagenFondo = []; // Stores card backs.
var cartas = []; // Stores 8 suits of cards, ordered Ahears,Ahearts,2hearts,2hearts...
/* PLEASE NOTICE the main object used by the game, (carta),
is defined in the createCards() function.
carta = {
"palo": suit: 0=hearts, 1=spade, 2=diamonds, 3=clover,
"valor": face value: 0=ace... 12=king.
"color": color (palo % 2). I think this is really never used. I use palo % 2 instead.
"fondo": back color of card. 1=blue, 0=red since I create the red background first.
"abajo": Is card face down? true if face down, false if face up.
var mazo = []; // Stores the shuffled cards
var elemento = 0;
// Human readable card names, so if carta.valor is 0 and carta.palo is 0,
// you can tell it is a "Ace of hearts"
var humanV = ["A", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K"];
var humanP = ["hearts", "spades", "diamonds", "clover"];
/* For drag and drop */
var moviendoCarta = []; /* Group of cards you are moving */
var moviendoXDist = 0; /* X distance from mouse to center of picked card */
var moviendoYDist = 0; /* Y distance from mouse to center of picked card */
var moviendoColumnaOriginal = -1; /* Original pile you took the card from, so you can return it */
var moviendo = false; /* ¿Are you moving */
/* For re-dealing */
var dealing=false;
const dealStyleUndefined=0; /* Check for empty space and decide */
const dealStyleNormal=1; /* Skip kings, deal everywhere else */
const dealStyleEmptyOnly=2; /* Deal on empty spaces only */
var dealStyle=dealStyleUndefined;
var buttonDiv; /* Div containing buttons */
var buttonFullScreen,buttonNormalScreen; /* Buttons to select between full and normal screen */
var startMenu=true; /* Whether start menu is being shown or not */
/* Preload SVG file */
function preload() {
cardspng = loadImage("svg-cards.svg");
function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
/* Setup main piles */
/* 0-9: tableau piles (columns) */
/* 10-17: foundations (saved cards) */
for (var f = 0; f < 18; f++) {
// Make button for fullScreen. Playing with cellphone without fullScreen is difficult.
buttonDiv=createDiv("Select screen mode:");
let tempDiv1=createDiv("");
let tempDiv2=createDiv("");
buttonFullScreen=createButton("Fullscreen mode");
buttonNormalScreen=createButton("Normal mode");
buttonNormalScreen.parent (tempDiv2);
// it is better to create cards from draw() so we can use noLoop()
function screenNormal(){
function screenFull(){
//console.log("requesting fullscreen");
//console.log("fullscreen is"+fullscreen());
// Creates individual card faces from the svg file.
function createCards() {
background(0, 255, 0);
// svg-cards contains 13 x 5 cards.
// We need a size that allows for at least 20 cards width.
// Regarding the height, 13/5 cards would be nice.
var W, H; /* Height and Width */
var carta; /* The object we will use to define each card on the deck */
myDiv = createP("Please Wait");
cW = round(width / 13);
W = cW * 13;
H = W * cardspng.height / cardspng.width;
if (H > height) {
//Height should be a multiple of 4 so cH and cW are integers.
H = height - (height % 4);
W = round((H * cardspng.width / cardspng.height) / 13) * 13;
cW = round(W / 13);
cH = H / 5;
// MyDiv contains a message tha says "wait..."
// This hides that div.
// On my experience, even when SVG file loads slowly, myDiv is always hidden.
image(cardspng, 0, 0, W, H);
// Get a each card.
for (var g = 0; g < 4; g++) {
gg = paloCodigo[g];
for (var f = 0; f < 13; f++) {
imgCarta = get(cW * f, cH * gg, cW, int(cH));
/* We use the same loop to define the "carta" object and
load a starting deck of cards.
carta = {
"palo": g,
"valor": f,
"color": g % 2,
"fondo": 0,
"abajo": false
carta2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(carta));
carta2.fondo = 1;
The deck does not have a red background for doubledeck. We will made one
by means of turning blue into red
imgFondo = get(cW * 2, cH * 4, cW, int(cH));
let r, b;
let pixelCount = 4 * imgFondo.width * imgFondo.height;
for (var h = 0; h < pixelCount; h += 4) {
r = imgFondo.pixels[h]; /* red */
b = imgFondo.pixels[h + 2]; /* blue */
imgFondo.pixels[h] = b;
imgFondo.pixels[h + 2] = r;
/* If I load image from the screen, push into array,
change color and push again, the resulting pair has
color changed.
So I will load from the screen, change color, push into array,
and load again from the screen before pushing the second
imgFondo = get(cW * 2, cH * 4, cW, int(cH));
cardsCreated = true;
function shuffleCards() {
let cartasOrdenadas = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(cartas));
let num = cartas.length;
/* This should be before noLoop(), since cardsCreated ends with loop() */
if (!cardsCreated) {
console.log("Cards shuffled before creation. This should never occur.");
for (let f = 0; f < num; f++) {
cartaAlAzar = int(Math.random() * cartas.length);
cartas.splice(cartaAlAzar, 1);
cartas = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(cartasOrdenadas));
cardsShuffled = true;
function reparto() {
evenOrOdd = (yreparto % 2);
cartaActual = mazo.pop();
if ((xreparto % 2) == evenOrOdd) {
cartaActual.abajo = false;
} else {
cartaActual.abajo = true;
/* DEBUG START ********************
if (cartaActual.abajo) {
CAHidden = "hidden"
} else {
CAHidden = "visible"
"dealt: " + cartaActual.valor + "." +
cartaActual.palo + CAHidden +
"at " + xreparto + "," + yreparto
*********************** DEBUG END */
if (xreparto > 9) {
xreparto = yreparto;
if (yreparto > 9) {
repartido = true;
This is for the "deal more" movement.
Starting deal is covered by reparto()
function deal(){
let cartatmp;
if (xreparto>=10){
if (mazo.length<=0){
/* BEGIN decision of dealing Style */
When xreparto==0 we check the situation and decide
what kind of deal we should use
if ( xreparto==0 || dealStyle==dealStyleUndefined) {
let emptySpaceCount=0;
if (columnas[f].length==0){
} else if (columnas[f][columnas[f].length-1].abajo) {
// Uncomment this if you want to deal just one card over face down cards
// emptySpaceCount++;
/* if there are empty spaces we will use dealStyleEmptyOnly */
if (emptySpaceCount>0) {
console.log("Deal Style: EmptyOnly");
} else {
console.log("Deal Style: Normal");
/* END decision of dealing Style */
let dealHere=false;
switch (dealStyle) {
case dealStyleEmptyOnly:
if (
// Uncomment this if you want to deal just one card over face down cards
/* || (columnas[xreparto][columnas[xreparto].length-1].abajo) */
) {
case dealStyleNormal:
/* The following condition should never occur */
if (columnas[xreparto].length<=0) break;
for (var f=0;f<columnas[xreparto].length;f++){
if ((cartatmp.valor !=valor) || palotmp == (cartatmp.palo % 2) ){
} else {
palotmp=cartatmp.palo % 2;
if (dealHere){
function draw() {
//console.log ("Start Draw");
background(0, 255, 0);
if (startMenu){
if (!cardsCreated) {
} else if (!cardsShuffled) {
} else if (!repartido) {
} else if (dealing){
/* Draw stack of unused cards */
let cartamazo;
if (mazo.length==0){
stroke(255, 255, 255);
rect(12 * cW, 3*cH, cW, cH, cW / 4);
} else {
dibujaCarta(cartamazo, 12 * cW, 3*cH);
stroke(255, 255, 255);
describeElement("Deal","There are "+mazo.length+" cards in the dealing stack");
/* Draw empty space */
let salvadas, cartaSalvada;
for (let sqx = 0; sqx < 2; sqx++) {
for (let sqy = 0; sqy < 4; sqy++) {
salvadas = columnas[10 + sqx * 4 + sqy];
if (salvadas.length == 0) {
stroke(255, 255, 255);
describeElement("Foundation","You can drop an ace here.");
rect((10 + sqx) * cW, sqy * cH, cW, cH, cW / 4);
} else {
cartaSalvada = salvadas[salvadas.length - 1];
describeElement("Foundation","You have saved "+nombreHumano(cartaSalvada)+" in the foundation");
dibujaCarta(cartaSalvada, (10 + sqx) * cW, sqy * cH);
let debuggingwas=debugging;
for (let ff = 0; ff < 10; ff++) {
if (moviendo) {
//console.log ("End Draw");
function mousePressed() {
if (repartido && !dealing) {
if (moviendo) {
} else /* !moviendo */ {
col = int(mouseX / cW);
console.log("Trying to drag from :"+col);
if (col>=0 && col <10 ) {
iniciaArrastre (mouseX,mouseY);
} else if (col>=10 && col <12) {
/* Dragging from save space */
iniciaDevolucion(mouseX, mouseY);
} else if (col==12){
switch (int(mouseY/cH)){
case 3:
console.log("Deal cards");
return false;
/* Starts drag. mx is between playing stacks. */
function iniciaArrastre(mx,my){
let moviendoCartaTemp = {};
let col = int(mx / cW);
for (f = columnas[col].length - 1; f > -1; f--) {
if ((my > (f * cH / 5)) && (my < (cH + f * cH / 5))) {
moviendoCartaTemp = columnas[col][f];
if (moviendoCartaTemp.abajo) {
console.log("Touch hidden card:" + moviendoCartaTemp);
return false;
} else {
console.log("Dragging card" + moviendoCartaTemp + " from " + col + "," + f);
moviendoCarta = columnas[col].splice(f, columnas[col].length - f);
moviendoXDist = mx - (col * cW);
moviendoYDist = my - (f * cH / 5);
moviendoColumnaOriginal = col;
moviendo = true;
/*** DEBUG START *******
**** DEBUG END ****/
} else {
if (f > 0) {
/* do not look for cards if not forming a stair */
if (columnas[col][f - 1].abajo) {
console.log("there is a hidden card in between");
if (columnas[col][f].valor != (columnas[col][f - 1].valor - 1)) {
console.log("there is a non consecutive card in between");
if ((columnas[col][f].palo % 2) == (columnas[col][f - 1].palo % 2)) {
console.log("there is a same color card in between");
/* Starts drag. mx is on save stacks. */
function iniciaDevolucion(mx,my){
let col,colx,coly,colu;
let lastCardY; /* Solo se usa como índice de fila */
/* El mazo viene dado por: */
Note: here we need to use int instead of round,
while we use round at drop events
col = int(mx / cW); /* col is initially a stack number */
if (colx<0 || colx>2){
//console.log("mx="+mx+" colx="+colx);
coly=int(my / cH);
if (coly<0 || coly>4) {
//console.log("my="+my+" coly="+colx);
col=10+colx*4+coly; /* col reloaded as number of pile */
//console.log("mx="+mx+" colx="+colx+" my="+my+" coly="+coly+" col="+col);
//console.log("Drag from save stack: "+col);
if ((columnas[col].length<=0) || !Array.isArray(columnas[col]) ){
/* Empty Stack. Can't get card from it */
console.log("Can't get card from empty stack");
} else {
/*** DEBUG START ******
debugCardGroup("column ["+col+"] contained:",columnas[col]);
******* DEBUG END ****/
We don't want a card but a PILE of 1 card
use [.pop()] or .splice(...)
// moviendoCarta = [columnas[col].pop()] ;
moviendoCarta = columnas[col].splice(columnas[col].length - 1,1);
// debugCardGroup("moviendoCarta contains:",moviendoCarta);
moviendoXDist = mx - ((10+colx) * cW);
moviendoYDist = my - (coly * cH);
moviendoColumnaOriginal = col;
moviendo = true;
function mouseDragged() {
if (repartido && moviendo) {
return false;
function mouseReleased() {
if ( (!repartido) || (dealing) ) return;
if (!moviendo) {
/* I Can't manage to combine mouseClick, mousePressed
and mouseReleased, so I will call some "click" events
when released after not moving
releasedButtonOn(mouseX, mouseY);
return false;
} else {
dropCard(mouseX - moviendoXDist, mouseY - moviendoYDist);
return false;
/* Manages dropping of cards, chooses between main or save stacks */
function dropCard(xDest,yDest){
let col = round(xDest / cW);
if (col>=0 && col<10) {
} else if (col >=10 && col <12){
/* Drops a card into main play stacks */
function dropCardCol(yDest,col){
let moviendoCartaTemp = moviendoCarta[0];
let valid=false;
Y of last card in col should be smaller than yDest, but
smaller than yDest+cH
let lastCardY = columnas[col].length - 1;
let lastCardPos = lastCardY * cH / 5;
//console.log(lastCardY+" "+lastCardPos+" "+yDest);
if (lastCardPos <= yDest && (lastCardPos + cH) >= yDest) {
/******* DEBUG *************
if (lastCardY>0){
console.log("Dropping on last card. Values are: " +
representa(moviendoCartaTemp) + "->" + representa(columnas[col][lastCardY]) +
" color:" + ((moviendoCartaTemp.palo % 2) != (columnas[col][lastCardY].palo % 2)) +
" value:" + (moviendoCartaTemp.valor == (columnas[col][lastCardY].valor - 1))
************* DEBUG *************/
if (moviendoColumnaOriginal == col) {
/* moving to original column is always valid */
valid = true;
console.log("Moving from " + col + " to " + moviendoColumnaOriginal + " always granted.");
} else if (lastCardY < 0 || !Array.isArray(columnas[col])) {
/* moving to empty column is always valid */
valid = true;
console.log("Moving to empty column" + col + " granted.");
} else if (columnas[col][lastCardY].abajo == true) {
/* moving to a place whith an unrevealed card is valid */
valid = true;
} else if (
((moviendoCartaTemp.palo % 2) != (columnas[col][lastCardY].palo % 2)) &&
(moviendoCartaTemp.valor == (columnas[col][lastCardY].valor - 1))
) {
valid = true;
} /* end if test for validity of last card */
} else {
/* end if test for last card */
console.log("Not last card");
if (valid) {
/*** DEBUG START *******
debugCardGroup("drag group contains:",moviendoCarta);
******* DEBUG END ****/
columnas[col] = columnas[col].concat(moviendoCarta);
/*** DEBUG START *******
debugCardGroup("column ["+col+"] contains:",columnas[col]);
******* DEBUG END ****/
moviendo = false;
// moviendoCarta=[]; This destroys original card. Avoid it.
moviendoXDist = 0;
moviendoYDist = 0;
moviendoColumnaOriginal = -1;
if (!valid && (moviendoColumnaOriginal >= 0)) {
columnas[moviendoColumnaOriginal] = columnas[moviendoColumnaOriginal].concat(moviendoCarta);
console.log("Returning card(s) to column " + moviendoColumnaOriginal);
/*** DEBUG START *******/
debugCardGroup("drag group contains:", moviendoCarta);
debugCardGroup("column [" + moviendoColumnaOriginal + "] contains:", columnas[moviendoColumnaOriginal]);
/******* DEBUG END ****/
moviendo = false;
// moviendoCarta={}; This destroys the original cards. Avoid it
moviendoXDist = 0;
moviendoYDist = 0;
moviendoColumnaOriginal = -1;
/* Si el movimiento fue válido, comprueba si el juego se ha perdido */
/* (la victoria se comprueba solo en dropCardSaved() ) */
if(valid) {
/* Drop a card into Save stack */
function dropCardSaved(xDest,yDest){
let valid=false;
let col,colx,coly;
let lastCardY; /* Solo se usa como índice de fila */
/* El mazo viene dado por: */
col = round(xDest / cW); /* col is initially a stack number */
if (colx<0 || colx>2){
//console.log("xDest="+xDest+" colx="+colx);
coly=round(yDest / cH);
if (coly<0 || coly>4) {
//console.log("yDest="+xDest+" coly="+colx);
col=10+colx*4+coly; /* col reloaded as number of pile */
if ( moviendoCarta.length!=1) {
console.log("You can only save one card at once");
let moviendoCartaTemp=moviendoCarta[0];
if (!Array.isArray(columnas[col])){
} else {
lastCardY = columnas[col].length - 1;
if (lastCardY < 0) {
/* moving to empty save is valid for ACES */
if (moviendoCartaTemp.valor==0) {
valid = true;
console.log("Moving ace to empty save area" + col + " granted.");
} else {
console.log("Moving non-ace to empty save area" + col + " forbidden.");
} else if (
(columnas[col][lastCardY].palo==moviendoCartaTemp.palo) &&
) {
/* moving bigger than ace to full save area */
valid = true;
/* Here could be a winning routine if card is a king */
} else {
/* end if test for last card */
console.log("Can't save that card");
if (valid) {
/*** DEBUG START *******
debugCardGroup("drag group contains:",moviendoCarta);
******* DEBUG END ****/
columnas[col] = columnas[col].concat(moviendoCarta);
/*** DEBUG START *******/
debugCardGroup("column now ["+col+"] contains:",columnas[col]);
/******* DEBUG END ****/
moviendo = false;
// moviendoCarta=[]; This destroys original card. Avoid it.
moviendoXDist = 0;
moviendoYDist = 0;
moviendoColumnaOriginal = -1;
if (!valid && (moviendoColumnaOriginal >= 0)) {
columnas[moviendoColumnaOriginal] = columnas[moviendoColumnaOriginal].concat(moviendoCarta);
console.log("Returning card(s) to column " + moviendoColumnaOriginal);
/*** DEBUG START *******/
debugCardGroup("drag group contains:", moviendoCarta);
debugCardGroup("column [" + moviendoColumnaOriginal + "] contains:", columnas[moviendoColumnaOriginal]);
/******* DEBUG END ****/
moviendo = false;
// moviendoCarta={}; This destroys the original cards. Avoid it
moviendoXDist = 0;
moviendoYDist = 0;
moviendoColumnaOriginal = -1;
let win=false;
if (valid){
let sum=0;
for (let f=10;f<18;f++){
if (win){
window.alert("You won!!");
} else {
/* Losing test in case movement is not a win */
/* Draws the moviendoCarta group */
function dibujaCartaArrastrada() {
let f;
if (!Array.isArray(moviendoCarta) || moviendoCarta.lenght == 0) {
console.log("dibujaCartaArrastrada: Not an array");
debugCardGroup("dibujar:", moviendoCarta);
// describes element as "moving X cards from [firstcard] to [lastcard]":
describeElement("DraggedCards","moving "+describeCardGroup(moviendoCarta,true));
mouseX - moviendoXDist,
mouseY - moviendoYDist
/* Tells the name of a card */
function representa(cart) {
if (cart === null || !(typeof cart === "object") || !(cart.hasOwnProperty("valor"))) {
console.log("cart is not a card");
return "<not a card>";
var codigoCarta = cart.valor + "." + cart.palo;
var nombreCarta = humanV[cart.valor] + " " + humanP[cart.palo];
return codigoCarta + " (" + nombreCarta + ")";
function nombreHumano(cart) {
if (cart === null || !(typeof cart === "object") || !(cart.hasOwnProperty("valor"))) {
console.log("cart is not a card");
return "<not a card>";
if (cart.abajo) {
return ("a hidden card");
} else {
return humanV[cart.valor] + "of" + humanP[cart.palo];
function releasedButtonOn(mx, my) {
let col = int(mx / cW);
if (col < 10) {
/* ¿Click en una columna de cartas? */
let lastCardY = columnas[col].length - 1;
let lastCardPos = lastCardY * cH / 5;
if (lastCardPos <= mouseY && (lastCardPos + cH) >= mouseY) {
if (columnas[col][columnas[col].length - 1].abajo) {
columnas[col][columnas[col].length - 1].abajo = false;
/* Logs a list with the names of all cards in a group */
function debugCardGroup(message, array) {
let terminator, msg;
if (array === null) {
console.log(message + " is null");
} else if (!Array.isArray(array)) {
console.log(message + " is not array but " + JSON.stringify(array));
msg = "" + message + "=[";
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
msg = msg + "{" + representa(array[i]) + "}";
//console.log(message + " contains [" + i + "]" + representa(array[i]));
terminator = (i < array.length - 1) ? "," : "]";
msg = msg + terminator;
Generates a description of a card group
You can use it with describeElement.
function describeCardGroup(array, simple) {
let terminator, msg;
if (simple==null) {simple=false;}
if (array === null) {
console.log("describeCardGroup: null array");
} else if (!Array.isArray(array)) {
console.log("describeCardGroup: array not array but " + JSON.stringify(array));
msg="contains "+array.length+" cards";
switch ( array.lenght){
case 0:
case 1:
msg+=": "+nombreHumano(array[1]);
if (simple) {
msg+="starting with ";
msg+=" and ending with ";
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
msg = msg + nombreHumano(array[i]) + ",";
terminator = (i < array.length - 1) ? "," : ".";
msg = msg + terminator;
return (msg);
/* Draws single card at x,y */
function dibujaCarta(cart, x, y) {
if (cart === null || !(typeof cart === "object") || !(cart.hasOwnProperty("valor"))) {
console.log("cart is not a card");
if (cart.abajo) {
image(imagenFondo[cart.fondo], x, y);
} else {
image(imagenCarta[cart.palo * 13 + cart.valor], x, y);
function dibujaColumna(numMazo) {
if (numMazo < 0 || numMazo > 10) return;
x = cW * numMazo;
// Describes the column as "pile X contains ..."
describeElement("Pile"+numMazo,"Pile "+numMazo+" "+describeCardGroup(columnas[numMazo],false));
dibujaConjunto(columnas[numMazo], numMazo * cW, 0);
/* Draws group of cards at x,y */
function dibujaConjunto(cartArray, x, y) {
let f;
if (!Array.isArray(cartArray) || cartArray.lenght == 0) {
console.log("dibujaConjunto: Not an array");
if ( debugging ) { debugCardGroup("dibujar:", cartArray); }
for (f = 0; f < cartArray.length; f++) {
// console.log("dibujando:" + representa(cartArray[f]));
dibujaCarta(cartArray[f], x, y + f * cH / 5);
/* Check for movements left */
/* This function should be improved, since it only checks
the last card of each pile.
Where pile ends with a ladder, each card in the ladder should
be tested.
Also, foundation cards should be tested only if they are useful.
I'm thinking about adding a isCardOnFoundation(value, color) function,
so if you have 1_0 and 3_0 in the piles, you could check for 2_1 on foundation.
function movementsLeft(){
let canmove=false;
let origin, destination;
for (let colfrom=0;colfrom<10;colfrom++){
// if there is an empty column, player can move
if (columnas[colfrom].length==0) {
// if last card of a column is face down, player can move
if (origin.abajo) {
for (let colto=0;colto<18;colto++){
if ( colto <10){
if (columnas[colto].length==0){
if (destination.abajo) {
if ((destination.palo %2)!==(origin.palo %2)){
if (destination.value==origin.value+1){
} else /*colto >=10 */ {
if (columnas[colto].length==0){
// Can move to empty foundation if and only if moving an ace.
if (origin.value==0) {
if (destination.palo ==origin.palo){
if (destination.value==origin.value-1){
} /* end if check column number */
} /* end for colto*/
} /* end for colfrom */
/* ¿Can return card from foundation ? */
for (let colfrom=10;colfrom<18;colfrom++){
/* Checking only used foundations */
if (columnas[colfrom].length>0) {
for (let colto=0;colto<10;colto++){
/* Dont try to move from foundation to empty column */
if (columnas[colto].length>0){
if (destination.abajo) {
break ;
} else {
if ((destination.palo %2)!==(origin.palo %2)){
if (destination.value==origin.value+1){
} /* end if: columnas[colto].length >0 */
} /* end for colto */
} /* end if columnas[colfrom].length>0 */
} /* end for colfrom */
return canmove;
function checkLose(){
if ((mazo.length==0) && (!movementsLeft)){
/* Disable the check since movementsLeft() is buggy*/
// window.alert("Not sure, but it seems you lose!");
See More Shortcuts