//PGraphics pg;
int cols = 600;
int rows = 600;
int i, j;
color b1, b2;
//float pi = 3.14;
// for ball
float ballX = 300;
float ballY = 300;
float ballRadius = 20;
// for making ball move
float speed = 2;
float directionX = 1;
float directionY = 1;
// for calculating distance
float longestDistance, shortestDistance;
float distance1, distance2;
// for paddles
int paddle1X;
int paddle2X;
int paddleY;
// Declare pixel Array
int[][] pixelRed = new int[cols][rows];
int[][] pixelGreen = new int[cols][rows];
int[][] pixelBlue = new int[cols][rows];
void setup() {
size (600, 600);
// distances between paddle and ball
longestDistance = sqrt(50*50 + 30*30);
shortestDistance = 15;
// Initialize colors
b1 = color(203, 102, 0);
b2 = color(0, 102, 153);
// Initialize pixel RGB values
for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
pixelRed[i][j] = 255;
pixelGreen[i][j] = i/3;
pixelBlue[i][j] = j/3;
//pg = createGraphics(40,40);
//Draw background gradience
// for (i = 0; i < cols; i++) {
// for (j = 0; j < rows; j++) {
// fill(0, pixelGreen[i][j]/3, pixelBlue[i][j]/3);
// noStroke();
// ellipse(i, j, 20, 20);
// }
// }
void draw () {
/* draws ball
ellipse(ballX, ballY, ballRadius*2, ballRadius*2); */
// draws gradience based on ball location
if (ballY > 0 && ballY < cols && ballX > 0 && ballX < rows) {
i = int(ballX);
j = int(ballY);
fill(pixelRed[i][j], pixelGreen[i][j], pixelBlue[i][j]);
ellipse(i, j, ballRadius*2, ballRadius*2);
/**************** trying PGraphics */
// pg.beginDraw();
// pg.fill(255, 255, 255);
// pg.noStroke();
// pg.ellipse(ballX, ballY, ballRadius*2, ballRadius*2);
// pg.endDraw();
move(); // make ball move
rect(0, 0, 20, 1200); // cover left paddle trail
rect(cols, 0, 20, 1200); // cover right paddle trail
// draws paddles
paddleY = mouseY;
paddle1X = 0;
paddle2X = width;
rect(paddle1X, paddleY, 20, 100); // left paddle
rect(paddle2X, paddleY, 20, 100); // right paddle
bounce(); // make ball bounce
/******************************* Functions */
// function make ball move
void move () {
if (!mousePressed) {
ballX = ballX + speed * directionX;
//ballY = ballY + (pow(speed, 4) * directionY);
ballY = ballY + speed * directionY;
} else {
//ballY = ballY + speed * directionY;
//ballY = ballY + (sin(speed*2) * directionY);
//ballY = ballY + (pow(speed, 2) * directionY);
ballX = ballX + speed;
ballY = ballY + (pow(speed, 2) * directionY);
// fill(255,0,0);
// ellipse(i, j, 40, 40);
// function make ball bounce
void bounce () {
// distances between paddle and ball
distance1 = sqrt((paddleY - ballY) * (paddleY - ballY) + (paddle1X - ballX) * (paddle1X - ballX));
distance2 = sqrt((paddleY - ballY) * (paddleY - ballY) + (paddle2X - ballX) * (paddle2X - ballX));
// ball bounce if hit top or bottom of screen
if (ballY < 0+20 || ballY > height-20) {
directionY = directionY * -1 + random(-.3, .3);
ballRadius = ballRadius * 1.1;
// ball bounce if touch paddles
else if (distance1 <= longestDistance || distance2 <= longestDistance) {
if (ballX == 30 || ballX == width - 30) {
directionX = directionX * -1;
directionY = directionY + random(-.3, .3);
ballRadius = ballRadius * 1.1;
// void mousePressed() {
// ballY = ballY + (pow(speed, 5) * directionY);
// }