“GUI 3d Demo” by Quark
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GUI 3d Demo
The 3d animation for this sketch was taken from one of Processing's examples
so I can not take credit for that. :-)
I simply use it to show that my GUI works on a 3D sketch.
let sketch_3D = function (p) {
p.preload = function () {
p.cSwatch = p.loadImage('c_swatch.png');
p.cPresets = p.loadImage('c_presets.png');
p.cMixer = p.loadImage('c_mixer.png');
p.setup = function () {
let p5canvas = p.createCanvas(450, 360, p.WEBGL);
// This next instruction MUST be used to initialise the GUI controller
p.gui = GUI.get(p5canvas, p);
p.r = 200, p.g = 180, p.b = 20;
p.gui.checkbox('cbx1', 0, 0, 120, 60).text('Hide\nTabs', p.LEFT).textSize(9).shrink()
.tooltip('Hide / show tabs', 2000)
.setAction(function (ei) {
if (ei.selected) p.gui.hideAll(); else p.gui.showAll();
p.draw = function () {
p.fill(p.r, p.g, p.b);
p.rotateY(p.frameCount * 0.005);
for (let j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
for (let i = 0; i < 80; i++) {
Math.sin(p.frameCount * 0.0005 + j) * 80,
Math.sin(p.frameCount * 0.0005 + j) * 80,
i * 0.1
p.rotateZ(p.frameCount * 0.001);
p.sphere(8, 6, 4);
p.createColorMixer = function () {
let pane = p.gui.pane('mixer', 'south', 90).text('RGB Color Mixer').icon(p.cMixer);
let gap = 10, sw = 120;
let sx = p.gui.canvasWidth() / 2 - gap - 1.5 * sw;
p.sdrR = p.gui.slider('sdrR', sx, 4, sw, 20).limits(0, 255).value(p.r).parent(pane)
.setAction(function (info) { p.r = p.round(info.value) });
p.gui.label('lblR', sx + 10, 26, sw - 20, 14).text('Red').parent(pane);
sx += sw + gap;
p.sdrG = p.gui.slider('sdrG', sx, 4, sw, 20).limits(0, 255).value(p.g).parent(pane)
.setAction(function (info) { p.g = p.round(info.value) });
p.gui.label('lblG', sx + 10, 26, sw - 20, 14).text('Green').parent(pane);
sx += sw + gap;
p.sdrB = p.gui.slider('sdrB', sx, 4, sw, 20).limits(0, 255).value(p.b).parent(pane)
.setAction(function (info) { p.b = p.round(info.value) });
p.gui.label('lblB', sx + 10, 26, sw - 20, 14).text('Blue').parent(pane);
p.createColorPresets = function () {
let pane = p.gui.pane('presets', 'south', 110).text('Color Presets').icon(p.cPresets)
let gap = 10, bw = 120;
let bx = p.gui.canvasWidth() / 2 - gap - 1.5 * bw;
p.gui.button('ps1', bx, 4, bw, 20).text('Burnt Sienna').parent(pane)
.icon(p.getColorIcon(12, 12, 218, 95, 28))
.setAction(function () {
p.sdrR.value(p.r = 218); p.sdrG.value(p.g = 95); p.sdrB.value(p.b = 28)
p.gui.button('ps4', bx, 40, bw, 20).text('Harvest Gold').parent(pane)
.icon(p.getColorIcon(12, 12, 252, 185, 77))
.setAction(function () {
p.sdrR.value(p.r = 252); p.sdrG.value(p.g = 185); p.sdrB.value(p.b = 77)
bx += bw + gap;
p.gui.button('ps2', bx, 4, bw, 20).text('Blue Mustang').parent(pane)
.icon(p.getColorIcon(12, 12, 56, 135, 157))
.setAction(function () {
p.sdrR.value(p.r = 56); p.sdrG.value(p.g = 135); p.sdrB.value(p.b = 157)
p.gui.button('ps5', bx, 40, bw, 20).text('Teak').parent(pane)
.icon(p.getColorIcon(12, 12, 170, 108, 24))
.setAction(function () {
p.sdrR.value(p.r = 170); p.sdrG.value(p.g = 108); p.sdrB.value(p.b = 24)
bx += bw + gap;
p.gui.button('ps3', bx, 4, bw, 20).text('Natural').parent(pane)
.icon(p.getColorIcon(12, 12, 218, 191, 151))
.setAction(function () {
p.sdrR.value(p.r = 218); p.sdrG.value(p.g = 191); p.sdrB.value(p.b = 151)
p.gui.button('ps6', bx, 40, bw, 20).text('Avacado').parent(pane)
.icon(p.getColorIcon(12, 12, 135, 155, 66))
.setAction(function () {
p.sdrR.value(p.r = 135); p.sdrG.value(p.g = 155); p.sdrB.value(p.b = 66)
p.createColorSchemePane = function () {
let pane = p.gui.pane('colScheme', 'east', 120).text('GUI Color Scheme').icon(p.cSwatch)
let top = 40;
p.gui.label('cslabel', 10, top, 70, 20).text('Select GUI\ncolor scheme')
p.gui.option('red', 10, top + 50, 70, 20).text('Red').group('scheme').parent(pane)
p.gui.option('green', 10, top + 80, 70, 20).text('Green').group('scheme').parent(pane)
p.gui.option('blue', 10, top + 110, 70, 20).text('Blue').group('scheme').parent(pane)
p.gui.option('yellow', 10, top + 140, 70, 20).text('Yellow').group('scheme').parent(pane)
p.gui.option('purple', 10, top + 170, 70, 20).text('Purple').group('scheme').parent(pane)
p.gui.option('cyan', 10, top + 200, 70, 20).text('Cyan').group('scheme').parent(pane)
p.gui.option('orange', 10, top + 230, 70, 20).text('Orange').group('scheme').parent(pane)
p.csAction = function (ei) {
//console.log('Selected', a.source.name(), ' Deselected', a.previous.name())
p.getColorIcon = function (w, h, r, g, b) {
let img = p.createImage(w, h);
for (let i = 0; i < img.pixels.length; i += 4) {
img.pixels[i] = r;
img.pixels[i + 1] = g;
img.pixels[i + 2] = b;
img.pixels[i + 3] = 255;
return img;
let p1 = new p5(sketch_3D);
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