// Move the mouse and observe how it affects the motion of the circle.
// The patterns represent where the circle will spend most time.
// mouseX defines how much time is spent at the beginning of the animation,
// mouseY defines how much time is spent at the end of the animation.
// t increases linearly, but bezierPoint() is used to create acceleration
// and decceleration.
int hparts = 7;
int vparts = 7;
float w;
float h;
void setup() {
size(600, 600);
w = width / float(hparts);
h = height / float(vparts);
for(float x=0; x<hparts; x++) {
for(float y=0; y<vparts; y++) {
for(float z=0; z<=1; z+=0.03) {
float xx = 5 + x*w + (w-10)*bezierPoint(0, x/(hparts-1), y/(vparts-1), 1, z);
stroke(0, 100);
line(xx, y*h+5, xx, y*h+h-10);
void draw() {
float loopLength = 100.0;
float t = frameCount % loopLength /loopLength;
rect(0, h*4 - 9, width, 12);
float c0 = mouseX/float(width);
float c1 = mouseY/float(height);
float xx = width * bezierPoint(0, c0, c1, 1, t);
text("bezierPoint(0, " + nf(c0, 1, 2) + ", " + nf(c1, 1, 2) + ", 1, " + t + ")", 20, h*4+1);
fill(255, 0, 0);
ellipse(xx, h*4-3, 7, 7);