// requires a browser capable of 3D
AnimatedCube cube1;
AnimatedCube cube2;
AnimatedCube cube3;
void setup() {
size(640, 360, P3D);
cube1 = new AnimatedCube(50, 15, 0, #B6F0B1);
cube2 = new AnimatedCube(60, 12, -100, #F0E2B1);
cube3 = new AnimatedCube(80, 20, -200, #B1CFF0);
void draw() {
// camera flies in circles
float rotation_radius = 299;
float rotation_angle = frameCount/303.0;
camera(width/2.0 + rotation_radius*cos(rotation_angle), height/2.0-100, height/2.0 + rotation_radius*sin(rotation_angle), width/2.0, height/2.0, 0, 0, 1, 0);
class AnimatedCube {
float cube_side; // Cube side length.
float cube_radius; // 2D distance from the center of the cube to a corner.
float num_frames; // How many frames are needed to complete one rotation.
int curr_frame = 0; // The current frame in a virtual timeline. Can go forward and backwards.
int direction = 1; // Is the cube moving left or right
boolean pause = true; // Is the cube paused?
color cube_color;
float z_pos; // Allows having cubes in different positions
AnimatedCube(float cradius, float frames, float zpos, color ccolor) {
cube_radius = cradius;
cube_side = sqrt(0.5) * 2 * cube_radius;
num_frames = frames;
z_pos = zpos;
cube_color = ccolor;
void draw() {
if (pause) {
// If the cube is paused do not update the current frame
// Un-pause it eventually
if (random(100) > 98) {
pause = false;
else {
// Update the current frame (+1 or -1)
curr_frame += direction;
// If we have finished a complete rotation...
if (int(curr_frame % num_frames) == 0) {
// If we are too far right, start going back
if (curr_frame > 180) {
direction = -1;
// If we are too far left, start going right
if (curr_frame < 20) {
direction = 1;
// Maybe pause after a completed rotation
if (random(10) > 3) {
pause = true;
float rot_percent = (curr_frame % num_frames) / num_frames;
float center_y = cube_radius * sin(QUARTER_PI + rot_percent * HALF_PI);
float center_x = cube_radius * cos(QUARTER_PI + rot_percent * HALF_PI);
float completed_rotations = curr_frame / num_frames;
translate(cube_side * int(completed_rotations) - center_x, height/2 + 100 - center_y, z_pos);
rotateZ(completed_rotations * HALF_PI);