// By Laura Krok aka lakrok
var thickness = 8; // thickness of the lines between the cubes
var colors; // colors used, including black and white
var nbColors; // number of colors
var startingProbColors; // starting probabilities
var probColors; // probabilities of applying each color to a rectangle, the sum of its elements must be equal to 1.0
var probReducingColors; // gives how the probabilities for each color evolve every time we use them (the closest to 1, the more we'll reduce)
var probFactor = 0.9; // factor to multiply the probability of division with when we call the function mondrianRecursion recursively
function setup() {
createCanvas(1240, 1748);
stroke(255, 255, 0);
colors = [[255, 255, 0], [255, 255, 255], [10, 10, 255], [230, 227, 207], [255, 50, 1, 0]];
nbColors = colors.length;
startingProbColors = [0.01, 0.81, 0.06, 0.06, 0.06];
probColors = startingProbColors.slice();
probReducingColors = [0.8, 0.1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5];
function draw() {
background(255, 255, 0);
mondrianRecursion(width - thickness, height - thickness, thickness/2, thickness/2, 1.0, (random(2)<1));
/* Draws a generated Mondrian-style picture recursively
w the width, h the height, (x,y) the top-left corner
prob the probability to divide this rectangle into 2 new rectangles
vertical = true if we must divide vertically, false if horizontally */
function mondrianRecursion(w, h, x, y, prob, vertical) {
if (random(1) < prob) { // we must divide again
if (vertical) {
var wDivision=floor(random(w*0.3, w*0.7));
mondrianRecursion(wDivision, h, x, y, prob*probFactor, false);
mondrianRecursion(w - wDivision, h, x + wDivision, y, prob*probFactor, false);
} else {
var hDivision=floor(random(h*0.3, h*0.7));
mondrianRecursion(w, hDivision, x, y, prob*probFactor, true);
mondrianRecursion(w, h - hDivision, x, y + hDivision, prob*probFactor, true);
} else { // we must draw a rectangle in the zone
var idx = chooseColor();
fill(colors[idx][0], colors[idx][1], colors[idx][2]);
rect(x + thickness/2, y + thickness/2, w - thickness, h - thickness);
/* Choose a color randomly using the probability distribution of probColors */
function chooseColor() {
var r = random(1), sum = 0;
var i = 0;
while (sum <= r) {
sum += probColors[i++];
return i - 1;
/* Changes probColors during the execution in order not to have too much of a certain color
Reduces the probability of the last used color and redistributes it uniformly to all the others */
function newProbColors(i) {
var x = probColors[i] * probReducingColors[i];
for (var k = 0; k < nbColors; k++) {
if (i === k) {
probColors[k] = probColors[k] - x; // decrease this probability
} else {
probColors[k] = probColors[k] + x / (nbColors-1); // increase all the other ones
function keyTyped() {
if (key === "s" || key === "S") {
saveCanvas("MondrianBroadwayBoogieWoogie1240x1748", "jpeg");