// This code builds upon this code
let capture; //creating a variable for webcam
function setup() { //function set up
createCanvas(320, 240); //creates canvas
// specify multiple formats for different browsers
capture = createCapture({ //assigning value to webcam
audio: false, //turning off the audio
video: { width: 320, height: 240 } //setting video width and height
}, function() { //creating a function
console.log('capture ready.'); //letting us know that webcam works
capture.hide(); //hiding the raw camera footage and putting the camera on canvas
noStroke(); //hide outlines of shapes
fill(150, 222, 209); //color shapes black
} //closes the function set up
function draw() { //function draw
background(167, 199, 231); //colors background white
capture.loadPixels(); //makes the webcam video into pixels loading in pixel data
const stepSize = 5; //create stepSize variable
for (let y = 0; y < height; y += stepSize) { //for loop controls y value
for (let x = 0; x < width; x += stepSize) { //second for loop controls x value
const i = y * width + x; //create i variable
const darkness = (255 - capture.pixels[i * 4]) / 255; //determines how dark a pixel is
const radius = stepSize * darkness; //determines how big the cricle is going to be
rectMode (CENTER);
rect(x, y, radius, radius); //drawing the circle
} //closes second set of loops
} //closes first set for loops
} //closes the function draw