function windowResized() {
resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
function setColor(c) {
const quads = [];
// the outer array represents rows, the inner arrays represent each column
let grid = [
const palettes = [
].map(p => p.split('-').map(c => `#${c}`));
let colors = palettes[0];
let xStart, yStart;
let xStep, yStep;
let rows, cols;
let colOffset;
// oh my god I hate this
function resizeArray(ary, size, newValue = null) {
if (ary.length == size) return ary;
if (ary.length > size) ary.splice(size);
while (ary.length < size) ary.push(newValue);
function recalc() {
// start by creating a throwaway quad we'll use to do some math for us
const q = new Quad(0, 0, size, angle);
// calculate how many rows and columns we should have. the adds
// are important because the shape isn't square and treating it
// as such will result in blank spots on the edge of the screen.
rows = int(height / q.height) + 3;
cols = int(width / q.width) + 2;
// next calculate the origin of our grid. these were hand-tuned
// to make sure we always cover the entire viewport.
// I do not have confidence it works correctly
xStart = -(q.width / 4)
yStart = -(q.height / 2) * 2;
// now calculate how many pixels there are between each shape
// in both directions
xStep = q.width;
yStep = q.height;
// finally calculate how far we need to offset the even columns
// in order to get the grid to line up. this is just the difference
// in the y axis between the top left and top right corners
colOffset = int( -;
// now let's fix our grid. we're doing several things at once here:
// 1) resize the storage to match the grid we intend to draw,
// adding or removing rows and columns as necessary
// 2) ensuring each spot on the grid has a quad object
// 3) reconfiguring existing quad objects as necessary
// see above (where grid is declared) for an explanation of its structure
resizeArray(grid, rows);
for (let r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
grid[r] ||= [];
resizeArray(grid[r], cols);
const ly = yStart + r * yStep;
for (let c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
let q = grid[r][c];
const theta = c % 2 ? -angle : angle;
const offset = c % 2 ? colOffset : 0;
const lx = xStart + c * xStep;
if (q) {
length: size,
angle: theta,
x: lx,
y: ly + offset
} else {
q = new Quad(lx, ly + offset, size, theta);
q.colorIndex = int(random(palettes[0].length));
grid[r][c] = q;
function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
// normally there are tiny gaps between shapes. I don't understand
// why, but probably anti-aliasing? but noSmooth() doesn't fix it
// what *does* fix it is setting pixelDensity, which doesn't make
// sense to me but hey whatever works, right?
colors = random(palettes);
function draw() {
for (const row of grid) {
for (const quad of row) {
if (quad.colorIndex === null) {
} else {