“Ogres Are Like Onions” by Dave Pagurek
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{{width}} x {{height}}
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Ogres Are Like Onions
* This is an entry for @sableRaph's weekly creative code challenge!
* The theme this week is "break it down," so I wanted to illustrate
* the layers inside an ogre.
* This combines p5 (used for framebuffer feedback) with Shader Park
* to draw a Shrek via an SDF. Now that p5 has WebGL 2 support, you can
* use Shader Park SDFs in p5 and even have your p5 shapes draw in front
* of and behind them!
* If you want to try Shader Park in a p5 sketch of your own, make sure
* to add this library to the list of enabled libraries on OpenProcessing:
* https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/shader-park-core@0.2.5/dist/shader-park-p5.js
let sdf
let prev, next
function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight, WEBGL)
// Things to make the sketch run less slow. SDFs can get intense
setAttributes({ antialias: false })
prev = createFramebuffer()
next = createFramebuffer()
// `createShaderPark` takes in a function that defines a shape using
// the tools listed in the Shader Park reference here:
// https://docs.shaderpark.com/references-js/
// Shader park helps you create a *signed distance function shader.*
// These define shapes by calculating, at a given point in space,
// how close you are to the surface (hence the name.) These are great
// for defining complex 3D shapes that change topology over time, and
// for doing Boolean operations on shapes (including smooth blending!)
// Later on, we draw the SDF into the scene on a sphere. Consider
// defining your shape as close as possible to (0,0,0) in your SDF,
// and then later using P5 to position that in your scene so that your
// SDF doesn't get cut off at the sides of its bounding sphere.
// Note that this is not a real function: Shader Park compiles this
// into a shader for you! So you will not be able to access constants
// you define outside of the function.
sdf = createShaderPark(function() {
const shrek = shape(() => {
color(0.2, 0.9, 0.3)
displace(0, -0.35, 0)
for (const side of [0, 1]) {
rotateY(PI * side)
displace(0, -0.35, 0)
displace(-0.35, 0, 0)
displace(0, -0.1, 0)
cylinder(0.05, 0.1)
displace(0, -0.15, 0)
cylinder(0.08, 0.01)
displace(0, -0.01, 0)
lightDirection(0, -1, 0)
let thickness = 0.05
expand(-thickness * 1.5)
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
thickness /= 2
displace(0, 0, (sin(time*0.8)*0.5 - 0.5))
box(1, 1, 1)
function windowResized() {
resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight)
function draw() {
[next, prev] = [prev, next]
// Do some video feedback
image(prev, 0, 0)
fill(255, 200, 0, 2)
plane(width, height)
// Make Shrek bob
translate(0, sin(millis()*0.0007) * 50, 0)
rotateY(0.5 + sin(millis() * 0.0009)*PI*0.1)
scale(min(width, height) / 300)
// This bit draws the Shader Park SDF. It does so by
// drawing a sphere with a shader that renders the SDF.
// It supports depth checking with other p5 shapes if you
// want!
image(next, 0, 0)
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