// Original code by The Wizard Bear
const string = "Thought my life consists of black and white only...";
const string2 = "I think there is just some in-between..."; //words to be displayed
const size = 35; //font size
const fontFile = "Muli-Black.ttf";
const showText = true; //whether or not to have an overlay of the original text (in the background color)
const textAlpha = 1; //the alpha of the text if displayed (low value will make it slowly fade in)
const backgroundColor = 0; //kinda self-explanatory
const strokeAlpha = 60; //the alpha of the lines (lower numbers are more transparent)
const strokeColor = 255; //the line color
const fontSampleFactor = 0.4; //How many points there are: the higher the number, the closer together they are (more detail)
const noiseZoom = 0.006; //how zoomed in the perlin noise is
const noiseOctaves = 4; //The number of octaves for the noise
const noiseFalloff = 0.5; //The falloff for the noise layers
const zOffsetChange = 0; //How much the noise field changes in the z direction each frame
const individualZOffset = 0; //how far away the points/lines are from each other in the z noise axies (the bigger the number, the more chaotic)
const lineSpeed = .5; //the maximum amount each point can move each frame
const newPointsCount = 9; //the number of new points added when the mouse is dragged
var font;
var points = [];
var startingPoints;
function preload() {
font = loadFont(fontFile);
function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
fill(backgroundColor, textAlpha);
stroke(strokeColor, strokeAlpha);
noiseDetail(noiseOctaves, noiseFalloff);
startingPoints = font.textToPoints(string, width / 2 - textWidth(string) / 2, height / 2, size, {"sampleFactor": fontSampleFactor});
for (let p = 0; p < startingPoints.length; p++) {
points[p] = startingPoints[p];
points[p].zOffset = random();
function draw() {
text(string, width / 2 - textWidth(string) / 2, height);
stroke(strokeColor, strokeAlpha);
for (let pt = 0; pt < points.length; pt++) {
let p = points[pt];
let noiseX = p.x * noiseZoom;
let noiseY = p.y * noiseZoom;
let noiseZ = frameCount * zOffsetChange + p.zOffset*individualZOffset;
let newPX = p.x + map(noise(noiseX, noiseY, noiseZ), 0, 1, -lineSpeed, lineSpeed);
let newPY = p.y + map(noise(noiseX, noiseY, noiseZ + 214), 0, 1, -lineSpeed, lineSpeed);
line(p.x, p.y, newPX, newPY);
p.x = newPX;
p.y = newPY;
function keyPressed() {
if (key == 's') {
function mouseDragged() {
for (let i = 0; i < newPointsCount; i++) {
let angle = random(TAU);
let magnitude = randomGaussian() * ((newPointsCount-1)**0.5*3);
let newPoint = {
"x": mouseX + magnitude * cos(angle),
"y": mouseY + magnitude * sin(angle),
"zOffset": random()
points[points.length] = newPoint;
startingPoints[startingPoints.length] = newPoint;