let playerONE;
let playerTWO;
let playerTHREE;
let playerFOUR;
let one = [];
let two = [];
let three = [];
let four = [];
let playingOne = false;
let playingTwo = false;
let playingThree = false;
let playingFour = false;
let oneStartArray = [];
let oneStopArray = [];
let twoStartArray = [];
let twoStopArray = [];
let threeStartArray = [];
let threeStopArray = [];
let fourStartArray = [];
let fourStopArray = [];
let x1 = 0;
let x2 = 0;
let x3 = 0;
let x4 = 0;
let soundOne = [];
let soundTwo = [];
let soundThree = [];
let soundFour = [];
let soundNew = [];
let sec = 0;
let min = 0;
let mapTime;
let start = [];
let stop = [];
let randomStart = [];
let randomStop = [];
let spectrum;
let fft;
let mic;
let switchColor;
let font;
let timer;
let startTime;
let buttonX;
let buttonY;
let buttonW;
let buttonH;
let buttonAlpha;
// TO DO
// fix background scaling
// fix typo scaling
function preload() {
// sounds
for (s = 1; s < 14; s++) {
soundOne = loadSound(s + '-one.mp3');
append(one, soundOne);
for (s = 1; s < 14; s++) {
soundTwo = loadSound(s + '-two.mp3');
append(two, soundTwo);
for (s = 1; s < 14; s++) {
soundThree = loadSound(s + '-three.mp3');
append(three, soundThree);
for (s = 1; s < 14; s++) {
soundFour = loadSound(s + '-four.mp3');
append(four, soundFour);
// table playerONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR
playerONE = loadTable('four6-PLAYER1.csv', 'csv', 'header');
playerTWO = loadTable('four6-PLAYER2.csv', 'csv', 'header');
playerTHREE = loadTable('four6-PLAYER3.csv', 'csv', 'header');
playerFOUR = loadTable('four6-PLAYER4.csv', 'csv', 'header');
font = loadFont('AkzidenzGrotesk-MediumExtended.otf');
function setup() {
setInterval(time, 1000);
let cnv = createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
//print('load playerOne');
Player(playerONE, oneStartArray, oneStopArray, soundOne);
//print('load PlayerTwo');
Player(playerTWO, twoStartArray, twoStopArray, soundTwo);
//print('load playerTHREE');
Player(playerTHREE, threeStartArray, threeStopArray, soundThree);
//print('load playerFOUR');
Player(playerFOUR, fourStartArray, fourStopArray, soundFour);
fft = new p5.FFT(0.5, 64);
mic = new p5.AudioIn();
switchColor = 0;
buttonX = windowWidth/2;
buttonY = windowHeight/2;
buttonW = windowWidth;
buttonH = windowHeight;
buttonAlpha = 180;
startTime = false;
function draw() {
background(255, 239, 0); // yellow 1 (255, 239, 0), yellow 2 (255, 249, 37)
mapTime = (map(sec, 0.0, 0.59, 0.0, 0.99))/100 + min;
// Visulizer
spectrum = fft.analyze();
switch(switchColor) {
case 0:
let go = color(199, 0, 255);
rectColor = go;
case 1:
let purple = color(199, 0, 255);
rectColor = purple;
case 2:
let blue = color(34, 0, 255);
rectColor = blue;
case 3:
let orange = color(255, 85, 0);
rectColor = orange;
case 4:
let green = color(183, 243, 78);
rectColor = green;
fill (rectColor);
for (i = 0; i < spectrum.length; i++) {
var amp = spectrum[i];
var w = map(amp, 0, 256, windowHeight-250, 0);
var stroke = 6;
rectW = windowWidth - w;
rectH = 3 * i - w;
rect(windowWidth/2 - rectW/2 +75, stroke/2, rectW-150, -rectH+150);
// Players playing
cageOne(playerONE, one, oneStartArray, oneStopArray, soundOne);
cageTwo(playerTWO, two, twoStartArray, twoStopArray, soundTwo);
cageThree(playerTHREE, three, threeStartArray, threeStopArray, soundThree);
cageFour(playerFOUR, four, fourStartArray, fourStopArray, soundFour);
// Typo Style
fill (0, 0, 0);
textAlign(RIGHT, CENTER);
timer = (sec)/100 + min;
text(nf(float(timer), 2, 2), windowWidth*0.75, windowHeight*0.9);
fill (255, 239, 0);
textAlign(RIGHT, CENTER);
text('FOUR 6', windowWidth/2 - windowWidth*0.27, windowHeight*0.1);
textAlign(LEFT, CENTER);
text('JOHN CAGE', windowWidth/2 + windowWidth*0.27, windowHeight*0.1);
//start button
rect(buttonX, buttonY, buttonW, buttonH);
fill (255, 239, 0, buttonAlpha);
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
text('UNMUTE YOUR PHONE', windowWidth/2, windowHeight/2 - windowHeight * 0.15);
text('PRESS TO START', windowWidth/2, windowHeight/2 - windowHeight * 0.2);
function time() {
if (startTime == true) {
if (sec < 59) {
sec ++;
} else {
sec = 0;
min ++;
if (timer > 30.00) {
timer = 0;
function Player(rules, startArray, stopArray, sound) {
// rules = table
//print(rules.getRowCount() + ' total rows in table');
//let b;
for (let r = 0; r < rules.getRowCount(); r++) {
// get sound number
sound[r] = rules.getString(r, 0);
// get random start time
start[r] = rules.getString(r, 1);
let splitStart = split(start[r], ', ');
splitStart = float(splitStart);
let a = round(random(splitStart[0], splitStart[1]), 2);
append(startArray, a);
// get random stop time
stop[r] = rules.getString(r, 2);
let splitStop = split(stop[r], ', ');
splitStop = float(splitStop);
let b = round(random(splitStop[0], splitStop[1]), 2);
append(stopArray, b);
////////////// BEDINGUNGEN ///////////////
// new start > last start - eingrenzen durch random start -1
if (startArray[r] < startArray[r-1]) {
//print('calculate new start, reason; < last start: '+ r);
a = round(random(startArray[r-1], splitStart[1]), 2);
startArray[r] = a;
// current stop < current start
if (b < a) {
//print('calculate new stop, reason: start < stop: ' + r);
while (b < a) {
b = round(random(splitStop[0], splitStop[1]), 2);
stopArray[r] = b;
// new random start > last random stop - calculate new last stop point!
if (startArray[r] < stopArray[r-1]) {
//print('calculate new last stop, reason: > current start: ' + r);
b = round(random(splitStop[0], startArray[r]), 2);
stopArray[r-1] = b;
// check start again, current start < last stop?
if (startArray[r] < stopArray[r-1]) {
//print('calculate new start, reason; < last stop: '+ r);
a = round(random(stopArray[r-1], splitStart[1]), 2);
startArray[r] = a;
//for (let r = 0; r < rules.getRowCount(); r++) {
// print(r + ': ' + 'Sound: ' + sound[r] + ' | start: ' + startArray[r] + ' | stop: ' + stopArray[r]);
function cageOne(player, num, startArray, stopArray, sound) {
if (x1 < player.getRowCount()) {
let s = sound[x1];
if (playingOne == false) {
if(mapTime >= startArray[x1]) {
//print('Player 1: ' + x1 + '. | play sound: ' + s);
switchColor = 1;
playingOne = true;
if (playingOne == true) {
if(mapTime >= stopArray[x1]) {
// print('Player 1: ' + x1 + '. | stop sound: ' + s);
x1 ++;
playingOne = false;
function cageTwo(player, num, startArray, stopArray, sound) {
if (x2 < player.getRowCount()) {
let s = sound[x2];
if (playingTwo == false) {
if(mapTime >= startArray[x2]) {
// print('Player 2: ' + x2 + '. | play sound: ' + s);
switchColor = 2;
playingTwo = true;
if (playingTwo == true) {
if(mapTime >= stopArray[x2]) {
// print('Player 2: ' + x2 + '. | stop sound: ' + s);
x2 ++;
playingTwo = false;
function cageThree(player, num, startArray, stopArray, sound) {
if (x3 < player.getRowCount()) {
let s = sound[x3];
if (playingThree == false) {
if(mapTime >= startArray[x3]) {
//print('Player 3: ' + x3 + '. | play sound: ' + s);
switchColor = 3;
playingThree = true;
if (playingThree == true) {
if(mapTime >= stopArray[x3]) {
//print('Player 3: ' + x3 + '. | stop sound: ' + s);
x3 ++;
playingThree = false;
function cageFour(player, num, startArray, stopArray, sound) {
if (x4 < player.getRowCount()) {
let s = sound[x4];
if (playingFour == false) {
if(mapTime >= startArray[x4]) {
//print('Player 4: ' + x4 + '. | play sound: ' + s);
switchColor = 4;
playingFour = true;
if (playingFour == true) {
if(mapTime >= stopArray[x4]) {
//print('Player 4: ' + x4 + '. | stop sound: ' + s);
x4 ++;
playingFour = false;
function mousePressed() {
buttonAlpha = 0;
//timer = 0;
startTime = true;