--- UPDATES ---
V1.0 - Release (3/10/24)
let xLines = 10 // Change these to however many you'd like, it changes how many boxes are on the screen
let yLines = 5
function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
background(100, 100, 100)
drawLines(xLines, yLines)
function drawLines(x, y) {
let incr = 0;
let form = windowWidth / x
for (let i = 0; i !== xLines; i++) {
incr = form + incr
line(incr, 0, incr, windowHeight) // X, Y, X2, Y2
// console.log(incr + "Y")
incr = 0
form = windowHeight / y
for (let z = 0; z !== y; z++) {
incr = form + incr
line(0, incr, windowWidth, incr)
// line(0, incr, incr, windowWidth) Kinda cool bug?
// console.log(incr + "X")