Scan the QR code! Keyboard: 1 toggle video -- 2 toggle noise -- 3 toggle full QR code -- 4 switch dithering modes
* Living QR code
* Video from the user’s built-in webcam is showing in this QR code!
* A QR code that appears to be entirely composed of your webcam video — and yet remains scannable!
* Read more on this project (including how to do this in Processing) on Github:
// const a =;
// console.log('start');
// These hold the QR code
let blank, dataImageFile;
// QR code image, in this case one that leads to the Github page for this project.
let dataImageFilename = "qrcode_github-livingQR-repo.png";
let video;
let showVideo = true;
let showNoise = true;
let showDither = true;
let showFullQR = false;
let squareSize;
let subsquareSize;
let totalQRsize = 0;
let vmargin;
let hmargin;
// set noiseLevel:
// there will be a 1 in noiseLevel chance that an extra subsquare is drawn around the module center subsquare.
let noiseLevel = 3;
let required = new Array(841); // required parts of the 29x29 QR code (that should appear as large solid squares)
let data = new Array(841); // will hold the actual QR code
let d;
let mode = 1;
let p;
let f, s;
// let arrow;
// loading QR module colors from a PNG
function loadQRcode(png) {
let modules = new Array(841);
png.loadPixels(); // only has black and white
for (let y = 0; y < png.height; y++) {
for (let x = 0; x < png.width; x++) {
let loc = x + y * png.width;
let c = png.get(x, y); // krijg de kleur van de pixel op (x, y)
let brightnessValue = brightness(c); // krijg de helderheid van de kleur
modules[loc] = brightnessValue;
return modules;
function preload() {
blank = loadImage("blank_qr_code.png");
dataImageFile = loadImage(dataImageFilename);
// arrow = loadImage("arrow.png");
// f = "Verdana";
s = loadFont("ka1.ttf"); // font: Karmatic arcade by Vic Fieger
function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
colorMode(HSB, 255);
d = new Dither();
// Size of each 'module' in the grid
squareSize = 3;
// squareSize should be a multiple of 3 so it is neatly dividble into 3x3 sub-squares.
// Since this number is the basis for the rest of the dimensions, it determines the scale of the QR code.
// We should use this instead of scale(), because that function gives rational pixel numbers and that
// creates unwanted white lines between squares.
// Now we know the value of width and height, so we can scale the QR code to the size of the screen.
// here we use 29 + 8 in order to have a margin around the QR code (the poetically named 'quiet zone')
while ((squareSize + 3) * 37 < height && (squareSize + 3) * 37 < width) {
squareSize += 3;
// console.log("squareSize is ", squareSize);
totalQRsize = squareSize * 29; // length of the sides of the whole QR code
subsquareSize = squareSize / 3; // we divide the modules of the QR code into 9 sub-squares that have sides 1/3 of the larger square.
vmargin = (height - totalQRsize) / 2; // vertical margin
hmargin = (width - totalQRsize) / 2; // horizontal margin
required = loadQRcode(blank); // image with just the required squares
data = loadQRcode(dataImageFile); // image with the working QR code
// take in webcam video
video = createCapture(VIDEO,{ flipped:true });
video.size(640, 360);
// const b =;
// console.log('Setup done; it took ' + (b - a) + ' ms.');
function draw() {
translate(hmargin - 50, vmargin);
// const k =;
// console.log('Start draw');
// Text
textFont(s, 28);
text("You\nare\nwhat\nyou\nscan.", totalQRsize * 1.1, totalQRsize * 0.05);
// textFont(f, 28);
// text("Scan yourself!", totalQRsize * 1.1, totalQRsize * 0.7);
// image(
// arrow,
// totalQRsize * 1.1,
// totalQRsize * 0.7,
// arrow.width / 2,
// arrow.height / 2
// );
if (video.loadedmetadata) {
// Get a portion of the loaded image
let videoSize = 348; // needs to be a multiple of 87 (29 squares x 3 subsquares) so that is easier to fit over the QR code.
let frame = video.get(146, 0, videoSize, videoSize); // the crop starts with a 146 left margin to center the video
frame.resize(87, 87);
if (showDither) { // dither the video
frame = d.dither(mode);
if (showVideo) { // Draw video frame (either dithered or not)
// Begin loop for rows
for (let i = 0; i < 87; i++) { // 87 because that's how many columns and rows of subsquares there are
// Begin loop for columns
for (let j = 0; j < 87; j++) {
// Where are we, pixel-wise, on the video frame?
let xv = i * subsquareSize; // each square consists of 3x3 smaller squares of 4x4 pixels
let yv = j * subsquareSize;
// find the video pixel for the current square
let loc = i + j * 87;
// Each square is a shade of grey value depending on video brightness
if (showDither) {
let c = frame[loc];
} else {
let c = frame.get(i, j); // get color
square(xv, yv, subsquareSize); // draw squares based on the video
// no need to consider the subsquares here, so just 29x29 (instead of 87x87 for the video)
for (let row = 0; row < 29; row++) {
for (let col = 0; col < 29; col++) {
// Where are we, pixel-wise?
let x = row * squareSize;
let y = col * squareSize;
let loc = row * 29 + col;
if (required[loc] != 128) {
// if this square is part of the required base pattern, it needs to be bigger.
square(x, y, squareSize);
} else {
// otherwise, this is one of the smaller squares
if (showNoise) {
// random dots
if (round(random(noiseLevel)) == 1) { // determines how often we draw an extra square
fill(round(random(1)) * 255); // black or white
// choose one random square to fill (might be the center one, but that will be overwritten below)
x + round(random(0, 2)) * subsquareSize,
y + round(random(0, 2)) * subsquareSize,
// the data parts of the QR code only have to be 1/12th of the larger squares to still be scan-able.
if (!showFullQR) {
// margins on both the x and y because this is the center square of the larger 9x9 grid
square(x + subsquareSize, y + subsquareSize, subsquareSize);
} else {
// no margins, just show the full square
square(x, y, squareSize);
} // end of showing QR code
// const l =;
// console.log('Drawing took ' + (l - k) + ' ms.');
} // end of draw()
function keyPressed() { // 1 toggle video, 2 toggle noise, 3 toggle full QR code, 4 switch dithering modes
if (key == "1") {
showVideo = !showVideo;
} else if (key == "2") {
showNoise = !showNoise;
} else if (key == "3") {
showFullQR = !showFullQR;
} else if (key == "4") {
mode = (mode + 1) % 5; // 0 floyd_steinberg, 1 bayer, 2 atkinson, 3 random, 4 no dithering
// console.log("Dither mode", mode);
if (mode == 4) {
showDither = false; // last option is turn dithering off
} else {
showDither = true;
showVideo = true;