Use WASD keys, drag the mouse or swipe to navigate across the canvas. Refer to the introductory comment for a full list of controls.
* Cellular ASCIImata - by humanbydefinition
* Created for the #WCCChallenge - Theme: "Pattern" 👘
* Hello Raph and the whole Birb's Nest community! 🐦
* I'm experimenting with cellular automata for a bit now and with the theme being "Pattern" this week,
* I thought it would be a great opportunity to finally create my first entry for the #WCCChallenge.
* This interactive sketch features a cellular automaton that is being rendered on a 1024x1024 canvas,
* which is then further processed before it's ready to be parsed by p5.asciify, a p5.js add-on library I've been working on.
* The cellular automaton shader is based on a submission on shadertoy by 'laserbat':
* My implementation is a bit different, featuring a slightly modified von Neumann neighborhood and a few other tweaks.
* For starters, each pixel in the cellular automaton is assigned a random value between 0 and 1 based on a noise function.
* Each pixel in the cellular automaton is updated each frame based on the values of its neighbors from the previous frame.
* Those values are stored in an array for each pixel and sorted using an insertion sort algorithm.
* The first and last values of the sorted array are then used to determine the final array index to pick the new rgb values for the pixel.
* - WASD: Move the view
* - Mouse drag: Move the view
* - Space: Pause or unpause
* - r: Reset the sketch (resets with cellular automaton with a new seed, color palette, character set and position)
* - k: Cycle through kaleidoscope segments (off, 1, 2, 4, 8)
* - i: Invert characters (swaps the ascii character color with it's cell background color)
* - b: Cycle through background colors (black, white)
* - c: Cycle through character color modes (brightness, fixed [white])
* - +: Increase font size (8, 16, 32, 64, 128)
* - -: Decrease font size (8, 16, 32, 64, 128)
* - Swipe around to move the view
* - Double tap to cycle through the pre-defined font sizes
* The provided kaleidoscope and color palette effects are also part of p5.asciify.
* p5.asciify is open-source and available on GitHub:
* I hope you like this infinite pattern generator and it runs smoothly on your machine! 🌀
* See other submissions for the #WCCChallenge here:
* Join the Birb's Nest community on Discord:
let offsetX = 0;
let offsetY = 0;
let prevMouseX = 0;
let prevMouseY = 0;
let touchStartX = 0;
let touchStartY = 0;
let lastTapTime = 0;
const doubleTapDelay = 300; // milliseconds
let isTouching = false;
let isDragging = false;
let isPaused = false;
let fontSizes = [8, 16, 32, 64, 128];
let selectedFontSize = 8;
// "1BIT MONITOR GLOW" by "Polyducks" ->
let backgroundColors = ["#222323", "#f0f6f0"];
let selectedBackgroundColor = backgroundColors[0];
let availableKaleidoscopeSegments = [1, 2, 4, 8];
let characterColorMode = 0; // 0: brightness, 1: fixed
let invertCharacters = false;
let caCanvasWidth = 1024;
let caCanvasHeight = 1024;
let charsets = [
" .:,'-^*+?!|=0#X%WM@", //
" .:-=+*#%@", //
"$@B%8&WM#*oahkbdpqwmZO0QLCJUYXzcvunxrjft/\|()1{}[]?-_+~<>i!lI;:,\"^`'. " //
let colorPalettes = [
[ // "ST 24" by "Skiller Thomson" ->
"#111126", "#141433", "#17174d", "#281d73", "#3e2680", "#6c29a6",
"#8136b3", "#ba41d9", "#de73e5", "#ed9df2", "#e9c2f2", "#ffffff",
"#dae7f2", "#9de7f2", "#73c7e5", "#4192d9", "#3670b3", "#295ba6",
"#23468c", "#1d2873", "#2953a6", "#3663b3", "#417ed9", "#73a8e5"
[ // "MULFOK32" by "mulfok" ->
"#5ba675", "#6bc96c", "#abdd64", "#fcef8d", "#ffb879", "#ea6262",
"#cc425e", "#a32858", "#751756", "#390947", "#611851", "#873555",
"#a6555f", "#c97373", "#f2ae99", "#ffc3f2", "#ee8fcb", "#d46eb3",
"#873e84", "#1f102a", "#4a3052", "#7b5480", "#a6859f", "#d9bdc8",
"#ffffff", "#aee2ff", "#8db7ff", "#6d80fa", "#8465ec", "#834dc4",
"#7d2da0", "#4e187c"
[ // "CC-29" by "Alpha6" ->
"#f2f0e5", "#b8b5b9", "#868188", "#646365", "#45444f", "#3a3858",
"#212123", "#352b42", "#43436a", "#4b80ca", "#68c2d3", "#a2dcc7",
"#ede19e", "#d3a068", "#b45252", "#6a536e", "#4b4158", "#80493a",
"#a77b5b", "#e5ceb4", "#c2d368", "#8ab060", "#567b79", "#4e584a",
"#7b7243", "#b2b47e", "#edc8c4", "#cf8acb", "#5f556a"
let caShader;
let gridShader;
let zoomShader;
let seed;
let previousFramebuffer;
let nextFramebuffer;
let gridFramebuffer;
let zoomFramebuffer;
let grid;
let kaleidoscopeEffect;
let colorPaletteEffect;
let cnv;
function preload() {
caShader = createShader(VERT_SHADER, CA_FRAG_SHADER);
gridShader = createShader(VERT_SHADER, GRID_FRAG_SHADER);
zoomShader = createShader(VERT_SHADER, ZOOM_FRAG_SHADER);
function setup() {
describe("An interactive and animated cellular automaton visualized as a dynamic grid of ASCII characters, showcasing complex patterns and behaviors.");
//randomSeed(0); // Uncomment to get the same results each time for a given seed (only works when clicking the reload button above)
cnv = createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight, WEBGL); = windowWidth + "px"; = windowHeight + "px"; = "pixelated";
// Sort colors in each palette by brightness
colorPalettes.forEach(palette => {
palette.sort((a, b) => {
let colorA = color(a);
let colorB = color(b);
return brightness(colorA) - brightness(colorB);
seed = random(0, 100);
previousFramebuffer = createFramebuffer({ format: FLOAT, width: caCanvasWidth, height: caCanvasHeight });
nextFramebuffer = createFramebuffer({ format: FLOAT, width: caCanvasWidth, height: caCanvasHeight });
rotationFramebuffer = createFramebuffer({ format: FLOAT, width: caCanvasWidth, height: caCanvasHeight });
gridFramebuffer = createFramebuffer({ format: FLOAT, width: 1, height: 1 }); // Gets resized in draw at frame 1
zoomFramebuffer = createFramebuffer({ format: FLOAT });
grid = P5Asciify.grid; // Get the grid object from p5.asciify for measurements
common: {
fontSize: selectedFontSize,
brightness: {
enabled: true, // Set to false to disable ascii conversion
characterColorMode: characterColorMode,
characterColor: backgroundColors[1],
characters: charsets[Math.floor(random() * charsets.length)],
invertMode: invertCharacters,
backgroundColor: selectedBackgroundColor,
let randomPalette = colorPalettes[Math.floor(random() * colorPalettes.length)];
colorPaletteEffect = addAsciiEffect("pre", "colorpalette", { palette: randomPalette });
//colorPaletteEffect.enabled = false; // Uncomment to disable color palette effect to get a grayscale output
kaleidoscopeEffect = addAsciiEffect("pre", "kaleidoscope", { segments: 1, angle: 0 });
kaleidoscopeEffect.enabled = false;
function draw() {
if (frameCount === 1) { // p5.asciify grid is initialized after setup, so we need to resize the framebuffer here
gridFramebuffer.resize(grid.cols, grid.rows);
offsetX = floor(random(0, caCanvasWidth - grid.cols));
offsetY = floor(random(0, caCanvasHeight - grid.rows));
if (!isPaused) {
// Cycle the framebuffers
[previousFramebuffer, nextFramebuffer] = [nextFramebuffer, previousFramebuffer];
nextFramebuffer.begin(); // Render the next iteration of the cellular automata
caShader.setUniform('u_resolution', [caCanvasWidth, caCanvasHeight]);
caShader.setUniform('u_frameCount', frameCount);
caShader.setUniform('u_seed', seed);
caShader.setUniform('u_previousIterationTexture', previousFramebuffer);
rect(0, 0, caCanvasWidth, caCanvasHeight);
gridFramebuffer.begin(); // Render a chunk of the cellular automata equal to the ascii grid size based on the offset
gridShader.setUniform('u_inputTexture', nextFramebuffer);
gridShader.setUniform('u_offset', [offsetX, offsetY]);
rect(0, 0, grid.cols, grid.rows);
zoomFramebuffer.begin(); // Render the zoomed in view of the grid
zoomShader.setUniform('u_resolution', [windowWidth, windowHeight]);
zoomShader.setUniform('u_gridDimensions', [grid.cols, grid.rows]);
zoomShader.setUniform('u_inputTexture', gridFramebuffer);
rect(0, 0, windowWidth, windowHeight);
image(zoomFramebuffer, -windowWidth / 2, -windowHeight / 2); // Display the zoomed in view, which is picked up by p5.asciify
if (keyIsDown(87)) { // 'w' key
offsetY = max(0, offsetY - 1);
if (keyIsDown(83)) { // 's' key
offsetY = min(caCanvasHeight - (grid.rows), offsetY + 1);
if (keyIsDown(65)) { // 'a' key
offsetX = max(0, offsetX - 1);
if (keyIsDown(68)) { // 'd' key
offsetX = min(caCanvasWidth - (grid.cols), offsetX + 1);
function mousePressed() {
isDragging = true;
prevMouseX = mouseX;
prevMouseY = mouseY;
function mouseReleased() {
isDragging = false;
function mouseDragged() {
if (isDragging) {
let dx = mouseX - prevMouseX;
let dy = mouseY - prevMouseY;
// Update offset with boundary checks
offsetX = constrain(offsetX + dx, 0, caCanvasWidth - grid.cols);
offsetY = constrain(offsetY + dy, 0, caCanvasHeight - grid.rows);
prevMouseX = mouseX;
prevMouseY = mouseY;
function touchStarted() {
let currentTime = millis();
if (currentTime - lastTapTime < doubleTapDelay) {
// Double tap detected
lastTapTime = 0; // Reset to prevent triple-tap
} else {
// Single tap (start of potential drag)
isTouching = true;
touchStartX = touches[0].x;
touchStartY = touches[0].y;
lastTapTime = currentTime;
function touchMoved() {
if (isTouching) {
let dx = touches[0].x - touchStartX;
let dy = touches[0].y - touchStartY;
// Update offset with boundary checks
offsetX = constrain(offsetX - dx, 0, caCanvasWidth - grid.cols);
offsetY = constrain(offsetY - dy, 0, caCanvasHeight - grid.rows);
touchStartX = touches[0].x;
touchStartY = touches[0].y;
function touchEnded() {
isTouching = false;
function keyPressed() {
if (key === "+") {
if (key === "-") {
if (key === " ") { // Pause or unpause
isPaused = !isPaused;
if (key === "r") {
frameCount = 1;
seed = random(0, 100);
offsetX = floor(random(0, caCanvasWidth - grid.cols));
offsetY = floor(random(0, caCanvasHeight - grid.rows));
brightness: {
characters: charsets[Math.floor(random() * charsets.length)],
let randomPalette = colorPalettes[Math.floor(random() * colorPalettes.length)];
colorPaletteEffect.palette = randomPalette;
if (key === "k") { // Cycle through kaleidoscope segments
if (kaleidoscopeEffect.enabled === false) {
kaleidoscopeEffect.enabled = true;
kaleidoscopeEffect.segments = availableKaleidoscopeSegments[0];
} else {
let index = availableKaleidoscopeSegments.indexOf(kaleidoscopeEffect.segments);
if (index === availableKaleidoscopeSegments.length - 1) {
kaleidoscopeEffect.enabled = false;
} else {
index = (index + 1) % availableKaleidoscopeSegments.length;
kaleidoscopeEffect.segments = availableKaleidoscopeSegments[index];
if (key === "i") { // Invert characters
invertCharacters = !invertCharacters;
brightness: {
invertMode: invertCharacters,
if (key === "b") { // Cycle through background colors
let index = backgroundColors.indexOf(selectedBackgroundColor);
index = (index + 1) % backgroundColors.length;
selectedBackgroundColor = backgroundColors[index];
brightness: {
backgroundColor: selectedBackgroundColor,
if (key === "c") { // Cycle through character color modes
characterColorMode = characterColorMode === 0 ? 1 : 0;
brightness: {
characterColorMode: characterColorMode,
function windowResized() {
resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
gridFramebuffer.resize(grid.cols, grid.rows);
function cycleFontSize(direction = 1) {
let index = fontSizes.indexOf(selectedFontSize);
index = (index + direction + fontSizes.length) % fontSizes.length;
selectedFontSize = fontSizes[index];
common: {
fontSize: selectedFontSize,
gridFramebuffer.resize(grid.cols, grid.rows);
const VERT_SHADER = ` #version 300 es
precision mediump float;
layout(location = 0) in vec3 aPosition;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 aTexCoord; // Add attribute for texture coordinates
out vec2 v_texCoord; // Varying to pass the texture coordinate to the fragment shader
void main() {
vec4 positionVec4 = vec4(aPosition, 1.0);
positionVec4.xy = positionVec4.xy * 2.0 - 1.0;
gl_Position = positionVec4;
v_texCoord = aTexCoord; // Pass the texture coordinate to the fragment shader
const CA_FRAG_SHADER = `#version 300 es
precision highp float;
precision highp int;
out vec4 fragColor;
uniform sampler2D u_previousIterationTexture;
uniform vec2 u_resolution;
uniform int u_frameCount;
uniform float u_seed;
// Fetch value from texture
float GET(vec2 coord, ivec2 offset) {
return texelFetch(u_previousIterationTexture, ivec2(mod(coord + vec2(offset) + u_resolution.xy, u_resolution.xy)), 0).r;
// Number of neighbors for each cell
const int NEIGHBOR_COUNT = 6;
// Hash function
int hash(int x) {
x += (x << 10u);
x ^= (x >> 6u);
x += (x << 3u);
x ^= (x >> 11u);
x += (x << 15u);
return x;
// Simple noise function
float noise(in vec2 co) {
int x = int(co.x * u_resolution.x);
int y = int(co.y * u_resolution.y);
int z = int(u_seed);
int w = int(fract(float(1)) * u_resolution.x);
int res = hash(x + hash(y + hash(z + hash(w))));
return mod(float(res), u_resolution.x) / u_resolution.x;
void getNeighbors(vec2 fragCoord, out float vals[6]) {
// Von Neumann neighborhood (4 neighbors + center)
ivec2 offsets[5] = ivec2[](ivec2(0, 0), ivec2(-1, 0), ivec2(1, 0), ivec2(0, -1), ivec2(0, 1));
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
vals[i] = GET(fragCoord, offsets[i]);
vals[5] = GET(fragCoord, ivec2(0, 0)); // Added an additional center value, so persistent structures more likely emerge
void insertionSort(inout float vals[6], int n) {
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
float key = vals[i];
int j = i - 1;
while (j >= 0 && vals[j] > key) {
vals[j + 1] = vals[j];
j = j - 1;
vals[j + 1] = key;
void main() {
vec2 fragCoord = gl_FragCoord.xy;
if(u_frameCount == 2) {
float val = noise(fragCoord / u_resolution);
fragColor = vec4(val, val, val, 1.0f);
} else {
float vals[NEIGHBOR_COUNT];
getNeighbors(fragCoord, vals);
insertionSort(vals, NEIGHBOR_COUNT);
int idx = int(float(vals[0] * 256.0f) + float(vals[NEIGHBOR_COUNT - 1] * 256.0f)) % NEIGHBOR_COUNT;
fragColor = vec4(vals[idx], vals[idx], vals[idx], 1.0f);
const GRID_FRAG_SHADER = ` #version 300 es
precision highp float;
// Uniforms
uniform sampler2D u_inputTexture;
uniform ivec2 u_offset;
// Output
out vec4 fragColor;
void main() {
// Calculate the texture coordinate to sample the color from
vec2 texCoord = (vec2(gl_FragCoord.xy) + vec2(u_offset)) / vec2(textureSize(u_inputTexture, 0));
// Sample the color from the input texture
vec4 color = texture(u_inputTexture, texCoord);
// Output the color to the fragment
fragColor = color;
const ZOOM_FRAG_SHADER = ` #version 300 es
precision highp float;
// Uniforms
uniform sampler2D u_inputTexture;
uniform vec2 u_resolution;
uniform ivec2 u_gridDimensions;
// Output
out vec4 fragColor;
void main() {
// Calculate the size of each cell in the grid
vec2 cellSize = u_resolution / vec2(u_gridDimensions);
// Calculate which cell we are in
ivec2 cellIndex = ivec2(floor(gl_FragCoord.xy / cellSize));
// Calculate the texture coordinate to sample the color from
vec2 texCoord = (vec2(cellIndex) + vec2(0.5)) / vec2(u_gridDimensions);
// Sample the color from the input texture
vec4 color = texture(u_inputTexture, texCoord);
// Output the color to the fragment
fragColor = color;