let xCenter, yCenter; // Center coordinates for the starting point
let spacing = 5;
let circleWH = 10;
let directions = []; // Array to store directions
function setup() {
createCanvas(500, 500);
xCenter = width / 2; // Center x-coordinate
yCenter = height / 2; // Center y-coordinate
// Initialize the directions array with starting positions and deltas for movement
directions = [{
x: xCenter,
y: yCenter,
dx: -1,
dy: 0
}, // Left
x: xCenter,
y: yCenter,
dx: 1,
dy: 0
}, // Right
x: xCenter,
y: yCenter,
dx: 0,
dy: -1
}, // Up
x: xCenter,
y: yCenter,
dx: 0,
dy: 1
}, // Down
x: xCenter,
y: yCenter,
dx: -1,
dy: -1
}, // Up-left diagonal
x: xCenter,
y: yCenter,
dx: 1,
dy: 1
}, // Down-right diagonal
x: xCenter,
y: yCenter,
dx: -1,
dy: 1
}, // down-left diagonal
x: xCenter,
y: yCenter,
dx: 1,
dy: -1
} // Up-right diagonal
function draw() {
function drawEllipsesInAllDirections() {
for (let dir of directions) {
if (dir.x > 0 && dir.x < width && dir.y > 0 && dir.y < height) {
fill(255); // White color for ellipses
ellipse(dir.x, dir.y, circleWH, circleWH); // Draw ellipse at the current position
// Move the ellipse in the specified direction by the spacing amount
dir.x += dir.dx * spacing;
dir.y += dir.dy * spacing;