* Created by Jan Pernecky on 23.03.2016.
final float CIRCLE_SIZE = 200;
final float GAP = 25;
void setup(){
size (675,675);
void displayCircle(float phase) {
float radius = CIRCLE_SIZE/2; //circle radius
translate (GAP+radius, GAP+radius); //move origin to the center of the circle
stroke(255); //white
strokeWeight(2); //thin line
ellipse(0, 0, CIRCLE_SIZE, CIRCLE_SIZE); //draw circle
final float ANGLE_SHIFT = 0; //sync circle (starts at 90 deg) and cosine wave
float angle = 2*PI*phase+ANGLE_SHIFT; //current angle
float relativeX = cos(angle)*radius; //IMPORTANT: x of the current point
float relativeY = sin(angle)*radius; //IMPORTANT: y of the current point
strokeWeight(1); //thin line
stroke(255, 128); //transparent white
line (0, 0, relativeX, relativeY); //radius line
stroke (204, 51, 0); //red
line (0, 0, relativeX, 0); //line from center to x of the current point
stroke (102, 153, 51); //green
line (relativeX, 0, relativeX, relativeY); //line from the current point to the horizontal axis of the circle
stroke (51, 102, 153); //blue
strokeWeight(10); //thick
point (relativeX, relativeY); //current point on the circle
fill (255); //white text
rotate (angle); //rotate coordinate system to match the current angle
text((int)degrees(abs(angle-ANGLE_SHIFT))%360+"°", 5, -2); //display angle in degrees in the center of the circle
void sineWave(float phase) {
translate (GAP+CIRCLE_SIZE+GAP, GAP+CIRCLE_SIZE/2); //move to the beginning fo the sine wave
float currentAngle = 2*PI*phase; //current angle of the circle
final float WAVE_LENGTH = CIRCLE_SIZE*2; //size of a full sine wave in pixels
float grossLength = width-(GAP+CIRCLE_SIZE+GAP)-GAP; //how much space is left for the sine wave
float length = floor(grossLength/WAVE_LENGTH)*WAVE_LENGTH; //only draw full 360 deg cosine waves
float currentX = WAVE_LENGTH * currentAngle / (2 * PI) % length; //x of the current angle on the sine wave
float currentY = sin(currentAngle) * CIRCLE_SIZE/ 2; //y of the current angle on the sine wave
stroke(255); //white
strokeWeight(2); //thin line
for (int x=0; x<length; x+=2) { //for each X
float angle = 2*PI*x/WAVE_LENGTH; //angle for current X
point (x, sin(angle)*CIRCLE_SIZE/2 ); //sine wave point
strokeWeight(1); //thin line
stroke(255, 128); //transparent white
line (0, currentY, length, currentY); //full horizontal line
stroke (102, 153, 51); //green
line (currentX, 0, currentX, currentY); //vertical green line
strokeWeight(10); //thick
stroke (51, 102, 153); //blue
point (currentX, currentY); //current angle on the cosine wave
point (0, currentY); //current angle at the beginning of the white line
fill (102, 153, 51); //green text
//display degrees and sine values
text("sin("+(int)degrees(currentAngle)%360+"°)="+(int)(-1*sin(currentAngle)*100)/100.0, 10, currentY-2);
void cosineWave(float phase) {
translate (GAP+CIRCLE_SIZE/2, GAP+CIRCLE_SIZE+GAP); //move to the beginning fo the cosine wave
float currentAngle = 2*PI*phase; //current angle of the circle
final float WAVE_LENGTH = CIRCLE_SIZE*2; //size of a full cosine wave in pixels
float grossLength = height-(GAP+CIRCLE_SIZE+GAP)-GAP; //how much space is left for the cosine wave
float length = floor(grossLength/WAVE_LENGTH)*WAVE_LENGTH; //only draw full 360 deg cosine waves
float currentX = cos(currentAngle) * CIRCLE_SIZE/ 2; //x of the current angle on the cosine wave
float currentY = WAVE_LENGTH * currentAngle / (2 * PI) % length; //y of the current angle on the cosine wave
stroke(255); //white
strokeWeight(2); //thin line
for (int y=0; y<length; y+=2) { //for each X
float angle = 2*PI*(y/WAVE_LENGTH); //angle for current X
point ( cos(angle)*CIRCLE_SIZE/2, y ); //cosine wave point
strokeWeight(1); //thin line
stroke(255, 128); //transparent white
line (currentX, 0, currentX, length); //full vertical line
stroke (204, 51, 0); //red
line (0, currentY, currentX, currentY); //horizontal red line
strokeWeight(10); //thick
stroke (51, 102, 153); //blue
point (currentX, currentY); //current angle on the cosine wave
point (currentX, 0); //current angle at the beginning of the white line
fill (204, 51, 0); //red text
translate(currentX, 0); //move origin to the beginning of the white line
rotate (PI/2); //rotate clockwise
//display degrees and cosine values
text("cos("+(int)degrees(currentAngle)%360+"°)="+(int)(cos(currentAngle)*100)/100.0, 10, -2);
void tanWave(float phase) {
float currentAngle = 2*PI*phase; //current angle of the circle
final float WAVE_LENGTH = CIRCLE_SIZE*2; //size of a full cosine wave in pixels
float grossHorizontalLength = width-(GAP+CIRCLE_SIZE+GAP)-GAP; //how much space is left
float horizontalLength = floor(grossHorizontalLength/WAVE_LENGTH)*WAVE_LENGTH; //only draw full 360 deg waves
float verticalLength = height-(GAP+CIRCLE_SIZE+GAP)-GAP; //how much space is left
translate (GAP+CIRCLE_SIZE+GAP, GAP+CIRCLE_SIZE+GAP+verticalLength/2); //move to the beginning fo the cosine wave
float currentX = WAVE_LENGTH * currentAngle / (2 * PI) % horizontalLength; //x of the current angle on the wave
float currentY = -1*tan(currentAngle) * CIRCLE_SIZE/ 2; //y of the current angle on the wave
stroke(255); //white
strokeWeight(2); //thin line
for (int x=0; x<horizontalLength; x++) { //for each X
float angle = 2*PI*x/WAVE_LENGTH; //angle based on X
float y = -1*tan(angle)*CIRCLE_SIZE/2; //y based on tan of the angle
if (abs(y)<verticalLength/2) { //only draw if on canvas
point (x, y); //tan wave point
strokeWeight(1); //thin line
if (abs(currentY)<verticalLength/2) { //only draw if on canvas
stroke(255, 128); //transparent white
line(0, currentY, horizontalLength, currentY); //full horizontal line
} else { //else
currentY = currentY/abs(currentY)*verticalLength/2; //change the currentY to either top or bottom of canvas
stroke (51, 102, 153); //blue
line(currentX, 0, currentX, currentY); //vertical blue line
strokeWeight(10); //thick
point (currentX, currentY); //current angle on the cosine wave
point (0, currentY); //current angle at the beginning of the white line
fill (51, 102, 153); //blue text
//display degrees and tan values
text("tan("+(int)degrees(currentAngle)%360+"°)="+(int)(tan(currentAngle)*100)/100.0, 10, currentY-2);
public void draw() {
float phase = frameCount/(60f*15); //15 seconds to make the full circle