This sketch is created with an older version of Processing,
and doesn't work on browsers anymore.
* Genome Audio Visual
* Reads in a genome, splits it into triplets and generates an audio-visual representation of the DNA decode.
* Search for start code (ATG) and then output relevant amino acids as interconnected dots until
* a stop code is detected (TAG or TAA or TGA).
* Each amino acid has its own audio tone.
* Each amino acid string take a different random colour. A string would normall code for a protein.
* When a stop code is detected, search for next start code to begin next string.
* The quiet times occur while the softare skips througn the junk DNA.
* This program gives some feel for the complexity of Genomes.
* The yeast is 2,624 codons (triplets) long, the sample virus (adenovirus - read about it on Wikipedia)
* is 12,000.
* Don't even think about loading the human genome at around 3 billion codons.
* On the left hand side of the display is a list of the 20 amino acids. As the decoding progresses a barchart is
* updated showing their relative use for the particular genome.
* Press UP/DOWN keys to speed up/slow down the display updates.
* There is a problem with the audio freezing sometimes and a buffer underrun error comes up when the program starts.
* If anyone can shed light on this I would appreciate feedback.
* Geo Meadows iss A 22 Aug 2011
import ddf.minim.*;
import ddf.minim.signals.*;
Minim minim;
AudioOutput out;
SineWave sine;
int i=0;
int num = 2; // length of amino buffer
int range = 30;
float[] ax = new float[num];
float[] ay = new float[num];
int[] c = new int[num];
int col=0;
int del = 145;
String[] lines;
String allcodes;
String start = "ATG";
String stop1 = "TAG";
String stop2 = "TAA";
String stop3 = "TGA";
int aminoflag=0, codelen=0;
String[] aminos = {"TTT","Phe","TCT","Ser","TAT","Tyr","TGT","Cys","TTC","Phe","TCC","Ser","TAC","Tyr","TGC","Cys","TTA","Leu","TCA","Ser","TAA","STOP","TGA","STOP","TTG","Leu","TCG","Ser","TAG","STOP","TGG","Trp","CTT","Leu","CCT","Pro","CAT","His","CGT","Arg","CTC","Leu","CCC","Pro","CAC","His","CGC","Arg","CTA","Leu","CCA","Pro","CAA","Gln","CGA","Arg","CTG","Leu","CCG","Pro","CAG","Gln","CGG","Arg","ATT","Ile","ACT","Thr","AAT","Asn","AGT","Ser","ATC","Ile","ACC","Thr","AAC","Asn","AGC","Ser","ATA","Ile","ACA","Thr","AAA","Lys","AGA","Arg","ATG","Met","ACG","Thr","AAG","Lys","AGG","Arg","GTT","Val","GCT","Ala","GAT","Asp","GGT","Gly","GTC","Val","GCC","Ala","GAC","Asp","GGC","Gly","GTA","Val","GCA","Ala","GAA","Glu","GGA","Gly","GTG","Val","GCG","Ala","GAG","Glu","GGG","Gly"};
String[] aminonames = {"Ala","Arg","Asn","Asp","Cys","Glu","Gln","Gly","His","Ile","Leu","Lys","Met","Phe","Pro","Ser","Thr","Trp","Tyr","Val"};
int[] aminocount;
int[] hz;
int minhz = 220;
int loaded = 0;
String fileIn = "";
boolean persist = true;
void setup() {
colorMode(HSB, 100);
size(800, 480);
//set up pythagorean tones
hz = new int[64];
int F=minhz;
for (int i=0; i<57; i+=7) {
hz[i]=F; hz[i+1] = F*9/8; hz[i+2]=F*81/64; hz[i+3]=F*4/3; hz[i+4]=F*3/2; hz[i+5]=F*27/16; hz[i+6]=F*243/128;
aminocount = new int[20];
//set up display points with colors
for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
ax[i] = width/2;
ay[i] = height/2;
c[i] = 10;
minim = new Minim(this);
// get a line out from Minim, default bufferSize is 1024, default sample rate is 44100, bit depth is 16
out = minim.getLineOut(Minim.STEREO);
// create a sine wave Oscillator, set to 440 Hz, at 0.5 amplitude, sample rate from line out
sine = new SineWave(40, 0.5, out.sampleRate());
// set the portamento speed on the oscillator
// add the oscillator to the line out
void draw() {
PFont font;
font = loadFont("ComicSansMS-48.vlw");
textFont(font, 16);
if (loaded == 0) {
text ("Select GENOME type: 1-yeast, 2-virus", 10, 18);
if ((keyPressed) && ((key=='1')||(key=='2')||(key=='3'))) {
if (key == '1') {fileIn = "yeast-yeP24.txt"; }
if (key == '2') {fileIn = "adenovirus.txt"; }
// if (key == '3') {fileIn = "tb-bact.txt";}
lines = loadStrings(fileIn);
allcodes = join(lines,"");
codelen = allcodes.length();
String s1 = str(codelen/3) + " CODONS loaded - ESC to exit";
textFont(font, 16);
text (s1, width/2, 18);
for (i=0; i<20; i++) {
text (aminonames[i], 4, 80+i*16);
loaded = 1;
else {
if (aminoflag == 1) { drawAmino(); }
//show progress bar
text ("Progress", 2, height-14);
if (i > codelen-4) { stop(); }
if (keyPressed) {
if (key == CODED) {
if ((keyCode == UP) && (del>5)) {del -=10; }
if (keyCode == DOWN) {del +=10; }
if (keyCode == ESC) { exit(); }
void nextCodeSound() {
String code = allcodes.substring(i,i+3);
if ( start.equals(code) == true) {
float freq = hz[0];
aminocount[12] += 1;
else if ((stop1.equals(code) == true) || (stop2.equals(code) == true) || (stop3.equals(code) == true) ) {
else if (aminoflag==1) {
for (int j=0; j<128; j+=2) {
if (aminos[j].equals(code) == true) {
for (int n=0; n<20; n++) {
if (aminonames[n].equals(aminos[j+1]) == true) {
aminocount[n] +=1;
// println("ptr = " + i + " Hz = " + hz[j/8] + " " + aminos[j+1] + " count = " + aminocount[n] );
float freq = hz[j/4]/2; // select frequency related to amino acid
void drawAmino() {
// if (!persist) background(20);
for(int k = 1; k < num; k++) { // Shift all point elements 1 place to the left
ax[k-1] = ax[k];
ay[k-1] = ay[k];
c[k-1] = c[k];
// Put a new value at the end of the array
ax[num-1] += random(-range, range);
ay[num-1] += random(-range, range);
c[num-1] = col;
// Constrain points
ax[num-1] = constrain(ax[num-1], 40, width-5);
ay[num-1] = constrain(ay[num-1], 30, height-28);
// add barchart
for(int k=0; k<20; k++) {
rect(34, 80+k*16-12, aminocount[k],10);
// Draw a line connecting the points
for(int k=1; k<num; k++) {
line(ax[k-1], ay[k-1], ax[k], ay[k]);
ellipse(ax[k], ay[k], 6,6);
void stop()