Click to generate a unique snowflake, or draw your own, then save and share.
// #WeAreAllSnowflakes
// Developed by Kadenze Inc. and Colin Honigman
// This is an generative and interactive sketch developed for our community
// to celebrate the close of one year and the beginning of another. We
// hope you enjoy this small gift from us an we wish you all safe, happy, and inspiring holidays.
// We look forward to another year learning and creating with you and we can't wait to see what
// you come up with.
// Instructions
// Click Generate to grow a new snowflake
// Click Save to download your image
// Select Sparkle Mode for a little *Sparkle*
// Click Draw to enter draw mode (this erases your generative snowflake)
// Technical Explanation:
// This piece uses what is called a Lindenmayer System or L-system to generate
// it's patterns. L-systems are a type of formal grammar that essentially
// allows you to use a string of letters as instructions for a random agent. By starting
// with a simple string and applying simple rules intricate patterns
// can be generated fairly easily. In this case we used the letters F and H and the
// symbols + and - as our instructions. Starting with a simple string like HHF we
// then run the lindenmayer function that iterates over the string and replaces all
// F's with F-H and all H's with F+H. Do this a couple of times and you have a long
// set of drawing instructions. We interpret character as a move forward, for every
// F we draw a line from the last position to the new one, for every H we draw a
// small ellipse, for every + we increment the angle, and for every - we decrement
// the angle (both by 60 degrees, snowflakes are generally 6 pointed so 360/6 = 60).
// The snowflake shape comes from taking the L-system drawing path and rotating and
// reflecting it 6 times. The affect is cumulative so we do not redraw the background
// every frame.
// To learn more about Fractals, L-Systems, or P5js please check out the following
// classes on
// The Nature of Code -
// Generative Art and Computational Creativity -
// Intro to P5js -
// Palette and gradient
var palette;
var X_AXIS = 0;
var Y_AXIS = 1;
// Mouse interaction
var clickList = [];
var clickStart = null;
var clickEnd = null;
// What might this do?
var rot = 0;
// Globals
var pos;
var sides = 6;
var step = 1;
var angle;
var angles = [];
// L-System Variables
// If you're unfamiliar with L-Systems check out technical description above
var thestring; // The string we generate to create our pattern
var rules = []; // The rules for generating 'thestring'
rules[0] = ['F', 'F-H']; // For every F, replace with F-H
rules[1] = ['H', 'F+H']; // For every H, replace with F+h
var whereinstring = 0; // Keep track of where we are in string for drawing
var currentangle = 0; // Keep track of angle for l-system
var tx = 0; // X and Y position of l-system
var ty = 0;
var generations = 5; // How many times to run string through rule set
var max_x = 0;
var min_x = 0;
var max_y = 0;
var min_y = 0;
// UI Logic and Buttons and Stuff
var draw_mode = false;
var draw_button;
var gen_button;
var mode_switch;
var mode_slider;
var mode_checkbox;
var save_button;
var div;
var sparkle;
var new_session = true;
var menu_offset = 41;
function setup() {
if (detectmob()){
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
} else{
createCanvas(680, 710);
palette = loadPalette(); // Load our palette
color1 = random(palette); // Select random colors for gradient and stroke
color2 = random(palette);
color3 = random(palette);
linearGradient(0, 0, width, height, color1, color2, Y_AXIS); // Draw our background gradient
angle = 360/sides; // Calculate angle size for number of sides we want
for(var i = 0; i < sides; i++){
angles.push(i*angle); // Precalculate angles for rotation
pos = createVector(width/2, height/2);//(height/2)-menu_offset/2);
generate(); // Generate new rule and string
setupUI(); // Set up the UI elements and styling
function draw() {
// Sparkle Mode only in Generative mode, draw mode disables sparkle mode
if(draw_mode && sparkle.checked()){
// If we are in draw mode redraw background, otherwise update position in l-system
linearGradient(0, 0, width, height, color1, color2, Y_AXIS);
} else{
// Sparkle Mode randomly selects one of three previously selected colors and
// changes with every frame. Otherwise, use color3 as stroke color
var color4;
if (sparkle.checked()){
color4 = random([color1, color2, color3]);
} else{
color4 = color3;
// Here is where we draw, rotate, and reflect our points for both modes
for(var i = 0; i < angles.length; i++){
translate(pos.x, pos.y);
// If we are not in draw mode and the generate button has been pushed
if(draw_mode == false && new_session == false){
// A little opacity makes for nice looking snowflakes
stroke(color4.levels[0], color4.levels[1], color4.levels[2], 100*step);
} else if(clickStart !== null){
// If we are in draw mode and a click has been started, draw position so we can see how it looks
var mpos = getMousePos();
line(clickStart.x, clickStart.y, mpos.x, mpos.y);
line(clickStart.x, -clickStart.y, mpos.x, -mpos.y); // reflection over x axis
// If in Draw Mode draw the lines if you press a button spin everything!
if (draw_mode && keyIsPressed == false){
for (j = 0; j < clickList.length; j++){
var l = clickList[j];
if (l != null){
line(l.clickStart.x, l.clickStart.y, l.clickEnd.x, l.clickEnd.y);
line(l.clickStart.x, -l.clickStart.y, l.clickEnd.x, -l.clickEnd.y);
rot = 0;
} else {
for (j = 0; j < clickList.length; j++){
// Spin everything around the center
spinIt(j, color4);
if(keyIsPressed) rot += 1; // Update rotation for key pressing
// Store mouse presses and update clickStart
function mousePressed(){
if (draw_mode && mouseInBounds()){
var mpos = getMousePos();
clickStart = createVector(mpos.x, mpos.y);
// Store mouse release, push start and end to list and clear clickStart
function mouseReleased(){
if (draw_mode && clickStart != null){
clickEnd = getMousePos();
clickList.push({'clickStart': clickStart, 'clickEnd': clickEnd})
clickStart = null;
// Ignore menu item clicks
function mouseInBounds(){
return mouseX <= width && mouseX >= 0 && mouseY <= (height-menu_offset) && mouseY >= 0;
// Convert mouse position to translated origin
function getMousePos(){
var mpos = p5.Vector.sub(createVector(mouseX, mouseY), pos);
return mpos;
// Linear Gradient Function from
function linearGradient(x, y, w, h, c1, c2, axis){
if (axis == Y_AXIS){
for (var i = y; i <= y + h; i++){
var inter = map(i, y, y + h, 0, 1);
var c = lerpColor(c1, c2, inter);
line(x, i, x + w, i);
} else if (axis == X_AXIS){
for(var i = x; i <= x + w; i++){
var inter = map(i, x, x + w, 0, 1);
var c = lerpColor(c1, c2, inter);
line(i, y, i, y + h);
// L-System Functions. Takes in string, checks rules, and updates string
// Code from
function lindenmayer(s) {
var outputstring = ''; // New output string
// Iterate over string to find matches
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
var ismatch = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < rules.length; j++) {
// If matches rule substitute symbol with rule output
if (s[i] == rules[j][0]) {
outputstring += rules[j][1];
ismatch = 1;
// If nothing matches, just copy the symbol over.
if (ismatch == 0) outputstring+= s[i];
return outputstring;
// Drawing portion of L-System
function drawIt(k) {
if (k=='F') {
// Convert polar to cartesian coordinated
// based on step value and currentangle
var x1 = tx+step*cos(radians(currentangle));
var y1 = ty+step*sin(radians(currentangle));
line(tx, ty, x1, y1); // Draw line from previous position and new one
line(tx, -ty, x1, -y1); // Reflect line across x axis
} else if(k=='H'){
var x1 = tx+step*cos(radians(currentangle));
var y1 = ty+step*sin(radians(currentangle));
ellipse(x1, y1, 2, 2);
// Update L-System. Position in string, current location, and angle if character matches
// Separated from draw as we are drawing each point multiple times so updating angle etc
// breaks it
function updateIt(k) {
if(whereinstring > thestring.length-1) whereinstring = 0; // Update
tx = tx + step * cos(radians(currentangle));
ty = ty + step * sin(radians(currentangle));
if (k == '+') {
currentangle += angle; // turn left
} else if (k == '-') {
currentangle -= angle; // turn right
// Reset our l-system and our drawing list
function reset(){
currentangle = 0;
whereinstring = 0;
tx = 0;
ty = 0;
linearGradient(0, 0, width, height, color1, color2, Y_AXIS);
clickList = [];
// Save your awesome image. Don't forget to tag us #WeAreAllSnowflakes
function saveIt(){
var canvas = document.getElementById('defaultCanvas0');
if (detectmob()){
var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL();
} else{
canvas.toBlob(function(blob) {
saveAs(blob, "KadenzeSnowflake.jpg");
// Setter method for draw button. If already in draw mode it resets screen.
function setDrawMode(){
if (draw_mode){
draw_mode = true;'opacity: .5');
// Setter method for generate mode. If new session don't create new colors
function setGenMode(){
draw_mode = false;
if(new_session == false) {
color1 = random(palette);
color2 = random(palette);
color3 = random(palette);
linearGradient(0, 0, width, height, color1, color2, Y_AXIS)
new_session = false;'opacity: 1');
// Generate method. Randomly selects starting string. Runs it through
// lindenmayer function and resets.
function generate(){
print('The following string is being rendered.\n');
thestring = random(['HFHFFHF', 'FFFHHFHHFFF', 'FHF', 'HFH', 'HHFHF']);
for(var i = 0; i < 6; i++){
thestring += random(['F' ,'F', 'F','F','F', 'F', 'H', 'H']);
print('Starting string: ');
print(" \n");
for (var i = 0; i < generations; i++) {
thestring = lindenmayer(thestring);
print('Resulting string: ');
print(' \n');
// Just for fun !(^_^)!
function spinIt(j, c){
var l = clickList[j];
// spin each line around their starting point
translate(l.clickStart.x, l.clickStart.y);
var sub;
if (pos.dist(l.clickStart) > pos.dist(l.clickEnd)){
sub = p5.Vector.sub(l.clickStart, l.clickEnd);
} else {
sub = p5.Vector.sub(l.clickEnd, l.clickStart);
// Calculate the angle from the line so we start where it was drawn
// Couldn't totally figure this out so they start from drawn position
var a = atan2(sub.y, sub.x);
var d = p5.Vector.sub(l.clickStart, l.clickEnd);
line(0, 0, d.x, d.y);
// Spin reflection line as well
translate(l.clickStart.x, -l.clickStart.y);
line(0, 0, d.x, d.y);
// Open Processing limits screen display to canvas size, so we
// create HTML elements over bottom and style them to look like menu
function setupUI(){
draw_button = createButton('DRAW');
gen_button = createButton('GENERATE');
save_button = createButton('SAVE');
sparkle = createCheckbox('Sparkle Mode');
if (detectmob()){
} else {
div = createDiv('');
var btns = [save_button, draw_button, gen_button];
for(var i = 0; i < btns.length; i++){
btns[i].style('color: white');
btns[i].style('background: transparent');
btns[i].style('border: 1px solid white');
if (detectmob()){
btns[i].style('padding: 5px 15px');
btns[i].style('font-size: 12px');
btns[i].style('margin: 10px 0 0 10px');
} else {
btns[i].style('padding: 5px 30px');
btns[i].style('font-size: 14px');
btns[i].style('margin: 10px 0 0 10px');
btns[i].style('font-family: Roboto');
btns[i].style('width: auto');
btns[i].style('height: auto');
if (detectmob()){'visibility: hidden');
} else {
sparkle.parent(div);'color: white');'display: inline-block');'margin-left: 20px');'font-family: Roboto');'font-size: 12px');
div.position(0, height-menu_offset);'background: black');'width:' + width + 'px');'height:' + menu_offset + 'px');
// Perhaps my favorite part is this color palette.
// Snowflakes are amazing from a aesthetic and a scientific perspective.
// This palette was collected from the AMAZING photos taken by Kenneth G. Libbrecht
// who is a professor of physics at CalTech. He even grows his own snowflakes.
// Great resource and tremendous inspiration for this project.
// Check out his site at
function loadPalette() {
var p = [
color(25, 47, 158),
color(217, 183, 252),
color(79, 76, 180),
color(138, 139, 255),
color(62, 74, 151),
color(215, 209, 204),
color(253, 126, 198),
color(111, 138, 218),
color(200, 194, 231),
color(143, 174, 254),
color(213, 216, 255),
color(119, 139, 250),
color(233, 229, 255),
color(235, 216, 230),
color(143, 171, 255),
color(175, 202, 255),
color(205, 221, 254),
color(153, 174, 255),
color(128, 175, 230),
color(233, 235, 255),
color(228, 214, 254),
color(220, 212, 255),
color(232, 226, 254),
color(47, 48, 127),
color(249, 207, 255),
color(245, 248, 255),
color(46, 11, 254),
color(138, 173, 255),
color(169, 6, 71),
color(131, 8, 93),
color(3, 11, 53),
color(34, 38, 64),
color(99, 111, 238),
color(190, 204, 248),
color(114, 170, 229),
color(226, 212, 244),
color(33, 48, 76)
return p;
// Something extra for those who might open up the console.
function seasonsGreetings(){
print("Happy Holidays from Kadenze Inc.\n");
print("#WeAreAllSnowflakes is a generative and interactive piece developed by Kadenze's Colin Honigman for our community.\n");
print("Click Generate to watch a snowflake grow.\n");
print("Click Save to download your snowflake and share your #WeAreAllSnowflakes image. Don't forget to tag us! ;)\n");
print("Click Draw to draw your own snowflake.");
function detectmob() {
if( navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i)
|| navigator.userAgent.match(/webOS/i)
|| navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)
|| navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i)
|| navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i)
|| navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry/i)
|| navigator.userAgent.match(/Windows Phone/i)
return true;
else {
return false;
// Scale L-System to fit on canvas
function getMaxFromSystem(){
max_x = 0;
max_y = 0;
min_x = 0;
min_y = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < thestring.length*4; i++){
if(tx > max_x) {
max_x = tx;
} else if (tx < min_x) {
min_x = tx;
if (ty > max_y) {
max_y = ty;
} else if (ty < min_y){
min_y = ty;
if (max_x > width/2 || max_y > height/2){
step = map((width/2)/max([max_x, max_y]), 0, 1, 0, .9);
} else if (min_x < -width/2 || min_y < -height/2){
step = map(-((width/2)/min([min_x, min_y])), 0, 1, 0, .9);
}else { step = 1;}
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