This sketch is created with an older version of Processing,
and doesn't work on browsers anymore.
class Particula {
float x;
float y;
float z;
float fx;
float fy;
float fz;
float ox;
float oy;
float oz;
float ruidoValue;
float radio;
float theta1;
float theta2;
color c;
float t =0;
Particula(color c) {
this.theta1 = random(360);
this.theta2 = random(360);
this.ruidoValue = random(-0.1, 0.1);
//radio = random(90, 150);
radio = 250;
this.c =c;
ox = random(-width/2, width/2);
oy = random(-height/2, height/2);
oz = random(-width/2, width/2);
void update() {
x = radio * cos ( radians(theta1) )* cos( radians(theta2));
y = radio * sin ( radians(theta1) )* cos( radians(theta2));
z = radio * sin ( radians(theta2) );
ox = (x - ox)*t + ox;
oy = (y - oy)*t + oy;
oz = (z - oz)*t + oz;
if (dist(x, y, z, ox, oy, oz) < 0.4) {
t= 0;
ox = random(-width/2, width/2);
oy = random(-height/2, height/2);
oz = random(-width/2, width/2);
this.theta1 = random(360);
this.theta2 = random(360);
ruidoValue += 0.03;
radio = noise(ruidoValue)*230 + 100;