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var a = map(sin (millis()/1000), -1, 1, -0.3, 0.3);
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var pc = get(mouseX,mouseY);
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vier = map(sin (millis()/1000), -1, 1, -0.3, 0.3);;
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textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
textAlign(LEFT, BASELINE);
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textAlign(LEFT, BASELINE);
textAlign(LEFT, BASELINE);
text("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 818+a*200, 828);
textAlign(LEFT, BASELINE);
text("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 1100+a*200, 828);
textAlign(LEFT, BASELINE);
text(" Univers,", 375, 372);
text("With the design of ,", 375, 372);
text("Adrian Frutiger initiated", 375, 390);
text("a trend toward larger", 375, 408);
text("x-heights. All strokes within", 375, 426);
text("each letter contrast in", 375, 444);
text("width only slightey, but", 375, 462);
text("the severe geometry of the", 375, 480);
text("mordern sans serif was replaced", 375, 498);
text("with optical sublety. Other", 375, 516);
text("distinguishing characteristics", 375, 534);
text("include flat terminals in", 375, 552);
text("letters such as a, c,", 375, 570);
text("and e; slightly squared", 375, 588);
text("appearance as seen in the", 375, 605);
text("letter O; square dots on the i and", 375, 623);
text("j; and an angled ascender on", 375, 641);
text("the t. The arm and leg of", 375,659);
text("the K join at a single junction,", 375, 677);
text("and the G has no spur.", 375, 695);