“Relative Time Clock” by tesh
License CreativeCommons Attribution ShareAlike
{{width}} x {{height}}
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Relative Time Clock
var modMinSmall = 5;
var modMinReg = 0;
var modMinBig = 0;
var modHr = 0;
var modHrReg = 0;
var minSmallTxtRange = "";
var minBigTxtRange = "";
var minRegTxtRange = "";
var hrTxtRange = "";
var hrRegTxtRange = "";
var min1 = [];
var min5 = [];
var min10 = [];
var min30 = [];
var hr1 = [];
var hr2 = [];
var hr3 = [];
var hr4 = [];
var hr5 = [];
var hr6 = [];
var hr8 = [];
var hr12 = [];
var hr14 = [];
var hr16 = [];
var hr18 = [];
var hr24 = "You have the whole day left!";
var prevSec;
var millisRolloverTime;
var HPrev = -1;
var MPrev = -1;
function setup() {
createCanvas(700, 700);
millisRolloverTime = 0;
textFont('Arial Black', [25]);
modMinSmall = 0;
modMinReg = 0;
modMinBig = 0;
modHr = 0;
modHrReg = 0;
function draw() {
background(255, 255, 255); //
// Fetch the current time
var H = hour();
var M = minute();
var hColor = map(hour(), 0, 23, 0, 255);
var mColor = map(minute(), 0, 60, 0, 255);
var sColor = map(second(), 0, 60, 0, 255);
background(hColor, mColor, sColor, 50); //
//which minute text is displayed?
//text("Min: " + M, width / 2, height / 2);
if (H >= 2) {
textFont('Arial Black', [28]);
text("Things you can do with the rest of your day:", width / 2, height/12);
textFont('Arial Black', [25]);
//Larger Min Range
if (60 - M > 30) {
modMinBig = 30;
if(MPrev != M &&M%modMinBig == 0){
minBigTxtRange = min30[int(random(min30.length))];
} else if (60 - M > 10) {
modMinBig = 10;
if(MPrev != M &&M%modMinBig == 0){
minBigTxtRange = min10[int(random(min10.length))];
} else if (60 - M > 5) {
modMinBig = 5;
if(MPrev != M && M%modMinBig == 0){
minBigTxtRange = min5[int(random(min5.length))];
//Smaller Min Range
if (60 - M - modMinBig > 10) {
modMinReg = 10;
if(MPrev != M && M%modMinReg == 0){
minRegTxtRange = min10[int(random(min10.length))];
} else if (60 - M - modMinBig > 5) {
modMinReg = 5;
if(MPrev != M && M%modMinReg == 0){
minRegTxtRange = min5[int(random(min5.length))];
} else if (60 - M - modMinBig > 1) {
modMinReg = 1;
if(MPrev != M && M%modMinReg == 0){
minRegTxtRange = min1[int(random(min1.length))];
if (HPrev != H) {
//Larger Hr Range
if (24 - H > 18) {
modHr = 18;
hrTxtRange = hr18[int(random(hr18.length))];
} else if (24 - H > 16) {
modHr = 16;
hrTxtRange = hr16[int(random(hr16.length))];
} else if (24 - H > 14) {
modHr = 14;
hrTxtRange = hr14[int(random(hr14.length))];
} else if (24 - H > 12) {
modHr = 12;
hrTxtRange = hr12[int(random(hr12.length))];
} else if (24 - H > 8) {
modHr = 8;
hrTxtRange = hr8[int(random(hr8.length))];
} else if (24 - H > 6) {
modHr = 6;
hrTxtRange = hr6[int(random(hr6.length))];
} else if (24 - H > 5) {
modHr = 5;
hrTxtRange = hr5[int(random(hr5.length))];
} else if (24 - H > 4) {
modHr = 4;
hrTxtRange = hr4[int(random(hr4.length))];
} else if (24 - H > 3) {
modHr = 3;
hrTxtRange = hr3[int(random(hr3.length))];
//Smaller Hr Range
if (24 - H - modHr > 2) {
modHrReg = 2;
hrRegTxtRange = hr2[int(random(hr2.length))];
} else if (24 - H - modHr > 1) {
modHrReg = 1;
hrRegTxtRange = hr1[int(random(hr1.length))];
if ((60 - M) % modMinBig >= 0) {
text(minBigTxtRange, width / 2, height/5*4);
if ((60 - M) % modMinReg >= 0) {
text(minRegTxtRange, width / 2, height/5*3);
if ((H) % modHr >= 0) {
text(hrTxtRange, width / 2, height/5*2);
if ((H) % modHrReg >= 0) {
text(hrRegTxtRange, width / 2, height/5);
} else if (H >= 0) {
// Midnight Case
if (H == 0 && M == 0) {
text(hr24, width / 2, height/2);
} else {
textFont('Arial Black', [28]);
text("Things you can do with the rest of your day:", width / 2, height/12);
textFont('Arial Black', [25]);
if (MPrev != M) {
//Larger Min Range
if (60 - M > 30) {
modMinBig = 30;
minBigTxtRange = min30[int(random(min30.length))];
} else if (60 - M > 10) {
modMinBig = 10;
minBigTxtRange = min10[int(random(min10.length))];
} else if (60 - M > 5) {
modMinBig = 5;
minBigTxtRange = min5[int(random(min5.length))];
//Smaller Min Range
if (60 - M - modMinBig > 10) {
modMinReg = 10;
minRegTxtRange = min10[int(random(min10.length))];
} else if (60 - M - modMinBig > 5) {
modMinReg = 5;
minRegTxtRange = min5[int(random(min5.length))];
} else if (60 - M - modMinBig > 1) {
modMinReg = 1;
minRegTxtRange = min1[int(random(min1.length))];
//Smallest Min Range
if (60 - M - modMinBig - modMinReg > 5) {
modMinSmall = 5;
minSmallTxtRange = min5[int(random(min5.length))];
} else if (60 - M - modMinBig - modMinReg > 1) {
modMinSmall = 1;
minSmallTxtRange = min1[int(random(min1.length))];
if (HPrev != H) {
//Smaller Hr Range
if (3 - H - modHr > 2) {
modHrReg = 2;
hrRegTxtRange = hr2[int(random(hr2.length))];
} else if (3 - H - modHr > 1) {
modHrReg = 1;
hrRegTxtRange = hr1[int(random(hr1.length))];
if ((60 - M) % modMinBig >= 0) {
text(minBigTxtRange, width / 2, height/5*4);
if ((60 - M) % modMinReg >= 0) {
text(minRegTxtRange, width / 2, height/5*3);
if ((60 - M) % modMinSmall >= 0) {
text(minSmallTxtRange, width / 2, height/5*2);
if ((H) % modHrReg >= 0) {
text(hrRegTxtRange, width / 2, height/5);
fill(128, 100, 100);
/*text("Hour: " + H, 10, 22);
text("Minute: " + (60 - M), 10, 42);
text("Second: " + S, 10, 62);*/
MPrev = M;
HPrev = H;
function initializeTimePhrase() {
//minute 1
min1[0] = "Floss your teeth";
min1[1] = "Back up your computer";
min1[2] = "Replace your toilet paper";
min1[3] = "Water your plants";
min1[4] = "Take your vitamins";
min1[5] = "Refill your soap dispenser";
min1[6] = "Send an email";
min1[7] = "Shake out a mat";
min1[8] = "Give someone a hug";
min1[9] = "Make your bed";
min1[10] = "Empty your recycling bin";
min1[11] = "Blink 20 times";
min1[12] = "Start a To-Do list";
min1[13] = "Get a glass of water";
min1[14] = "Hold your breath until you can’t anymore";
min1[15] = "Unfriend someone on facebook";
min1[16] = "Have an epiphany";
min1[17] = "Microwave hot chocolate";
min1[18] = "Wipe down your phone screen";
min1[20] = "Crack all your joints";
//minute 5
min5[0] = "Take a walk around the block";
min5[1] = "Return a quick phone call";
min5[2] = "Delete those apps you don’t use";
min5[3] = "Listen to a sick beat";
min5[4] = "Make one of those Tasty recipes";
min5[5] = "Chug a smoothie";
min5[6] = "Take an online quiz";
min5[7] = "Clean your computer desktop";
min5[8] = "Think about working out but don’t";
min5[9] = "Tell a really bad joke";
min5[10] = "Think of a good name for an \ninanimate object";
min5[11] = "Move clothes into the dryer";
//minute 10
min10[0] = "Learn to whistle";
min10[1] = "Learn 5 phrases in a new language";
min10[2] = "Make fancy oatmeal";
min10[3] = "Make a sub sandwich";
min10[4] = "Eat someone else's sandwich";
min10[5] = "Read a short article";
//minute 30
min30[0] = "Bake a cake from scratch";
min30[1] = "Take a selfie you actually like"
min30[2] = "Update your LinkedIn profile \n#Networking";
min30[3] = "Work out at home";
min30[4] = "Hide your coworker's briefcase";
min30[5] = "Prank one of your friends";
min30[6] = "Have a quick shave";
hr1[0] = "Take a nap"
hr1[1] = "Watch a TV show"
hr1[2] = "Swim a few laps"
hr1[3] = "Take an indulgent bubble bath";
hr1[4] = "Go grocery shopping";
hr1[5] = "Get a haircut";
hr1[6] = "have a massage";
hr1[7] = "Clean out your refrigerator";
hr1[8] = "Rearrange your house";
hr2[0] = "Bleach and dye your hair";
hr2[1] = "Do a round of bowling";
hr2[2] = "Get your wisdom teeth removed";
hr2[3] = "Make fresh pasta from scratch";
hr2[4] = "Watch a summer blockbuster";
hr3[0] = "Play a game of Monopoly";
hr3[1] = "Watch a game of American Football";
hr3[2] = "Slowcook a meal in a crock pot";
hr4[0] = "Play a fun game of Risk";
hr4[1] = "Play Journey from start to finish";
hr4[2] = "Drive from Washington DC to a beach";
hr4[3] = "Go through almost all the exhibits \nat an art museum.";
hr5[0] = "Run a decent marathon";
hr5[1] = "Make beef stew from start to finish";
hr6[0] = "Climb Mount Fuji from its base";
hr6[1] = "Go to public school, but skip the last class";
hr8[0] = "Play a really long and terrible game of Risk";
hr8[1] = "Pick 9 bins of apples";
hr12[0] = "Watch the entirety of the \nLord of The Rings trilogy";
hr12[1] = "Work an average day on the farm";
hr14[0] = "Finish an Ironman competition";
hr14[1] = "Get really good sleep for an 13 year old";
hr16[0] = "Take a bus from NYC to Atlanta, Georgia";
hr16[1] = "Write, set up, and perform a play";
hr16[2] = "Drive from Denver Colorado to Phoenix Arizona";
hr16[3] = "Do a week's worth of work as a part-time intern";
hr18[0] = "Fly from LA to Singapore";
hr18[1] = "Take a bus though Central America";
hr18[2] = "Write a short research paper";
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