“kerjos-clock2” by Joshua Kery
License CreativeCommons Attribution ShareAlike
{{width}} x {{height}}
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var prevSec;
var millisRolloverTime;
var prevHalf;
var currHalf;
var specialRollover;
var prevSeason;
var currSeason;
var seasonChange = "";
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 400);
cx = width/2;
cy = height/2;
//Form Init Values
numAnchors = 8;
radius = 200;
numRings = 30;
//Color Init Values
darkColor = color(112,77,104);
//lightColor = color(237,190,104);
lightColor = color(255);
//Time Init Values
counter = floor(second()/(60/numRings));
newMinute = true;
newHour = true;
millisRolloverTime = 0; //Golan Levin
specialRollover = 0;
//Starting Function Calls
rings = [];
function mousePressed() {
rings = [];
counter = floor(second()/(60/numRings));
newMinute = true;
millisRolloverTime = 0;
specialRollover = 0;
function Coord(ax,ay,cL1,cL2) {
var a = ax - cx;
var b = cy - ay;
var c = sqrt(sq(a)+sq(b));
var B = atan(b/a);
if (a < 0) {B += PI}
var D = -1 * (B - PI/2);
var cx1 = ax + (cL1 * cos(D))
var cy1 = ay + (cL1 * sin(D))
var cx2 = ax - (cL2 * cos(D))
var cy2 = ay - (cL2 * sin(D))
var coord = {
ax: ax,
ay: ay,
c: c,
theta: B,
cL1: cL1,
cL2: cL2,
cx1: cx1,
cy1: cy1,
cx2: cx2,
cy2: cy2,
return coord;
function BarkCoord(x,y,cx,cy) {
var coord = {
ax: x,
ay: y,
cx1: cx,
cy1: cy,
cx2: x,
cy2: y,
return coord;
function Ring(coords,fillColor) {
var ring = {
coords: coords,
fillColor: fillColor,
return ring;
function getFirstRing() {
var anchors = numAnchors;
var r = radius;
var theta = -PI/2;
var coords = [];
for (var i=0; i<anchors; i++) {
var rand = random(-r/5,r/5);
var ax = cx + rand + (r * cos(theta));
if (ax<0) {ax=0}
if (ax>width) {ax=width}
var ay = cy + rand + (r * sin(theta));
if(ay<0) {ay=0}
if(ay>height) {ay=height}
var cL1 = random(r/10,4*r/10);
var cL2 = random(r/10,4*r/10);
var coord = Coord(ax,ay,cL1,cL2);
theta += (2*PI)/anchors;
var fillColor = lightColor;
var ring = Ring(coords,fillColor);
function getOtherRings() {
var anchors = numAnchors;
var r = radius;
var firstRing = rings[0];
for (var i=1; i<numRings; i++) {
var coords = [];
var lastRing = rings[i-1];
for (var j=0; j<firstRing.coords.length; j++) {
var c = lastRing.coords[j].c;
var theta = lastRing.coords[j].theta;
var thickness = firstRing.coords[j].c/numRings;
var wetness = random(0.9,1.1);
var d = c - (thickness*wetness);
//var rand = random(-thickness/8,thickness/8);
var newAX = cx + (d * cos(theta));
var newAY = cy - (d * sin(theta));
var cL1 = lastRing.coords[j].cL1;
var cL2 = lastRing.coords[j].cL2;
var newCL1 = cL1 - (firstRing.coords[j].cL1/numRings);
var newCL2 = cL2 - (firstRing.coords[j].cL2/numRings);
var coord = Coord(newAX,newAY,newCL1,newCL2);
var ring = Ring(coords,lightColor);
function getInterpolatedRing(mils) { //takes specialMils
var anchors = numAnchors;
var milsMax = (1000*(30/numRings)-1);
var currentRing = numRings - counter - 1;
if (currentRing <= 0) {return}
var nextRing = numRings - counter - 2;
var coords = [];
for (i=0;i<anchors;i++) {
var currAX = rings[currentRing].coords[i].ax;
var nextAX = rings[nextRing].coords[i].ax;
var newAX = map(mils, 0,milsMax, currAX,nextAX);
var currAY = rings[currentRing].coords[i].ay;
var nextAY = rings[nextRing].coords[i].ay;
var newAY = map(mils, 0,milsMax, currAY,nextAY);
var currCL1 = rings[currentRing].coords[i].cL1;
var nextCL1 = rings[nextRing].coords[i].cL1;
var newCL1 = map(mils, 0,milsMax, currCL1,nextCL1);
var currCL2 = rings[currentRing].coords[i].cL2;
var nextCL2 = rings[nextRing].coords[i].cL2;
var newCL2 = map(mils, 0,milsMax, currCL2,nextCL2);
var coord = Coord(newAX,newAY,newCL1,newCL2);
var fillColor = lightColor;
return Ring(coords,fillColor);
function getBark(ring) {
var anchors = ring.coords.length;
var barkCoords = [];
for (var i=0; i<anchors; i++) {
var x1 = ring.coords[i].ax;
var y1 = ring.coords[i].ay;
var cx1 = ring.coords[i].cx1;
var cy1 = ring.coords[i].cy1;
var j = i+1;
if (i == anchors-1) {j = 0;}
var cx2 = ring.coords[j].cx2;
var cy2 = ring.coords[j].cy2;
var x2 = ring.coords[j].ax;
var y2 = ring.coords[j].ay;
for (var k=0; k<1; k+=0.2) { //For every sharp point of bark:
//var t = 0.25;
var P = calcPointOnBezier(x1,y1,cx1,cy1,cx2,cy2,x2,y2,k);
var x = P[0];
var y = P[1];
var a = x - cx;
var b = cy - y;
var c = sqrt(sq(a)+sq(b));
var B = atan(b/a);
if (a < 0) {B += PI}
var d = c + 10*(counter/60) + 2;
var newX = cx + (d * cos(B));
var newY = cy - (d * sin(B));
var D = -1 * (B - PI/2);
var E = D - PI/4;
var cL = 4;
var newCX = x + (cL * cos(E));
var newCY = y + (cL * sin(E));
//var newCX2 = x - (cL2 * cos(E));
//var newCY2 = y - (cL2 * sin(E));
var barkCoord = BarkCoord(newX,newY,newCX,newCY);
var fillColor = color(255,0,0);
return Ring(barkCoords,fillColor);
function calcPointOnBezier(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4,t) {
var storeAX = x4 - 3.0*x3 + 3.0*x2 - x1;
var storeAY = y4 - 3.0*y3 + 3.0*y2 - y1;
var storeBX = 3.0*x3 - 6.0*x2 + 3.0*x1;
var storeBY = 3.0*y3 - 6.0*y2 + 3.0*y1;
var storeCX = 3.0*x2 - 3.0*x1;
var storeCY = 3.0*y2 - 3.0*y1;
var storeDX = x1;
var storeDY = y1;
var x = ((storeAX*t+storeBX)*t+storeCX)*t+storeDX;
var y = ((storeAY*t+storeBY)*t+storeCY)*t+storeDY;
return [x,y]
function fetchCurrentRing() {
var currRing = numRings - counter - 1;
if (currRing == -1) {currRing = 0}
if (currRing < -1) {
} else {
return currRing
function draw() {
// Fetch the current time
var H = hour();
var M = minute();
var S = second();
// Reckon the current millisecond,
// particularly if the second has rolled over.
if (prevSec != S) {
millisRolloverTime = millis();
prevSec = S;
var mils = floor(millis() - millisRolloverTime);
//milliseconds in growth period and season control
seasonChange = "";
if ((S%(60/numRings)) < ((60/numRings)/2)) {
currHalf = 0; //Winter and Spring
} else {
currHalf = 1; //Summer and Fall
if (prevHalf != currHalf) {
specialRollover = millis();
prevHalf = currHalf
var specialMils;
if (currHalf >= 1) {
specialMils = floor(millis() - specialRollover);
if (specialMils < (1000*( (60/numRings)/2 )*5/6)) {
//Summers are 5/6 of the half; Falls are 1/6.
currSeason = "Summer";
} else {
currSeason = "Fall";
} else {
currSeason = "notSummerOrFall";
specialMils = 0;
if (prevSeason != currSeason) {
//Season change!
if ((prevSeason=="Summer") && (currSeason=="Fall")) {
seasonChange = "S2F";
prevSeason = currSeason;
//text(specialMils, 15, 30);
var m = M;
if (M < 10) {m = "0"+m}
var s = S;
if (S < 10) {s = "0"+s}
//text(H + " " + m + " " + s + " " + mils,15,15);
if ((S%(60/numRings)==0) && (newMinute)) {
//Ring is complete.
newMinute = false;
if (S == 0) {
counter = 0
} else {
counter += 1
if (S%(60/numRings)!=0) {
newMinute = true;
if ((S==0) && (newHour)) {
//Tree is complete.
newHour = false;
rings = [];
if (S!=0) {
newHour = true;
var clr = color(darkColor);
var currRing = fetchCurrentRing();
var currRingObject;
if (currRing != null) {
currRingObject = rings[currRing];
var barkRing;
var interpolatedRing = getInterpolatedRing(specialMils);
if (interpolatedRing != null) {
//Draw Bark
barkRing = getBark(interpolatedRing);
if (barkRing != null) {
//Draw Interpolated Ring
} else {
barkRing = getBark(currRingObject);
if (barkRing != null) {
for (var i=0; i<rings.length; i++) {
if (i >= numRings-counter-1) {
//clr = 0;
} else {
//clr = 210;
function drawBeziers(ring,clr) {
var fillColor = ring.fillColor;
noFill(); //Just so I don't have fill for now.
var sides = ring.coords.length;
if (sides>numAnchors) {strokeWeight(3)} else {strokeWeight(1)}
var vertices = [];
for (var i=0; i<sides; i++) {
var x1 = ring.coords[i].ax;
var y1 = ring.coords[i].ay;
var x2 = ring.coords[i].cx1;
var y2 = ring.coords[i].cy1;
var j = i+1;
if (i == sides-1) {j = 0;}
var x3 = ring.coords[j].cx2;
var y3 = ring.coords[j].cy2;
var x4 = ring.coords[j].ax;
var y4 = ring.coords[j].ay;
function fillBeziers(vertices,fillColor) {
noFill(); //Just so I don't have fill for now.
for (i=0;i<vertices.length;i++) {
var x = vertices[i][0];
var y = vertices[i][1];
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