function setup() {
// function generator object
var g = new p5.Gen();
// assign 'foo' to a 512-point Array containing the wavetable
// defined by harmonic strengths 1., 0.5, and 0.3:
var foo = g.fillArray("harmonics", 512, [1.0, 0.5, 0.3]);
// assign 'bar' to a 1000-point Float32Array containing a
// single sine wave:
var bar = g.fillFloat32Array("waveform", 1000, "sine");
// assign 100 points of low-weighted random numbers to
// the Float64Array 'biz':
var biz = g.fillFloat64Array("random", 100, "low");
console.log(foo); // print
// f plot gives formattable console plot of any array
fplot(foo, "color: red; font-size:9px;"); // plot
console.log(bar); // print
fplot(bar, "color: green; font-size:9px;"); // plot
console.log(biz); // print
fplot(biz, "color: blue; font-size:9px;"); // plot