const word2Vec = ml5.word2vec('', modelLoaded);
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
let nearWordInput = createInput('rainbow');
nearWordInput.position(width/6, height/3);
let nearButton = createButton('is nearest to ...');
nearButton.position(width/6, height/3+50);
let nearResults = createP('');
nearResults.position(width/6, height/3+100);
text('Between', width*2/6, height/3);
let betweenWordInput1 = createInput('rainbow');
betweenWordInput1.position(width*2/6, height/3+50);
text('and', width*2/6, height/3+100);
let betweenWordInput2 = createInput('kitten');
betweenWordInput2.position(width*2/6, height/3+150);
let betweenButton = createButton("is ...");
betweenButton.position(width*2/6, height/3+200);
let betweenResults = createP("");
betweenResults.position(width*2/6, height/3+250);
let addInput1 = createInput("pizza");
addInput1.position(width*3/6, height/3);
text('is to', width*3/6, height/3+50);
let addInput2 = createInput("humans");
addInput2.position(width*3/6, height/3+100);
text('as', width*3/6, height/3+150);
let addInput3 = createInput("fish");
addInput3.position(width*3/6, height/3+200);
let addButton = createButton("is to ...");
addButton.position(width*3/6, height/3+250);
let addResults = createP("");
addResults.position(width*3/6, height/3+300);
nearButton.mousePressed(() => {
let word = nearWordInput.value();
nearResults.html(findNearest(word, 10));
betweenButton.mousePressed(() => {
let word1 = betweenWordInput1.value();
let word2 = betweenWordInput2.value();
let average = word2Vec.average([word1, word2], 1);
addButton.mousePressed(() => {
let is1 = addInput1.value();
let to1 = addInput2.value();
let is2 = addInput3.value();
let difference = word2Vec.subtract([to1, is1]);
let to2 = word2Vec.add([is2, difference[0].vector]);
function findNearest(word, n = 10) {
let nearest = word2Vec.nearest(word, n);
return 'No word vector found';
for (let i = 0; i < nearest.length; i++) {
output += nearest[i].vector + '<br/>';
return 'Model has not loaded yet!';