1. Make a pose in front of your webcam and click the 'Add Cat Image' button. Try adding around 15 images. 2. Make a different pose in front of your webcam and click the 'Add Dog Image' button. Try adding around 15 images. 3. Click 'Train' and wait until the training process is done. 4. Click 'Start guessing!' and switch between the two poses you trained the model on!
// Copyright (c) 2018 ml5
// This software is released under the MIT License.
// https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
/* ===
ml5 Example
Image Classification using Feature Extraction with MobileNet. Built with p5.js
=== */
1. Make a pose in front of your webcam and click the 'Add Cat Image' button. Try adding around 15 images.
2. Make a different pose in front of your webcam and click the 'Add Dog Image' button. Try adding around 15 images.
3. Click 'Train' and wait until the training process is done.
4. Click 'Start guessing!' and switch between the two poses you trained the model on!
let featureExtractor;
let classifier;
let video;
let loss;
let dogImages = 0;
let catImages = 0;
let catImagesP;
let dogImagesP;
let lossP;
let resultP;
function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
// Create a video element
video = createCapture(VIDEO);
// Extract the already learned features from MobileNet
featureExtractor = ml5.featureExtractor('MobileNet', modelReady);
// Create a new classifier using those features and give the video we want to use
classifier = featureExtractor.classification(video);
// Create the UI buttons
function draw() {
image(video, width/2, height/3, 340, 280);
// A function to be called when the model has been loaded
function modelReady() {
//select('#loading').html('Base Model (MobileNet) loaded!');
print('Base Model (MobileNet) loaded!');
// Add the current frame from the video to the classifier
function addImage(label) {
// Classify the current frame.
function classify() {
// A util function to create UI buttons
function createButtons() {
// When the Cat button is pressed, add the current frame
// from the video with a label of "cat" to the classifier
buttonA = createButton('Add Cat Image');
buttonA.position(width/3, height-height/3-50);
catImagesP = createP(catImages+" Cat Images");
catImagesP.position(width/3+150, height-height/3-65);
buttonA.mousePressed(function() {
catImagesP.html(catImages+" Cat Images");
// When the Dog button is pressed, add the current frame
// from the video with a label of "dog" to the classifier
buttonB = createButton('Add Dog Image');
buttonB.position(width/3, height-height/3);
dogImagesP = createP(dogImages+" Dog Images");
dogImagesP.position(width/3+150, height-height/3-15);
buttonB.mousePressed(function() {
dogImagesP.html(dogImages+" Dog Images");
// Train Button
train = createButton('Train');
train.position(width/3, height-height/3+50);
lossP = createP('');
lossP.position(width/3+150, height-height/3+35);
train.mousePressed(function() {
classifier.train(function(lossValue) {
if (lossValue) {
loss = lossValue;
lossP.html('Loss: ' + loss);
else {
lossP.html('Done Training! Final Loss: ' + loss);
// Predict Button
buttonPredict = createButton('Start guessing!');
buttonPredict.position(width/3, height-height/3+100);
resultP = createP('Your custom model labeled this as: ...')
resultP.position(width/3, height-height/3+150);
// Show the results
function gotResults(result) {
resultP.html('Your custom model labeled this as: '+result);