* Custom raycaster done for fun on a phone (APDE Android app.) while commuting.
* Improved afterward on desktop because APDE is buggy and crashed as the sketch complexity increased ! :)
* This is actually a 2D volume raycaster as map objects are as-is (not blocky) thus it allow curved walls and any wall shapes actually for free...
* It is however a bit slower than a "blocky" raycaster, will take way more memory and the texturing is buggy on highly curved walls.
* There is two methods implemented for raycast :
* - A naive not optimal one which walk the grid in the view direction through fixed step
* - An optimal one which walk the grid in the view direction through each cells
* Optimizations done :
* - walk the grid in the view direction through each cells
* - clamp slice start y / height by the display height (so we don't draw unnecessarily outside the display)
* - pre-compute rays direction through a lookup table (this however make camera rotation a bit less smooth)
* The walls are mirrored on the y axis so we get a cheap floor mirror :p
* One could extend this to cast rays in a more free ways (in all direction: 3D) and this would basically become a volume raycaster so voxels yeh! :)
* An overview of old-school raycasting methods (compared to this one) :
* A blocky raycaster like Wolfenstein 3D isn't really far from this:
* - the map informations would just need to have a defined size when rendering them, this would make the world blocky and fix issue with texturing as well!
* A high-quality raycaster (a la Duke Nukem 3D / Build engine) isn't really far from this as well :
* - The map informations (as a bitmap) would need to be dropped for a map informations only made of lines / curves, this would fix the texturing problem on highly curved walls
* - This would however come with some problems related to culling which were fixed using methods such as portal rendering back in the days
* A 'voxel' landscape can be done easily by adapting this (see my other sketch) :
* - Send rays from far to near
* - Rays are not stopped once they hit something (they walk on the heightmap)
* - All cells traversed by the ray are drawn (could say the ray always hit something)
* Raytracing :
* - Same as raycasting except you continue sending rays once they hit something (you bounce them off, compute shading from lights etc)
* - Drop bitmap representation (this is really the definition of Volumetric in all Voxel methods, the data is volumetric)
* This use Wolfenstein 3D textures.
static int display_width = 640;
static int display_height = 480;
static int board_width = 256;
static int board_height = board_width; // linked
static int board_size = board_width * board_height;
// typically the diagonal of the map so we stop any rays casted outside...
// but this can also be used for performances, this is the camera z clipping so with fog and this we can speed the rendering up :)
static int max_ray_step = board_width * 2;
static int wall_height = 32;
static int player_fov = 60;
static int minimap_width = 128;
static int minimap_height = minimap_width; // linked
static int minimap_width_m1 = minimap_width - 1;
static int minimap_fov_step = 88;
static float minimap_scale_x = (float)minimap_width / board_width;
static float minimap_scale_y = (float)minimap_height / board_height;
// increase for more performances
static int stepping_x = 8;
static int floor_stepping = 8;
static int ceil_stepping = 8;
static int texture_stepping = 2;
int edit_mode = 0;
float boards[];
// we use this actually instead of "boards" to store the map data
// this allow to draw our map directly with Processing shapes since we are not restricted to perpendicular walls :)
PGraphics pg_map;
PVector raydir[];
PVector latest_rays[];
PImage textures;
PGraphics pg_minimap;
// an entity class which hold player data and other entities
class Entity {
PVector position;
float rotation;
float fov;
float dst_proj_plane;
float vel_multiplier = 2;
float height = 50;
Entity(PVector position, float rotation, float fov) {
this.position = position;
this.rotation = rotation;
this.fov = fov;
this.dst_proj_plane = 160 / tan(radians(fov / 2));
Entity player = new Entity(
new PVector(board_width / 2,
board_height / 2), 90, player_fov);
void setup() {
size(display_width, display_height);
// initialize the map
// since this is a volume raycaster we can do fun walls so we use curves, ellipse and more :)
pg_map = createGraphics(board_width, board_height);
pg_map.rect(0, 0, board_width - 1, board_height - 1);
pg_map.bezier(85, 20, 10, 10, 90, 90, 15, 80);
pg_map.bezier(85 * 2, 20 * 2, 10 * 2, 10 * 2, 90 * 2, 90 * 2, 15 * 2, 80 * 2);
pg_map.ellipse(board_width / 1.25, board_height / 1.25, 16, 16);
pg_map.triangle(192, 200, 100, 210, 95, 240);
/* // classical array
boards = new float[board_size];
for (int i = 0; i < board_width; i += 1) {
boards[i] = 1;
boards[i + board_width * (board_height - 1)] = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < board_height; i += 1) {
boards[i * board_width] = 1;
boards[(board_width - 1) + i * board_width] = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 360; i += 1) {
boards[(int)(board_width / 4 + 4 * cos(radians(i))) + (int)(board_height / 4 + 4 * sin(radians(i))) * board_width] = 1;
boards[(int)(board_width / 4 + 4 * cos(radians(i))) + (int)(board_height - board_height / 4 + 4 * sin(radians(i))) * board_width] = 1;
boards[(int)(board_width - board_width / 4 + 4 * cos(radians(i))) + (int)(board_height / 4 + 4 * sin(radians(i))) * board_width] = 1;
boards[(int)(board_width - board_width / 4 + 4 * cos(radians(i))) + (int)(board_height - board_height / 4 + 4 * sin(radians(i))) * board_width] = 1;
// pre-calculate all ray directions for the player FOV
raydir = new PVector[width * 360];
for (int i = 0; i < (width * 360); i += 1) {
int rotation_degree = int((float)i / width);
float ri = i % width;
float norm_i = ri / width;
raydir[i] = new PVector(
cos(radians(rotation_degree) - radians(player.fov / 2) + radians(player.fov) * norm_i),
sin(radians(rotation_degree) - radians(player.fov / 2) + radians(player.fov) * norm_i));
// latest rays are stored here (used to display the player FOV in the minimap)
latest_rays = new PVector[width];
for (int i = 0; i < width; i += 1) {
latest_rays[i] = new PVector(0, 0);
textures = loadImage("wolftextures.png");
pg_minimap = createGraphics(minimap_width, minimap_height);
void draw() {
if (edit_mode) {
} else {
player.rotation = ((float)mouseX / width * 2 * 359) % 360;
// core algorithm
void raycast() {
int i = 0, j = 0;
int rot_i = int(player.rotation) * width;
// scan the screen horizontally and raycast from the defined player FOV
for (i = 0; i < width; i += stepping_x) {
float norm_i = (float)i / width;
// we use pre-computed ray directions (see below for the raw formula)
PVector ray_direction = raydir[i + rot_i];
float dx = ray_direction.x;
//float dx = cos(radians(player.rotation) - radians(player.fov / 2) + radians(player.fov) * norm_i);
float dy = ray_direction.y;
//float dy = sin(radians(player.rotation) - radians(player.fov / 2) + radians(player.fov) * norm_i);
float px = player.position.x;
float py = player.position.y;
// "A Fast Voxel Traversal Algorithm for Ray Tracing" paper by John Amanatides and Andrew Woo
// basically a rather obvious way to cross each cells at each steps!
int mx = floor(px);
int my = floor(py);
float step_x = (ray_direction.x >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
float step_y = (ray_direction.y >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
float tmax_x = (float)((mx + step_x) - px) / dx;
float tmax_y = (float)((my + step_y) - py) / dy;
float delta_x = step_x / dx;
float delta_y = step_y / dy;
int step = 0;
// traverse the map & check for collisions
while (step < max_ray_step) {
//float result = boards[mx + my * board_width];
float result = brightness(pg_map.pixels[mx + my * board_width]);
if (result > 0) {
// compute distance with corrected perspective
// if the perspective is not corrected this will produce fish-eye / distorded walls effect because rays on the edge of the screen need to travel 'further' than the middle rays one
float ddx = abs(player.position.x - mx);
float ddy = abs(player.position.y - my);
float dist = sqrt(ddx * ddx + ddy * ddy) * (cos(-radians(player.fov / 2) + radians(player.fov) * norm_i));
float norm_dist = dist / max(board_width, board_height) / 1.25;
float inorm_dist = max(1 - norm_dist, 0.01);
// determine horizontal texture coordinate (note : not really correct!!)
float tu = abs(mx - my);
// determine wall height from the computed distance
// dst_proj_plane is just a value related to the FOV, it relate to the player / projection plane distance
float wh = wall_height / dist * player.dst_proj_plane;
// now determine the vertical wall start position
float wall_start_y = height / 2 - wh / 2 + player.height;
// clamp to [0, display_height], we will use these so we don't overdraw outside the screen... (thus increasing performances)
int clamped_start_y = max(0, wall_start_y);
int clamped_wh = min(wh, height);
// draw wall (untextured)
fill(inorm_dist * 255, 0, 0, 255);
rect(i, wall_start_y, stepping_x, wh);
// simple ceiling
/*int ceil_start = height / 2;
for (j = ceil_start; j > -ceil_stepping; j -= ceil_stepping) {
float inorm_j = (float)j / (height / 2);
float norm_j = 1. - inorm_j;
float ceil_brightness = 255 * (inorm_j);
fill(0, 0, ceil_brightness, 64);
rect(i, j, stepping_x, ceil_stepping);
// can change texture here (64, 128, 192 etc)
int u = (int(tu) % (textures.width / 8) + 64);
// draw wall (textured)
for (j = clamped_start_y; j < clamped_start_y + clamped_wh; j += texture_stepping) {
float norm_j = (float)(j - wall_start_y) / wh;
color c = textures.pixels[u + (int(norm_j * textures.height) % textures.height) * textures.width];
fill(red(c) * inorm_dist, green(c) * inorm_dist, blue(c) * inorm_dist);
rect(i, j, stepping_x, texture_stepping);
float cm = norm_dist * norm_j * 2;
// mirrored :)
fill(red(c) * cm, green(c) * cm, blue(c) * cm);
rect(i, (wall_start_y + wh) * 2 - j, stepping_x, texture_stepping);
// draw ceiling
/*int ceil_start = wall_start_y - ceil_stepping;
for (j = ceil_start; j > -ceil_stepping; j -= ceil_stepping) {
float inorm_j = (float)j / wall_start_y;
float norm_j = 1. - inorm_j;
float ceil_brightness = 255 * (inorm_j * inorm_dist * 2);
fill(0, 0, ceil_brightness, 64);
rect(i, j, stepping_x, ceil_stepping);
// draw floor
int floor_start = wh + wall_start_y;
for (j = floor_start; j < height; j += floor_stepping) {
float norm_j = (float)(j - floor_start) / (height - floor_start);
float inorm_j = 1. - norm_j;
float floor_brightness = 255 * norm_j;
fill(floor_brightness, 0, 0, 64);
rect(i, j, stepping_x, floor_stepping);
// store ray for later use (minimap FOV)
latest_rays[i].x = mx;
latest_rays[i].y = my;
// show complete raycast FOV on minimap (pixels perfect but slow and should be computed outside to fix order issues)
//fill(0, 255, 0, 64);
//rect(int(px * minimap_scale_x + width - minimap_width_m1), int(py * minimap_scale_y), 1, 1);
// naive way to raycast : go along the direction as a fixed step (but it may take many steps to cross a single cell)
// if you want to use this you must replace mx/my by px/py in that loop
px += dx;
py += dy;
// "A Fast Voxel Traversal Algorithm for Ray Tracing" paper by John Amanatides and Andrew Woo
// basically a rather obvious way to cross each cells at each steps!
if (tmax_x < tmax_y) {
tmax_x += delta_x;
mx += step_x;
side = 0;
} else {
tmax_y += delta_y;
my += step_y;
side = 1;
step += 1;
// physics logic
void keyPressCheck() {
if (keyPressed) {
int rot_i = int(player.rotation) * width;
PVector ray_direction = raydir[width / 2 + rot_i];
PVector velocity = new PVector(ray_direction.x, ray_direction.y);
int dir = 1;
if (player.rotation > 90 || player.rotation < 180) {
dir = -1;
PVector newPosition = new PVector(player.position.x, player.position.y);
if (keyCode == UP) {
} else if (keyCode == DOWN) {
if (keyCode == LEFT) {
newPosition.x -= cos(radians(player.rotation) - PI/2) * player.vel_multiplier * dir;
newPosition.y -= sin(radians(player.rotation) - PI/2) * player.vel_multiplier * dir;
} else if (keyCode == RIGHT) {
newPosition.x += cos(radians(player.rotation) - PI/2) * player.vel_multiplier * dir;
newPosition.y += sin(radians(player.rotation) - PI/2) * player.vel_multiplier * dir;
if (newPosition.x < board_width - 1 && newPosition.y < board_height - 1 &&
newPosition.x > 0 && newPosition.y > 0) {
player.position = newPosition;
void keyReleased() {
if (keyCode == ENTER || keyCode == RETURN) {
edit_mode += 1;
edit_mode %= 2;
// update minimap buffer (so we don't compute the minimap rendering it at every frames)
void updateMinimap() {
for (int i = 0; i < board_size; i += int(board_width / minimap_width)) {
//float w = boards[i];
float w = brightness(pg_map.pixels[i]);
if (w > 0.5) {
int x = i % board_width;
int y = int((float)i / board_width);
x = int((float)x * minimap_scale_x);
y = int((float)y * minimap_scale_y);
pg_minimap.rect(x, y, 1, 1);
void render_minimap() {
int minimap_offset_x = width - minimap_width_m1;
image(pg_minimap, minimap_offset_x, 0);
// player FOV on the minimap from all the latest rays casted (fast but not pixel perfect)
stroke(255, 0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < width; i += minimap_fov_step) {
PVector ray = latest_rays[i];
line(player.position.x * minimap_scale_x + minimap_offset_x,
player.position.y * minimap_scale_y,
ray.x * minimap_scale_x + minimap_offset_x,
ray.y * minimap_scale_y);
// player position
fill(255, 255, 0);
ellipse(player.position.x * minimap_scale_x + minimap_offset_x,
player.position.y * minimap_scale_y, 6, 6);