// a lot of code taken from this sketch, helped me to learn javascript!
// note that his code only works for his hard-coded case, don't forget the hard circles!
// shout out to this guy for explaining the full algorithm!
/* ------- CONSTANTS AND VARIABLES ------- */
const min_radius = 0.5; // the smallest radius we will allow
const min_nesting_radius = 2; // the smallest radius we will allow
const tolerance = 1.0; // for circle's being equal
var col_u; // the color for circles near the top of the screen [0,55,255] [100,255,119]
var col_l; // the color for circles near the bottom of the screen [255,0,0] [126,255,247]
var period; // variables for the radiating color after all circles have been rendered
var offset = 0;
var propagation = 2/60/3;
var circles; // a list of all the circles
var next_outer_z; // the outer circle for the next gasket
var next_outer_k; // must be pre-scaling integer k
var scale_f; // determined in setup to enlarge circles to screen size
var dim_min; // the smaller dimension of wither width or height
var intNow = (new Date()).getTime();
/* ------- INITIALIZING ------- */
function setup() {
console.log("back to functions");
// choose 3 inital k values (largest to smallest radius) DO NOT CHANGE THESE
var k1 = 3; // 3
var k2 = 6; // 6
var k3 = 7; // 7
// determine 3 center points to comply with the k values
// distances between centers
var a = 1/k1 + 1/k3;
var b = 1/k1 + 1/k2;
var c = 1/k2 + 1/k3;
var z2 = new complex(0, 0); // 2nd largest at origin
var z1 = new complex(0, b); // largest directly below it
// use law of cosines to find the third center
var theta = acos((a*a - b*b - c*c)/(-2*b*c));
// smallest circle connects to the right
var z3 = new complex(c*sin(theta), c*cos(theta));
// make 3 circles with kn and zn
var c1 = new circle(k1, z1);
var c2 = new circle(k2, z2);
var c3 = new circle(k3, z3);
// create our external and internal circles c4 and c5
var inner_outer = descartes(c1,c2,c3);
var c4 = inner_outer[0];
var c5 = inner_outer[1];
// initialize our circles array with our three inital circles
circles = [c5,c1,c2,c3,c4];
// set our next outer circle k for the nesting functionality
next_outer_k = k1;
// scale such that the outer circle is 0.8*size
dim_min = width < height ? width : height;
scale_f = dim_min*0.9/c5.r/2;
// translate such that the outer circle is in the center
var center = new complex(width/2 - c5.z.x*scale_f, height/2 - c5.z.y*scale_f);
// translate to the center of the screen and enlarge => trans(c, center));
// set our next outer circle z
next_outer_z = z1;
period = circles[0].r;
col_u = color(30,55,255);
col_l = color(255,0,20);
// draw the circles!
drawBackground(); => c.drawc());
function trans(c, translate) {
// enlarge a circle by scale factor and translate
c.k /= scale_f; c.r *= scale_f;
c.z.x *= scale_f; c.z.y *= scale_f;
c.z.x += translate.x; c.z.y += translate.y;
c.zs = c.z.scale(c.k); // reset zs when z changes
/* ------- LOOP ------- */
// set to true when all the circles have been evaluated
var ring_complete = false;
var all_complete = false;
function draw() {
if (!ring_complete) {
// construct the circles
} else if(!all_complete) {
// add another nested ring
} else {
offset += propagation;
// draw the circles!
drawBackground(); => c.drawRadial());
function construct_circles() {
// add sub circles
var incompleteCircles = circles.filter((c) => 0<c.tangent_circles.length && c.tangent_circles.length<5);
var completion = incompleteCircles.reduce( function(acc,obj) { return concat(acc,apollonian(obj)); },[]);
circles = circles.concat(completion);
if (completion.length == 0)
ring_complete = true;
// draw new circles! => c.drawc());
function drawBackground() {
// draws a background with a nice gradient!
var background_start = color(28, 1, 8);
var background_end = color(2, 0, 28);
for(var i = 0; i < height; i++){
var iN = map(i, 0, height, 0, 1);
var c = lerpColor(background_start, background_end, iN);
line(0, i, width, i);
/* ------- NESTING GASKETS ------- */
function init_ring() {
// create new outer circle using values from previous itteration
var c_outer = new circle(-next_outer_k/scale_f, next_outer_z);
// determine 3 other k values (largest to smallest radius)
var k1 = next_outer_k + 1; // n + 1
var k2 = next_outer_k * k1; // n(n + 1)
var k3 = k2 + 1; // n(n + 1) + 1
// set our next outer circle k for the nesting functionality
next_outer_k = k1;
// scale up
k1 /= scale_f;
k2 /= scale_f;
k3 /= scale_f;
// stop nesting once c2 gets too small
if (1/k2 < min_nesting_radius) {
ring_complete = true;
all_complete = true;
console.log((new Date()).getTime() - intNow);
// update colors for radiating functionality
col_u = color(55,70,255);
col_l = color(255,30,55);
// determine 3 center points to comply with the k values
// distances between centers
var a = 1/k1 + 1/k3;
var b = 1/k1 + 1/k2;
var c = 1/k2 + 1/k3;
// fit c1 and c2 inside c4
var z1 = new complex(c_outer.z.x, c_outer.z.y + c_outer.r - 1/k1); // below
var z2 = new complex(c_outer.z.x, c_outer.z.y - c_outer.r + 1/k2); // above
// use law of cosines to find the third center
var theta = acos((c*c - b*b - a*a)/(-2*a*b));
// smallest circle connects to the right
var z3 = new complex(z1.x + a*sin(theta), z1.y - a*cos(theta));
// make 3 circles with kn and zn
var c1 = new circle(k1, z1);
var c2 = new circle(k2, z2);
var c3 = new circle(k3, z3);
// create our internal circle c5
var inner_outer = descartes(c1,c2,c3);
var c4 = inner_outer[0];
var c5 = inner_outer[1];
// add our new circles to the array
var new_circles = [c5,c1,c2,c3,c4];
circles = circles.concat(new_circles);
// set our next outer circle z
next_outer_z = z1;
// draw new circles! => c.drawc());
// this new ring has got to be processed
ring_complete = false;
function apollonian(c) {
// itterate the apollonian gasket algorithm to make a pretty fractal!
c1 = c.tangent_circles[0];
c2 = c.tangent_circles[1];
c3 = c.tangent_circles[2];
//Each call to decartes returns a pair of circles.
//One we already have, so we filter it out. We'll also filter out circles that are too small.
var c23 = descartes(c,c2,c3).filter((x)=> !c1.isEqual(x) && x.r > min_radius);
var c13 = descartes(c,c1,c3).filter((x)=> !c2.isEqual(x) && x.r > min_radius);
var c12 = descartes(c,c1,c2).filter((x)=> !c3.isEqual(x) && x.r > min_radius);
return concat(c23,concat(c12,c13));
/* ------- DESCARTES' THEOREM ------- */
function descartes(c1,c2,c3) {
// returns two circles of the 4 possible outcomes of Descartes' theorem
// these now have a full set so they can be reset
c1.tangent_circles = [];
c2.tangent_circles = [];
c3.tangent_circles = [];
// two curvature values:
// discriminent (gets set to 0 if negative)
var disc_k = c1.k*c2.k + c1.k*c3.k + c2.k*c3.k;
disc_k = disc_k < 0 ? 0: disc_k;
// calculate 2 k values
var k_p = c1.k + c2.k + c3.k + 2*sqrt(disc_k);
var k_m = c1.k + c2.k + c3.k - 2*sqrt(disc_k);
// two center points:
var v12 = c1.zs.mult(c2.zs);
var v13 = c1.zs.mult(c3.zs);
var v23 = c2.zs.mult(c3.zs);
// sum term
var sum = c1.zs.add(c2.zs.add(c3.zs));
// sqrt term
var disc_z = v12.add(v13.add(v23));
disc_z = disc_z.sqrtz().scale(2);
// pp and mm circles:
var z_pp = sum.add(disc_z).scale(1/k_p);
var z_mm = sum.sub(disc_z).scale(1/k_m);
var c_pp = new circle(k_p, z_pp);
var c_mm = new circle(k_m, z_mm);
c_pp.tangent_circles = [c1,c2,c3];
c_mm.tangent_circles = [c1,c2,c3];
if ( is_connected(c_pp, c1, c2, c3) && is_connected(c_mm, c1, c2, c3) )
return [c_pp,c_mm];
// else pm and mp circles:
var z_pm = sum.sub(disc_z).scale(1/k_p);
var z_mp = sum.add(disc_z).scale(1/k_m);
var c_pm = new circle(k_p, z_pm);
var c_mp = new circle(k_m, z_mp);
c_pm.tangent_circles = [c1,c2,c3];
c_mp.tangent_circles = [c1,c2,c3];
return [c_pm, c_mp];
function is_connected(c, c1, c2, c3) {
// is c tangent to c1, c2 and c3?
return is_tangent(c, c1) && is_tangent(c, c2) && is_tangent(c, c3);
function is_tangent(c1, c2) {
// are these two circles tangental to each other?
var z12 = c2.z.sub(c1.z);
var mod = z12.modulus();
// to be tangental: mag(z1 - z2) == r1 + r2
var internal = abs(mod - (c1.r + c2.r)) < tolerance;
// or: mag(z1 - z2) == abs(r1 - r2)
var external = abs(mod - abs(c1.r - c2.r)) < tolerance;
return internal || external;
/* ------- CIRCLE CLASS ------- */
var circle = function(k, z) {
this.k = k; // circle curvature = 1 / radius
this.r = 1/abs(k); // radius
this.z = z; // center of the circle represented by a complex number
this.zs = z.scale(k); // scaled z variable used in Descartes' theorem
this.tangent_circles = [];
var circle_functions = (function() {
function isEqual(c) {
var equalR = abs(this.r - c.r) < tolerance;
var equalX = abs(this.z.x - c.z.x) < tolerance;
var equalY = abs(this.z.y - c.z.y) < tolerance;
return equalR && equalX && equalY;
function drawc() {
// adjust the colors...
stroke(lerpColor(col_u, col_l, this.z.y/height));
// draw the circle!
ellipse(this.z.x, this.z.y, 2*this.r, 2*this.r);
function drawRadial() {
// distance from focus
var vector = new complex(next_outer_z.x - this.z.x, next_outer_z.y - this.z.y);
var distance = vector.modulus();
var lerp = distance/period + offset;
var lerp = (lerp - Math.floor(lerp))*2; // same as % operator
lerp = lerp < 1 ? lerp : 2-lerp;
// adjust the colors...
stroke(lerpColor(col_l, col_u, lerp));
// draw the circle!
ellipse(this.z.x, this.z.y, 2*this.r, 2*this.r);
return function() {
this.isEqual = isEqual;
this.drawc = drawc;
this.drawRadial = drawRadial;
return this;
/* ------- COMPLEX NUMBER CLASS ------- */
var complex = function(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
var complex_functions = (function() {
function add(z) { return new complex(this.x + z.x, this.y + z.y); }
function sub(z) { return new complex(this.x - z.x, this.y - z.y); }
function mult(z) { return new complex(this.x * z.x - this.y * z.y, this.x * z.y + this.y * z.x); }
function scale(s) { return new complex(this.x * s, this.y * s); }
function sq() { return this.mult(this); }
function modulus() { return sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y); }
function sqrtz() {
var r = sqrt(sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y));
var arg = atan2(this.y,this.x)/2.0;
return new complex(r*cos(arg), r*sin(arg));
return function() {
this.add = add;
this.sub = sub;
this.mult = mult;
this.scale = scale;
this.sq = sq;
this.modulus = modulus;
this.sqrtz = sqrtz;
return this;
/* ------- APPLY PROTOTYPES ------- */;;