createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
var displaySorted = function ( array ) {
function ( e ) { return '"' + e + '"'; }
var subjects = ["Alien", "Astronaut", "Banana", "Bantha", "Buffoon", "Carrot", "Cheeze Curd", "Clown", "Cow", "Ewok", "Fly", "Gangster", "Goblin", "Guppy", "Hamster", "Hillbilly", "Hippie", "Hipster", "Hot Dog", "Jellybean", "Klingon", "Little Pony", "Monk", "Mouse", "Nerd", "Pepperspray Tester", "Pokémon", "Potato", "President of the United States of America", "Psycopath", "Red-neck", "Rocket Scientist", "Secret Agent", "Sith", "Sloth", "Sock", "Unicorn", "Wizard", "Zombie"];
var adjectives = ["8-bit", "adorable", "awesome", "blind", "civilized", "clean", "computerized", "crazy", "dumb", "eccentric", "ecstatic", "epic", "eternal", "evil", "fancy", "fat", "foolish", "glamorous", "good", "handsome", "hectic", "huge", "jellyish", "lame", "lucky", "mad", "magnificent", "old", "old-fashioned", "oversized", "plain", "pregnant", "quaint", "regretful", "smart", "smiling", "sparkling", "sticky", "stinky", "stupid", "temporal", "tiny", "ugliest", "ugly", "unlucky", "unsightly", "wacky", "warrior", "weird", "wide-eyed", "wild", "young", "zany"];
var verbs = ["assaulted", "ate", "attacked", "burned", "climbed on", "conquered", "dabbed before", "defeated", "dualed with", "electrocuted", "farted in front of", "fist-bumped", "flicked", "gazed at", "gossiped with", "grabbed hold of", "hated", "helped", "hi-fived", "hollered at", "hopped over", "jumped around", "jumpscared", "kicked", "laughed at", "licked", "painted", "passed gas in the presence of", "peed on", "performed surgery on", "poked", "posted a picture on facebook of", "pranced past", "punched", "remembered", "robbed", "sang about", "sat on", "shook", "shot", "smacked", "smelled", "smiled at", "snickered at", "sparred against", "spat at", "sprinted beyond", "squished", "stabbed", "stole from", "stretched", "tortured", "twirled about", "went to"];
var randomOf = function ( array, not ) {
while ( ( result = array [ floor ( random ( array.length ) ) ] ) && not && result === not ) {}
var buildSentence = function () {
var adj1 = randomOf ( adjectives ),
sub = randomOf ( subjects ),
ver = randomOf ( verbs ),
adj2 = randomOf ( adjectives, adj1 ),
obj = randomOf ( objects, sub );
return [ "The " + adj1, sub, ver + " the", adj2 + " " + obj + "."
var setbackground = function () {
return [ random ( 85, 220 ), random ( 85, 220 ), random ( 85, 220 ) ];
var sentence = buildSentence ();
sentence = buildSentence ();
background(setbackground()[0], setbackground()[1], setbackground()[2]);
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
textSize( ( ( width + height ) / 2 ) / 32 );
text(sentence, width/2, height/2);
mouseClicked = function () {