// Exercise 1:
// Concept:
// A recreattion of El Lissitzky's "Gouache and pencil on paper", using processing.
// In Order to get colours true to the peice, I used a seperate drawing program and the colour dropper tool.
// Sources:
// The image I referenced was found at
// Code bases found at
void setup() {
size(760, 1000);
background(252, 218, 159);
void draw() {
stroke(229, 197, 140); // Outline colour
fill(0, 0, 0, 0); // transparent
rect(25, 25, 710, 950); // outline
noStroke(); //no outline
fill(115, 116, 122); // Medium GRAY
rect(240, 355, 200, 15); // small under
fill(191, 40, 18); // RED
stroke(191, 40, 18); // RED
ellipse(475, 325, 300, 300); // becasue circle doesn't work???
//circle(475, 325, 300,); // Red Back Circle
rect(425, 700, 60, 50); // red 2d floating
rect(585, 550, 15, 65); //red 3d front
quad(240, 120, 255, 105, 255, 325, 240, 325); //top red quad
quad(240, 355, 255, 355, 255, 765, 240, 780); //bottom red
stroke(242, 220, 214); // light pink
fill(242, 220, 214); // Light pink
quad(600, 550, 635, 585, 635, 640, 600, 615); // light pink 3d right
stroke(78, 39, 23); // Darker red
fill(78, 39, 23); // darker red
quad(582, 615, 599, 615, 635, 640, 620, 640); // Dark red 3d bottom
stroke(0); // Black
fill(252, 218, 159); // Background quads
quad(575, 375, 585, 390, 585, 635, 575, 625); // 3d background right
stroke(0); //BLACK
fill(0); //BLACK
rect(475, 375, 100, 250); // Black rectangle big
rect(440, 510, 170, 10); // Black horizontal
rect(440, 350, 20, 65); //black 3d front
quad(101, 300, 525, 300, 550, 315, 126, 315); //black 3d bottom
quad(316, 605, 355, 625, 385, 754, 360, 730); // black 3d left
line(180, 200, 180, 700); //vertical LINE
line(180, 200, 240, 120); //top diagonal LINE
line(180, 700, 240, 780); // bottom diagonal LINE
line(180, 325, 240, 325); // top horizontal LINE
line(180, 355, 240, 355); // bottom horizontal LINE
stroke(252, 218, 159); // Background colour
fill(252, 218, 159); // Background colour
quad(440, 415, 460, 415, 490, 440, 470, 440); // 3d bottom quad
stroke(115, 116, 122); // Medium Gray
fill(115, 116, 122); // Medium GRAY
rect(100, 225, 425, 75); // gray 3d front
quad(460, 350, 490, 375, 490, 440, 460, 415); // gray 3d right
quad(355, 625, 375, 600, 400, 740, 386, 755); // gray 3d bottom right
stroke(180, 186, 193); // light GRAY
fill(180, 186, 193); // light GRAY
quad(525, 225, 550, 240, 550, 315, 525, 300); // light gray 3d right
quad(475, 625, 575, 625, 585, 636, 490, 636); //light gray 3d bottom
stroke(208, 208, 208); // lighter gray
fill(208); // lighter gray
quad(315, 605, 343, 580, 375, 599, 355, 625); // 3d face