// David Grant //
/// -- MY EYE MAPPING --///
// I will be writing this out as a tutorial for myself(and others!) to follow, because its simple math like this that I find easy to forget.
// -- NOTES --//
//PImage bgone;
void setup () {
//Try to stick to round even numbers when learning mapping, it'll help simplify the math.
// I used 500,300 because it fits the canvas of my blog, I started learning with 800,600.
//bgone = loadImage("eyesbg.png");
void draw() {
// Size of the Pupil
/// v --- NONE MOVEMENT --- v ///
// Eyes Left/Right
// width/height aligns the eyes to the canvas
//Eye colour left/right
//Changes the colour of the eyes depending on mouse location
// width/height aligns the eyes to the canvas
/// ^ --- NONE MOVEMENT --- ^ ///
// v --- MY GUIDE TO MAPPING --- v ///
float pupilRadius = 20;
// The below two lines set the pupil to sit in the center of the eyeball by default. The width and the height
// of the canvas is divded by two to get the center value of your canvas, then we nudge the pupils in to place by
// adding (+) or subtracting (-) to the pupils value to position it.
float defaultLeftPupilPosX = (width / 2) +100 ;
float defaultLeftPupilPosY = (height / 2);
// map() is just math, once I got my head around it, it was easy. Here's what it does:
// I am using it here to map a big value (canvas) to a smaller value (eyeball), that's how the pupil becomes constrained to the
// eyeball. So I'm saying that if mouseX is 0, it's at the far left side of the eyeball, and
// if mouseX is at the far right of the canvas (500), then the pupil is at the far right side
// of the eyeball. The same methodology is used for the vertical axis (Y) as well.
float mappedLeftPupilPosX = map(mouseX, 0, width, defaultLeftPupilPosX - 15, defaultLeftPupilPosX + 15);
float mappedLeftPupilPosY = map(mouseY, 0, width, defaultLeftPupilPosY - 15, defaultLeftPupilPosY + 30);
// Now lets draw the pupil using our mapped position values
ellipse(mappedLeftPupilPosX, mappedLeftPupilPosY, pupilRadius, pupilRadius);
// Now that is it done with the left pupil, I now repeated the same process with the right.
// Notice how the width/2) is set to -100; that is what determines the distance between the eyes.
float defaultRightPupilPosX = (width / 2) - 100;
float defaultRightPupilPosY = (height / 2);
// Mapping
float mappedRightPupilPosX = map(mouseX, 0, width, defaultRightPupilPosX - 15, defaultRightPupilPosX + 15);
float mappedRightPupilPosY = map(mouseY, 0, width, defaultRightPupilPosY - 15, defaultRightPupilPosY + 30);
ellipse(mappedRightPupilPosX, mappedLeftPupilPosY, pupilRadius,pupilRadius);