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CC {{sketch.licenseObject.short}}

Archived Sketch

This sketch is created with an older version of Processing,
and doesn't work on browsers anymore.

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data breach

It may take a minute to load from all the resources it's loading. This sketch works specifically for OpenProcessing. It searches through the DOM to collect all users who liked this sketch and displays them. Controls: - Like this sketch then press f5 to refresh the *page* (not just the sketch). You will then show up here! UPDATE: With so many urls to go through, the sketch was taking a very long time to load. After adding a callback, it should now load fast! Also added numbers beside each name to represent the order when it was liked.
We recovered an unsaved version of this sketch. Please review your changes below.

As a Plus+ Member feature, this source code is hidden by the owner.

  • {{co.title}}
    {{$t('sketch.mode-pjs')}} {{$t('general.learnMore')}}
    Select mode or a template
    • {{l.url.substr(l.url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)}}



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    Join Plus+ to keep versions indefinitely!

