let R0A='There is a global viral outbreak. What do you do?'
let C0A='Lock yourself inside.'
let C0B='Continue living as usual.'
let R1A='You join the curve flattening squad and avoid getting the virus by isolating yourself from all social interaction. However, after a week your food rations are starting to run low. What do you do?'
let R1B='You catch the highly contagious virus. Since you are not elderly and don’t have any preexisting medical conditions, it is just similar to a bad case of flu, and within a week you are healthy again.'
let R1Bb='However, since you weren’t following the news while sick, you aren’t aware of the mass hysteria caused by the disease. You are shot by a police officer while trying to cross the border of Southern Finland, and die. Game over.'
let C1A='Go to the grocery store.'
let C1B='Wait a little longer.'
let R2A='You arrive in the store, disinfect your hands at all of the 5 stands they have placed around, and navigate through the shop while maximising your distance to the staff and other customers.'
let R2Ab='At the toilet paper aisle you notice that there is one package left on the shelf. You feel that you have enough, but now that you think about it you aren’t so sure after all.'
let R2B='After two more days you realise that all you have left is the quinoa you had bought by accident. You starve to death. Game over. (Quinoa is actually pretty good tho)'
let C2A='Grab the paper, better safe than sorry.'
let C2B='It’s probably fine, leave the paper.'
let R3A='While you were fixated on the white gold you failed to notice the riot of 30 other people who were also fighting over the paper. Amidst the chaos you get trampled under their feet and die. Game over.'
let R3B='You exit the store without saying hello to the cashier, just in case. With the 50 cans of pea soup you bought you manage to survive without leaving the house for another one and a half months.'
let R3Bb='However, it doesn’t look like the disease is going anywhere any time soon, and the government has realised that too. They have started to allow some workplaces to open up again.'
let C3A='Try to get back to a normal life.'
let C3B='Wait for a vaccine.'
let R4A='The past two months have been detrimental to your physical health and immune resistance. Hence you catch the virus and the symptoms are more severe than they would have been two months ago. You cough your lungs out and die. Game over.'
let R4B='You continue your monthly visits to the store for another three months. Finally enough clinical trials have been done and the vaccine is starting to become available for the public.'
let C4A='Get vaccinated. I will be invincible!'
let C4B='The vaccine might still have some unforeseen side effects since the schedule was tight. Lockdown for life!'
let R5A='Even though the vaccine was developed quickly, it wasn’t quick enough. The virus has already mutated so many times that the vaccine only gives you a false sense of security. You get the disease and die. Game over.'
let R5B='The prolonged lockdown has taken a toll on your mental health, and you feel like the lockdown life is not worth living any more. Little by little you become severely depressed and die by your own hand. Game over.'
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