//For other primitives, see
let myCamera;
function setup() {
createCanvas(800, 800, WEBGL);
debugMode(500, 10); // Add a grid and an axes guide. RGB indicate XYZ, respectively (so Red is X axis. Direction of the stick outward indicates +ve on that axis.)
//Set up a non-default camera position and facing. You *can* delete these and accept the defaults
myCamera = createCamera();
myCamera.setPosition(100, -200, 400);
myCamera.lookAt(0, 0, 0);
function draw() {
//allow mouse to be used to "orbit" the camera around the origin.
//Delete this if you have another plan for controlling the camera.
orbitControl(5, 5);
//Add some lights (every frame!) ------------------------------------------------
//Add directional light to surfaces which face it
//Params: (color, directionVector)
directionalLight(color(150, 100, 0), createVector(-0.8, -0.5, -0.2));
//Add a little light evenly to ALL surfaces. Not too much or we'll see no shadow
ambientLight(180, 150, 150);
//Draw some example shapes! -----------------------------------------------------
//no translation - draw this one at the origin
ambientMaterial(color("#ed6663")); //Material for the next shape(s) to be drawn
push(); //(push(): remember current origin, etc)
translate(0, 0, 150); //Move the origin +150 world units along the z-axis (blue)
//Draw a box with width, height, depth, at the current *translated* origin
box(300, 50, 30);
pop(); //forget about the translation
//Move to another location to draw another box.
//But remember the current origin and restore it, afterwards.
translate(100, 0, -100);
ambientMaterial(color("#4e89ae"));//different materials with different reflectivities are available
box(100, 400, 10);