float dt = 0.2;
float angle = 0.001;
float g = 9.8;
float x;
float y;
float l =140; //length of the rope
float at; //tangent acceleration
float rotacc; //rotary acceleration
float rotvel = 0.04; //rotary velocity
boolean spotted = false;
boolean grabbed = false;
void setup(){
size(300, 300);
void draw(){
at = g * sin(angle);
rotacc = at / l;
rotacc -= rotvel * 0.01;
rotvel += rotacc * dt;
angle += rotvel *dt;
angle = PVector.angleBetween(new PVector(0, -1), new PVector(-width/2 + mouseX, -height/2 + mouseY));
if(-width/2 + mouseX<0)
angle *=-1;
rotvel = 0;
y = -l * cos(angle);
x = l * sin(angle);;
translate(width / 2 , height / 2);
if((spotted = PVector.dist(new PVector(-width/2 + mouseX, -height/2 + mouseY), new PVector(x, y)) < 10) || grabbed)
else fill(255);
ellipse(x, y, 20 , 20);
void mousePressed(){
grabbed = spotted;
void mouseReleased(){
grabbed = false;