float dt = 0.2;
float angle1 = PI;
float angle2 = PI + 0.0001;
float g = 9.8;
PVector p1, p2; //points
float mass1 = 1, mass2 = 1; //point mass
float l1 = 70; //length of the 1st arm
float l2 = 70; //length of the 2nd arm
float rotacc1, rotacc2; //rotary acceleration
float rotvel1, rotvel2;
void setup(){
size(300, 300);
p1 = new PVector();
p2 = new PVector();
void draw(){
rotacc1 = (-g * (2 * mass1 + mass2) * sin(angle1) - mass2 * g * sin(angle1 - 2 * angle2) - 2 * sin(angle1 - angle2) * mass2 * (rotvel2 * rotvel2 * l2 + rotvel1 * rotvel1 * l1 * cos(angle1 - angle2))) / (l1 * (2 * mass1 + mass2 - mass2 * cos(2 * angle1 - 2 * angle2)));
rotacc2 = (2 * sin(angle1 - angle2) * (rotvel1 * rotvel1 * l1 * (mass1 + mass2) + g * (mass1 + mass2) * cos(angle1) + rotvel2 * rotvel2 * l2 * mass2 * cos(angle1 - angle2))) / (l2 * (2 * mass1 + mass2 - mass2 * cos(2 * angle1 - 2 * angle2)));
rotvel1 += rotacc1 * dt;
rotvel2 += rotacc2 * dt;
angle1 += rotvel1 * dt;
angle2 += rotvel2 * dt;
p1.set(l1 * sin(angle1), l1 * cos(angle1), 0);
p2.add(l2 * sin(angle2), l2 * cos(angle2), 0);
translate(width / 2, height / 2);
line(0, 0, p1.x, p1.y);
line(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y);
ellipse(p1.x, p1.y, 10, 10);
ellipse(p2.x, p2.y, 10, 10);
void mouseReleased() {
angle1 = PI;
angle2 = PI + 0.0001;
rotvel1 = rotvel2 = 0;