- Click on canvas to start the first painting (the music will also start for a more pleasant user experience); - Slide the bar to adjust the size of the stroke instantly; - After 10 seconds, the current canvas will be complete. The user will be given the choice to save this final artwork to local computer; - Click space at any time to clear canvas and start a new painting (Note: if this step is done before the current canvas completes, the progress will be cleared and no artwork will not be saved).
Author: Jiaqi Liu
This p5.js creative coding project is inspired by the 19th-century modern art movement -- Pointillism --
a technique of painting in which small, distinct dots of color are applied in patterns to form an image.
This project simulates an interactive exhibition experience, in which the user, together with the author,
recreates some of the most well-known Pointillism artwork with modern technology.
The look of the final artwork not only depends on the code itself, but also the user's interactive control of
the size of the paint stroke. Since the user's interaction is essential to the final artwork, they are given
credit on the exhibition label.
- Click on canvas to start the first painting (the music will also start for a more pleasant experience);
- Slide the bar to adjust the size of the stroke instantly;
- After 10 seconds, the current canvas will be complete. The user will be given the choice to save this final artwork
to local computer;
- Click space at any time to clear canvas and start a new painting (Note: if this step is done before
the current canvas completes, the progress will be cleared and the artwork will not be saved).
- "A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte" (1886) by Georges Seurat
- "Circus Sideshow" (1887) by Georges Seurat
- "Beach at Heist" (1891) by Georges Lemmen
- "The Models" (1888) by Georges Seurat
- "The Channel of Gravelines, Petit Fort Philippe"(1890) by Georges Seurat
- "The Blue Danube" (1866) by Johann Strauss II and Johannes Brahms
// declare viriables
let bg;
let painting;
let particleCount = 0;
let start = false;
let button;
let size = 10;
let paintings = ["painting1.jpg", "painting2.jpg", "painting3.jpg", "painting4.jpg", "painting5.jpg"];
let paintingCount = 0;
let isTranslate = false;
let music;
// preload files
function preload() {
// background
bg = loadImage('background.jpg');
// get painting from paintings array;
painting = loadImage(paintings[paintingCount]);
// frame
frame = loadImage('frame.png');
// music
music = loadSound('music.mov');
function setup() {
// create canvas
c = createCanvas(1300, 800);
// display background and frame
// setup button
button = createButton('Save the Artwork');
button.position(1340, 387);
button.style('background-color', '#262626');
button.style('color', '#FFFFFF');
button.style('font-family', 'Georgia');
button.style('font-size', '8px');
button.hide(); // hide until paintings complete
image(frame, 55, -65);
// create slider for particle size
slider = createSlider(5, 15, 0);
slider.position(1340, 485);
slider.style('width', '80px');
// particle class
class Particle {
constructor(posX, posY) {
this.posX = posX;
this.posY = posY;
// x and y position adjusted based on layout
let newX = this.posX + (painting.width - width) / 2;
let newY = this.posY + (painting.height - height) / 2;
// get color of particle from this specific position of the original image
this.color = color(painting.get(newX, newY));
this.color.setAlpha(100); //lower opacity
this.size = slider.value();
//draw the particle
drawParticle() {
ellipse(this.posX, this.posY, this.size, this.size);
function draw() {
stroke(0, 0, 0);
rect(1090, 425, 110, 148);
text('To Interact with the Work', 1094, 438);
text('- Click on canvas to start;', 1095, 452);
text('- Slide this bar to adjust', 1095, 464);
text(' the size of the stroke;', 1095, 476);
text('- After 10 seconds, the', 1095, 504);
text(' current canvas will be', 1095, 516);
text(' complete and automatically', 1095, 528);
text(' saved to your computer;', 1095, 540);
text('- Click space to clear canvas', 1095, 552);
text(' and start a new painting.', 1095, 564);
// label
// box
rect(1090, 580, 110, 60);
// text
text('Jiaqi Liu & The User', 1095, 593);
text('Pointillism', 1095, 605);
text(', 2020', 1135, 605);
text('Code on Screen', 1095, 617);
// draw image with particles
// move painting to desired position
translate(0, -50);
isTranslate = true;
// after 600 iterations, the loop for the current image stops
if (start === true && particleCount <= 600) {
// iteration for particles, 100 each
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
// draw partical within range of fram
let particle = new Particle(random(275, 1025), random(150, 651));
// increment particalCount after each loop
particleCount += 1;
// after 600 iterations, the completed artwork will be saved
if (particleCount === 600){
// click on canvas to start the first painting and play music
function mousePressed() {
if (mouseX >= 275 && mouseX <= 1025 && mouseY >= 100 && mouseY <= 600) {
if(!music.isPlaying()) {
music.loop();//music will start again when finished
start = true;
// press space key to move on to next painting
function keyPressed() {
if (keyCode == 32) {
// reset canvas
count = 0;
particleCount = 0;
// load next image in paintings array
painting = loadImage(paintings[paintingCount]);
// move on to next painting. Go back to first one if the last one is complete
if (paintingCount == 4) {
paintingCount = 0;
} else {
// fix the position
if(isTranslate == true) {
translate(0, 50);
isTranslate = false;
// reload background and frame (because of the reset)
image(frame, 55, -65);
// start next painting
start = true;
function download(){
// save only final artwork on the canvas
final = get(230, 59.5, 836, 585);
save(final, 'Pointillism.jpg');