// here we can place any "global" variables we need to be referenced throughout the sketch.
var canvas,
let pg;
function setup() {
colorMode(HSB,360,100,50); // set colour mode of sketch to HSB (360 degrees, 100%, 100%)
frameRate(60); // set framerate if you need it to be something other than the default 60fps
bgColor = color(330,0,5); // set BG colour in HSB
background(bgColor); // draw bg
canvas = createCanvas(1000 ,1000); // create canvas
canvas.drop(gotFile); // listen for file drop onto canvas
textAlign(CENTER); // welcome text
text('Drop MP3 here, then click canvas to play when uploaded.', width / 2, height / 2);
pg = createGraphics(3000,3000)
function gotFile(file) {
if((!soundFile) && (file.type == "audio")) { // if don't already have sound && is audio
soundFile = new p5.SoundFile(; // create soundFile from dropped audio file
initSound(); // init sound & FFT
canvas.mouseClicked(togglePlay); // listen for mouse click to play sound
function circles(){
for ( let i = 0 ; i < 1; i++ ){
if(soundFile) {
// set the BG colour, and so clearing the canvas
//background(bgColor); // comment this line out if you want to "paint" with the ellipse you draw
// analyse the current sound
// get the latest "amplitude" or "energy" value from the audio analysis, returned in range from 0 to 1
var myDataVal = getNewSoundDataValue("bass")*1.3; // requesting the "amplitude data for the "bass" frequency.
// get a colour from our custom "getDataHSBColor" function.
// that function takes our data value, and returns an HSB colour created by mapping the data value
// independently to Hue, Saturation and Brightness
var myDataColor = getDataHSBColor(myDataVal);
// draw a simple ellipse, at the current position of your mouse, scaled and coloured according to the value of the latest data
var myEllipseSize = 200 * myDataVal;
function draw() {
function getDataHSBColor(d) {
this.dataHue = map(d,0,1,0,360); // value moves across full 360 degrees of hue range
this.dataSaturation = map(d,0,1,0,100); // higher data value = more saturated colour
this.dataBrightness = map(d,0,1,0,100); // higher data value = brighter colour
return color(this.dataHue,this.dataSaturation,this.dataBrightness);
// ------------------------- Sound Stuff -------------------------------
// a custom function for requesting the data from the audio analysis.
// this function converts the response from the API from a range of 0 to 255, to a range of 0 to 1.
// it's helpful to convert your data to this range as you can use it more easily when mapping the data value
// to visual parameters like scale, speed or colour, etc...
function getNewSoundDataValue(freqType) {
return map(fft.getEnergy(freqType),0,255,0,1); // get energy from frequency, scaled from 0 to 1
//Setup a new FFT instance (to analyse the sound) and set the sound’s amplification.
function initSound() {
fft = new p5.FFT(0.4,1024); // (smoothing, bins)
function mousePressed(){
function togglePlay() {
if (soundFile.isPlaying()) {
} else {
function analyseSound() {
soundSpectrum = fft.analyze(); // spectrum is array of amplitudes of each frequency?