Foundations: Digital Media is an introduction to several tools for programming and computational media within the context of the arts. In this course students develop the skills and confidence to produce interactive artworks, discuss their work in relation to the tradition of digital art, and engage new technologies critically.
Using p5 try to reproduce the images posted here: http://mycours.es/digitalmedia/p5-drawing-primitives-colors-attributes/
Add them to this collection.
Draw a stylized face with code. It has to be a “portrait” of your teammate, aiming to capture an aspect of their personality, interests, or biography http://mycours.es/digitalmedia/project-abstract-face/
Make an artistic drawing tool. Remix a classmate's sketch (title it [author name] remix) http://mycours.es/digitalmedia/project-drawing-tool/
Make a composition with controlled randomness which depicts “order” when the mouseX is on the left side of the canvas, and disorder when it is on the right side. The degree of order/chaos should vary gradually with the position of the mouse. http://mycours.es/digitalmedia/assignment-order-vs-disorder-noise-function/