let content = "You can move rotate, crop, sign and draw on PDFs and images directly on your Mac desktop — and even on your iPhone or iPad. To get started with Markup, select a file on your Mac, press the Space bar, then click the Markup icon.\n\nWith Stacks, the files on your desktop are automatically organised into related groups — so you can find that important spreadsheet whenever you need it. Just click the desktop, then choose View > Use Stacks.";
sora = loadFont('Sora-SemiBold.ttf');
createCanvas(1920, 1080);
let num = map(mouseX, 0, width, 0, 200);
for (let y = 0; y < num; y += 1) {
let rot = map(y, 0, num, 0, PI);
let posx = map(y, 0, num, 0, width);
ellipse (100,50 , 55, 55)
ellipse (100,100 , 55, 55)
ellipse (100,150 , 55, 55)
ellipse (100,200 , 55, 55)
ellipse (100,250 , 55, 55)
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ellipse (100,750 , 55, 55)
ellipse (100,800 , 55, 55)
ellipse (100,850 , 55, 55)
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ellipse (100,950 , 55, 55)
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ellipse (100,1300 , 55, 55)
ellipse (100,1350 , 55, 55)
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ellipse (100,1450 , 55, 55)
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ellipse (100,1600 , 55, 55)
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ellipse (100,1950 , 55, 55)
ellipse (100,2000 , 55, 55)
ellipse (100,2050 , 55, 55)
ellipse (100,2100 , 55, 55)
ellipse (100,2150 , 55, 55)
ellipse (100,2200 , 55, 55)
ellipse (100,2250 , 55, 55)
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
text("KEEP", width/2, height/2);
if (mouseX > 0 && mouseX < 30 && mouseY > 0 && mouseY < 30) {
text(content, 20, 40, 500, height);